Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Swaroski SLC 10x42


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2010
I am thinking of investing in a pair this summer if the overtime is there what is everyones input on them.
What do the EL's have going for them over the SLCs? The only thing I found was $400 for 2.5oz of weight savings, but maybe I missed somethign? Both are pretty darn heavy, but the extra weight is worth it.
There were some pretty fair deals on the non-HD SLC's floating around a while back. Did a quick search and couldn't find any in stock.

What do the EL's have going for them over the SLCs?

I prefer the ergonomics of the EL's.
I know that cabelas has the slc's on sale for three hundred less
Go with the EL, lighter, better feel and little better glass. And since they just came out
with new EL, old ones are discounted. If you rack up the OT, go for the the new ones.

Bought mine about 6 yrs ago, after i graduated from college, best purchase of my life, hands down. If you hunt a lot, you'll never doubt the decision. -Fish
I guess I would be looking at it as an investment instead of a purchase

Before I bought my slc 10x42's a couple years ago I did quite a bit of research, including several stops at sporting good stores to try both.

Personally, I liked the slc's better than the EL's. I liked how they fit my hands, liked they were a bit more compact as well.

I also talked directly with Swarovski on the phone and asked about the quality of the glass itself...NONE, exactly the same glass in both the EL's and SLC's. The only difference is the total weight of the binoculars and like NHY said, the shape and ergonomics.

I would highly recommend trying both before you purchase them.

Like in most things though, they arent perfect, and I found that out last fall while deer hunting in Montana. Mine fogged up internally on one side.

But, heres the sweet thing about a quality product and company. I called from the middle of BFE directly to Swarovski. They looked up the address of a business in a nearby town and next-day shipped me a pair of EL loaners. Sure as the day is long, that pair of loaners was waiting for me the next day by 3 PM. I used those to finish out my hunt and when I returned home, sent mine in for repairs. I kept the loaners until mine were in my possession then sent the loaners back.

That right there was WELL worth the money I spent on them.

I've had great customer service from 2 optic companies...Leupold and Swarovski, and why I primarily deal with only those two when it comes to glass.

Also, check your PM's...
why are you selling yours?

sorry just getting back here. I am obligated to use Vortex for Blacks Creek television so no use in having these too when i cant use them. They are awesome. PM me if you want photos, or i might have put some on here in the classified.

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