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BAYED - The countdown is starting

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
We are getting close and the products and prizes are piling up.

All of you Hunt Talkers know I use Mystery Ranch backpacks. I have used them before I ever started a TV show, thanks to a great piece of advice from Greenhorn. And will continue to use them long after they throw me off TV.

Hands down, they are the best hunting pack out there. No questions, so let’s spare ourselves that debate.

My Crew Cab and Longbow are at the top of my gear list. I can probably kill animals with any rifle or bow. I don’t feel the same about my packs. Yeah, I could wear any pack, and have turned down offers from companies who wanted me to take money for using their packs. But, we are not about who pays us the most. For OYOA, it is about this:

• Who is most committed to supporting the lifestyle we call On Your Own hunting?

• Who makes the best product in that class and does it improve our hunting success?

• Who has the best value equation?

• Who has the best customer service?

• And when possible, are they American Made?​
Mystery Ranch ranks a 10 out of 10 in all of those important criteria, so I don’t need to be paid, and don’t get paid, to use their packs. It is that important to our style of hunting. And the style in which we film the show.

Our payment from Mystery Ranch comes mostly in the form of packs. Packs that I want to give away as prizes to Hunt Talkers who have made this project what it is. The packs do allow us to produce the best hunting show we can. Packs that make all of us better hunters.

So, as part of the BAYED, Mystery Ranch is giving us two packs to give to the hard core guys on Hunt Talk – One will be the first item drawn in the BAYED, and the second will be drawn as a Mystery Prize.

The winners will receive more than a pack, getting the Mystery Ranch red carpet treatment. The winner will get the pack they want, but will also get a custom fitting, either by phone or in person, with the Mystery Ranch hunting guru – Mark Seacat. Your choice of model, size, and pattern. And, you might score some other Mystery Ranch SWAG.

I hope all of you will join me in thanking Mystery Ranch for their support of On Your Own Adventures and the On Your Own lifestyle we promote.

Mystery Ranch Hunting Pack Link

Mystery Ranch Comment Link

OYOA Randy 16-1.jpg

Comments are great, but how about a thread with a bunch of pictures of the packs in use, then sending the link to them after a few days...

I agree with you, they are the best packs money can buy. The customer service sold me the first time I stopped into their old store.

Comments are great, but how about a thread with a bunch of pictures of the packs in use, then sending the link to them after a few days...

I agree with you, they are the best packs money can buy. The customer service sold me the first time I stopped into their old store.

Good idea - Here is a link to the thread where guys can post them.

Mystery Ranch Picture Thread
can we still be hard core if we hunted our asses off and didn't kill anything in multiple states? LOL

That makes you even more hard-core, John. Anyone can kill stuff, but it take a real hard core guy to keep eating tags, just waiting for that perfect situation with the animal of his dreams, right?
Bigfin, congrats on putting together an incredible show and for taking the time to put together a drawing like this.
My crewcab is in bozeman right now.. thanks to indian larry's dog chewing off 3 straps.

FIN- Would the winner be eligible for pack they are releasing in the very near future?? I want a new blackjack ski pack in a bad way.
I don't own one yet!!!! I'm one of those guys that stick with something until it is worn out. Luckily for me I have been able to hunt with Randy where he let me borrow one of the Mystery ranch packs. They are the cats meow and I will hopefully by buying one very soon. Thanks Mystery Ranch for the support of OYOA and offering up a couple of packs.
I can't wait for my phone call...thank you Mystery Ranch!
Thanks Big Fin

They sound pretty sweet, but I have never seen one that I know of. I was on the website awhile back looking for where they are sold but no luck. Are there any retail shops? Internet sales it looks like. I live in Spokane. I'd really like to touch and feel before I buy one someday. Any suggestions without driving to Bozeman?

Maybe a dumb question, but what is "BAYED"?
I loaded my new MR Crewcab very heavy twice this fall and it was an absolute treat compared to other packs I have used. I have three other quality packs sitting in the hunting room collecting dust right now. An absolutly great product!
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