NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2019 Deer Hunting Forecast

I can't find an accurate forecast for 2019. Wyoming had mild winters this year and a ton of moisture. Food supply is very good so I think that equates to more babies. My thoughts is many mature animals will survive to hunting season where other winters they might have perished. Iffn I were a bettin man, I would bet that hunters will experience a higher than normal success rate this year. I know I am hoping that in my case with all the licenses I drew this year.
At my place in wisco we had a bad winter for snow 2 to 3 feet on the ground for a few months and so far i havnt seen many twin fawns only singles but adult numbers have been good and its still early! Plus we have been running bear bait sites on the property for the first time so not sure if thats driving them away
AZ. and N. MEXICO should have banner years. Great precip. since a year ago. How is western Colo. doing. I have 3rd season Muley tag in unit 70. I know there is animals ,just wonder how horn growth is..........BOB!
We had a mild winter and tons of moisture but last, late summer was very dry. Winter range in some areas was not good and as a result not seeing quite as many fawns as years past. Deer numbers are up though but worried about fawn recruitment .
Southern Idaho mule deer - '16-'17 winter was hard on the herd that has been on a long term decline. Lower density herds is what the Idaho farmers/ranchers want so that is how the F&G manages and big fires on many wintering grounds have hurt mature stands of sagebrush. There is logic behind keeping herds just below carrying capacity. Some big bucks killed every year, wet spring and summer, habitat is in good shape. Also elk numbers have been increasing which seem to compete

Northern Idaho whitetails had many pockets of disease kill 3 years ago with many areas not effected. Have 2 areas I have permission to hunt about 10 miles apart in 11A - 1 had big loses and has yet to come back fully, the other loaded with deer. Also pheasants, quail, huns there - perhaps my favorite area to hunt!
Wyoming's deer counts show less whitetail than mule deer. Kinda puzzled at that though, because when I drove through the Campbell County area I say way more whitetail and not a whole lot of mulies.
AZ. and N. MEXICO should have banner years. Great precip. since a year ago. How is western Colo. doing. I have 3rd season Muley tag in unit 70. I know there is animals ,just wonder how horn growth is..........BOB!

I think western Colorado is going to have strong antler growth because we have had a ton of moisture and forage seems to be doing really well. I don’t know unit 70 but I know that’s the case where I am on the western slope.
Tons of moisture in ND this year, at least in the eastern part of the state. Family has been saying they’re seeing nice groups of deer,pheasant, and turkeys around the farm. Mosquito’s are bad though.
Wyoming's deer counts show less whitetail than mule deer. Kinda puzzled at that though, because when I drove through the Campbell County area I say way more whitetail and not a whole lot of mulies.

That ratio for the whole state doesn't surprise me. I think it's just a factor of not having a ton of whitetail habitat relative to mule deer habitat. There's a lot of whitetails in the NE part of the state, and there are certainly some whitetail in the riparian areas throughout the state. But we just have so much habitat that's more conducive to mule deer and their habit of moving long distances to take advantage of what our landscape has to offer seasonally.
The two areas I hunt for whitetails look to be pretty good (SE Kansas and SW MO). Applied for some managed hunts here in Missouri for the first time, I don't know the success rate on those draws so we'll find out here in mid-August.
NM is looking OK,but numbers still suck for mule deer. That said I am hopeful as I drew a local tag & see a few deer.
Have they ever done Antlerless tags statewide in NM? I read the population was down from drought several years ago and wondered if the no doe tags was a result of that.
Never seen doe tags here. But I have never hunted an antlerless tag except elk.
Drought has not effected elk much.
Populations dropped heavy in 70's & 80's due to too many tags ,etc.
Deer have never really recovered since.
Poaching is #1 reason after too many tags still, IMHO.

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