Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Search results

  1. Nightwolf

    Bear mount

    This is a bear i shot last year near Fairbanks Alaska. It was 6 foot bear. I shot it with my bow. My first bear with a bow! His skull will be ranked P&Y. I'm a little upset how the mount turned out becaust he bear looks juveniale to me now. I reviewed the video i took of me taking this bear; The...
  2. Nightwolf

    Food Plot prep

    The first picture shows the area I’m going to plant. Down here in planted pine area I found this spot and think it will be a gold mine. the brush around the plot is giving great cover and bedding area. There is water all around in a creek plus we this there is a spring in the field so we are...
  3. Nightwolf

    Florida Hog

    He comes in mainly at night i hadn't taken the time to go kill em yet. Any guess on what his weight is?
  4. Nightwolf

    Florida Bears

    Well to bad the bunny huggers have a strong hold down here so they won't open a season. they say we don't have very many bears. But i have about 10 to 12 different bears coming in to eat the corn i put down for the deer and hogs.
  5. Nightwolf

    Feeder additives

    I'm feeding year round down here in Florida. My hunting lease is pretty much in the middle of planted pine forests for timber companys. i'm thinking of addind a product called Feeder Intensi-Fire i was wondering if there are any folks who have used this product before. I'm trying to add some...
  6. Nightwolf

    Florida Deer

    I was just wondering if there was anyone in Florida or has experince with Florida deer hunting to include food plots.
  7. Nightwolf

    It Has Begun!!!

    It Has Begun!!! Bears On The Bait We have a couple of bears as far as pics shows. One looks to be a 2 to 3 year depending on the angle he is in the pictures. The other is a mature bear, and for now our intended target. Hopefully these bears will bring some buddies around so we have a better...
  8. Nightwolf

    Salmon success this year!

    I caught a few more that i didn't get pictures however!! I took about 6 silvers 5 reds and this chum salmon and the humpy!! hump
  9. Nightwolf

    Ladies and Gentlemen we got him!!!

    Moose season is all wrapped up for the most part. I do have a tag for antler less however. I will be trying to fill that once the snow is deep enough for my snow machine. My friend and I hunted hard. I was able to help him take his first Alaska moose. This bull measured 35 inches. He his a...
  10. Nightwolf

    Moose hunting

    Well I’ve been moose hunting every night after work. I’ve seen a couple real nice bulls one was about 50 something the other over 60. The big boy was to far to get to at the time and the other stood up out of the brush just before dark. I’ve found a nice little honey hole. What’s funny is that...
  11. Nightwolf

    Alaska Bear baits in???

    Hey guys just checking if anyone’s getting some bear baits in this year. I'm getting a late start due to my POW bear hunt that was unsuccessful. Also I'm having a problem finding a partner to bait with. I have few places to think of putting one in but can't do it alone. So if any of you guys are...
  12. Nightwolf

    Las Vegas Fishing holes?

    Hey guys i'm currently TDY In Nevada. We are at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. Basically the gambeling has gotten old (sick of losing) so i figured i would try and find a place to fish. the weather here is definatly warmer then Alaska. However i would rather be in Alaska then here.
  13. Nightwolf

    Son's first fish

    Winter in Alaska = cold and time to Ice fish for trout. This weekend I took my 4 year old son to expierence the great Alaskan outdoors and hopefully catch some trout. From the pictures below you can see my boy was able to wrangle in a few trout including a nice 16" rainbow. I was a very proud...
  14. Nightwolf

    Moose in my back yard

    Sorry i haven't been posting pictures of Alaska like i should. I will start putting together some more pictures. We took pictures of a cow and her calf. Then several days later this lone moose appeared. These moose visist us regularly. It is always a good idea to look out your windows around...
  15. Nightwolf

    The Return

    I have a total of 15 days and i will be heading to Alaska after 1 year of service without my family at Kunsan AB in Korea. It has been a long year very hard on my wife and Kids. they have done well, sometimes as service memeber we forget how hard it is on our loved ones to have us away. I am...
  16. Nightwolf

    Gas prices

    Subject: GUESS WE NEED TO BE REMINDED AGAIN----Gasoline Prices Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pump... Compared with Gasoline Think a gallon of gas is expensive? This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective. Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 . $10.32...
  17. Nightwolf

    Friends that came to Kunsan

    These are picks of the F-117 Nighthawks they are really a wonder of modern engineering. they have a nick name however as the wobbly goblin cause it isn't the most flight friendly aircraft. enjoy! feel free to comment, i will probably post a few more pictures from my tour in Korea.
  18. Nightwolf

    Korea and the F-16's at Kunsan

    These are pictures of F-16's at Kunsan AB. and some pictures of Korea rice paties. oh by the way we are the "WOLF PACK". plus a picture of me with the 20mm gun for the F-16
  19. Nightwolf

    Mule Deer & Whitetail Deer In Alaska!!!!!

    Mule deer, mountain lion sightings reported in Alaska The Associated Press Published: August 8th, 2005 Last Modified: August 8th, 2005 at 12:53 PM FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) - Interior residents are reporting varieties of wildlife that are new to the region, including mule deer, mountain lions...
  20. Nightwolf

    Thats a poker player

    Two couples were playing poker one evening. John accidentally dropped some cards on the floor. When he bent down under the table to pick them up, he noticed Bill's wife Sue wasn't wearing any underwear under her dress! Shocked by this, John upon trying to sit back up again, hit his head on the...