Bad Sheep Bill - Need Calls

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
SB 83 comes up for a hearing today in House Fish, Wildlife and Parks. This bill started out as a protest to a proposed transplant around the Lewis and Clark Caverns. Due to landowners concerns, and FWP following their own process, the transplant didn't move forward. That's not good enough for some lawmakers though. The original bill would have been so restrictive and poorly worded that it would have forever precluded FWP from augmenting sheep herds or having new herds in new locations.

Amendments in the Senate softened the bill somewhat so that augmentations could still go forward and the existing planning for the transplant in the Bridgers could also move forward, but any new tranplants of Bighorn Sheep could be vetoed by one landowner in the neighboring vicinity.

This bill needs to die. Call the Legislative phone line at 406-444-4800 and tell them that you oppose SB 83.

No amendments, no fixes, just kill the bill. FWP's process works, despite what a few will say in order to stop the growth of Bighorn Sheep in Montana. If this bill goes forward, no amount of bonus points will matter due to decreased opportunity. Enough is enough.
phone message left and now on to the emails.

Question for you guys more in the know than me... For some reason I don't have much confidence in our legislature doing the right thing. I feel that no matter how much negative feedback the legislature gets about these anti-wildlife bills they will likely pass them anyways. So...when these bills get passed, is it going to be worth our time trying to get Bullock to veto them? If you think it will help, I would like to see a list of the bills that have made it through that I should let him know need the veto branding iron.
It's never a bad idea to reach out to the Governor. Most bad bills are still in the process and haven't made it yet. I'm sure there's a list being put together now, but will try to pull together my list and post it over the next 48 hours or so.
Every person who ever wants to hunt sheep in Montana should be in this meeting. Your odds of drawing a sheep tag are going to get even worse under the ridiculous changes of this bill. Vote soon to come. Pay attention to the votes on this one and remember who voted to lay the pipe to hunters in Montana.
The lobbyist for the wool growers, an attorney, just testified that transmission of disease from domestic sheep to wild sheep is "speculative."

And it appears some of the legislators are drinking his Kool-aid.
The lobbyist for the wool growers, an attorney, just testified that transmission of disease from domestic sheep to wild sheep is "speculative."

And it appears some of the legislators are drinking his Kool-aid.

He also just lied about what the opponents said. This guy is a piece of work.
The MOGA lobbyist sat outside and let bighorn sheep get the pipe laid to them. Hard to convince me that MOGA is worried about bighorn sheep when they were personally invited to testify on behalf of bighorn sheep, yet their lobbyist sat outside the hearing room while hunters took a day off work and drove here to testify on behalf of sheep and conservation.

Call that anti-outfitter, if you want. I call it fact. A sad fact.
You have to wonder what the Democrats in the Senate Fish & Game were thinking when they voted for the bill. As Harris Stated it was a 40 to 6 vote in the Senate.

I have two Reps on the House Fish & Game committee. I will hit them hard.

Crossed fingers.:mad:
All this happenend today? Damnit, was working, is it too late to call or email? What can I do to help? I'm slow but still a voice..... just let me know!!!!
All this happenend today? Damnit, was working, is it too late to call or email? What can I do to help? I'm slow but still a voice..... just let me know!!!!

The Senate vote was awhile back. Today was just the House Fish & Game committee hearing.

You still have time to weigh in. You can leave a message for the whole Committee at 444-4800, or use the legislative e-mail site here:
The Senate vote was awhile back. Today was just the House Fish & Game committee hearing.

You still have time to weigh in. You can leave a message for the whole Committee at 444-4800, or use the legislative e-mail site here:

Thanks for posting this Robert.

Get those comments in. I heard one legislator mention to the sponsor that he was getting all kinds of email opposing the bill. We need to turn on the heat boys!

Executive action could come as early as Tuesday.
Who is it best to send the message to? The House Fish Wildlife and Parks? Another comittee or a legislator?

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