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Yep... I’m a moron...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
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Deleted member 28227

We all have those stories where you were running on autopilot, weren’t thinking, or just plain did something dumb and realized it about half way threw.

Throw out some of your good ones...

One time I was cooking bacon and thinking about work and my wife came in as I was adding butter to the pan... you know to keep the bacon from sticking...
Pager went off one night and I got up, threw my clothes on, and started looking for my phone. I didn’t wanna wake the wife so I turned on the flashlight, thinking the phone had fallen off the nightstand into the pile of clothes that is always by my side of the bed.

I looked and looked cussing up a storm. I knew I had set an alarm on it and placed it on the nightstand before I fell asleep. A minute or two later, as I abandoned the idea of bringing my phone, I turned my flashlight off - on my phone.
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Casper just got 14” of snow in a day. The town basically shut down yesterday and today, including closing my workplace for two days.

Texting my family back east about our snow after having two days off, and asked them what they did this weekend. It’s Thursday.
When I was younger I remember waking up late for school. I threw on my clothes, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. I didn't make it about 50yrds ( I walked to school) when my Mom yelled at me to ask where I was going. I looked at her confused and responded to school only for her to tell me how it was Saturday.
I've gone duck hunting numerous times... without a shotgun.

Coming back from a really long day for late season mulies and I was de-layering next to the truck, loaded everything up and drove off with my bow sitting on the ground. Wasn't there when I realized the mistake and drove back... the following week.

My Dad had the best one. Staying at the WA beach a loud alarm goes off outside. He jumps out of bed, declares it's the tsunami warning, forces everyone into the truck, frantically speeds out of town following the evacuation route (mind you no one else around town appears to be doing anything- no one is one the road), we drive up into the hills onto a big logging landing... by ourselves. He made us wait 30 min, before he admitted it might not have been a tsunami warning.
Went deer hunting without a quiver. Had 2 broadhead arrows in my case so I carried them to my hide. Shot an ok whitetail with one of those arrows so not all was lost
Drove up to my buddies house to hunt turkeys, pulled in and started unpacking my stuff when I realized I had no camo clothes at all. All I packed was my turkey vest and a shotgun.
The wife went to bed early one evening. When i was ready to go to bed, she was fast asleep on my side of the bed. I slipped under the covers on her side and was soon asleep. Later that night, I got up pretty much still asleep and stepped into the closet and peed on her shoes. The bathroom entrance was on the other side of the bedroom.
MAD wife!!!
Duck hunting one day on the edge of standing and picked corn. I was sitting one row into the standing corn. Got in a hurry picking up when I left I guess. I was at home cleaning birds when my cousin called: "you forget anything?" He asked I replied "no, why do you ask?" Turns out I forgot the benelli sbe leaning against the standing corn. He was combining and shut the pto off with it riding on the head about two inches from the auger. Not a scratch on it phhheewww!!
The wife went to bed early one evening. When i was ready to go to bed, she was fast asleep on my side of the bed. I slipped under the covers on her side and was soon asleep. Later that night, I got up pretty much still asleep and stepped into the closet and peed on her shoes. The bathroom entrance was on the other side of the bedroom.
MAD wife!!!
I did that once in the lobby of a hotel in Missouri. Figured out where I was right before I started peeing. Unfortunately I was naked, and had let the room door lock behind me. Yelled to the front desk, as she came up she realized I was naked and had security let me back in the room. I had a few beers that night and apparently the front door looked a lot like the bathroom door at 3 AM when I got up to pee.
I don't like heights. As a result, it takes me a good 10-15 minutes to gingerly get up to height in my climber, get it all locked down, backpack tied onto the siderail, etc. Several times have done that, only to look down and realize I hadn't tied my bow onto my pull-rope.

I can always make myself feel better though by thinking about people who've made dumber mistakes than me. I have a BIL who has chronic car key problems. A couple years ago he got out of the car at a chunk of NF to go hunting and immediately realized he'd locked his keys inside. He called our FIL, who drove the 20-minutes or so with a spare key to help him get it open. FIL goes home, BIL goes hunting and loses his key out in the woods. FIL has to drive back again with the spare key and give it to BIL to drive home.
Duck hunting one day on the edge of standing and picked corn. I was sitting one row into the standing corn. Got in a hurry picking up when I left I guess. I was at home cleaning birds when my cousin called: "you forget anything?" He asked I replied "no, why do you ask?" Turns out I forgot the benelli sbe leaning against the standing corn. He was combining and shut the pto off with it riding on the head about two inches from the auger. Not a scratch on it phhheewww!!

I did this same thing after turkey hunting. Unfortunately I didn't realize it until weeks later, I went back to try and find it with no luck. Still feel like a real dip chit over that one. Yes it was a Benelli
Less than 2 hours ago, my wife's car is in the shop getting new tires so I had to drive her to work and drop all the kids at school. It was 10* outside so I started the truck to warm it up and went back in the house to pack up the kiddos. I put them in the truck, then proceeded to spend 10-15 minutes tearing the house apart looking for my keys and my phone. The keys were already in the running truck, DUH!, and then my wife called my phone to help me find it and my pocket started ringing, DOH! This is status quo for me...
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I locked the keys in my van once. Along with the 2 spares that were in my wallet and my wife's purse.

I took an elk back from a grizzly bear that had claimed my kill one time. I had the meat quartered and hanging near the carcass and the bear had moved off as we made noise coming back to the kill. It seemed like a good idea at the time..... We got out with all the meat save for about 20 lbs of neck meat he had eaten out of the bag of trim I had placed on a log. However, bumping into my hunting partner's (Theat) ready can of bear spray as he helped me load a front shoulder into a pack, made for some discomfort, excitement and brought back memories for the next year everytime I rubbed my face against the strap that absorbed the spray. I'm sure glad that was a well mannered bear. Especially since there have been several maulings in the near vicinity in subsequent years. I still want to go back, so maybe moronity runs strong in my DNA.DSCN2736.jpg
Cut down a good size tree for firewood on a steep hillside. Started to work it down to the road and cut it up by dragging it with a chain. Got down to about 30 feet of it left with butt above the small end and no limbs left on the log. Pulled a little too much and log started to roll down hill wrapping around the chain pulling it closer towards my truck with every turn. Quickly reliezed this could be a problem. Watching the log head for me through the rear view mirror, I hit the gas right before it hit. The log came to quick stop in the back of my truck, but the momentum and weight started to lift the front tires off the ground. I was just getting ready to jump out of the truck when the tires came back down! Got out to check the damage and only ended up with a destroyed tailgate. 30 feet of log sticking out the back of my truck with the butt hanging out into blue sky.

Someone was looking out for me that day!
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