Wyoming Zone 45

OK I think i got it now!No hard feelings ! I will keep my head down ,eyes open. and mouth shut when it comes to guided hunts.Heck Im 62 yrs young and have always hunted DIY but have never been able to go elk hunting out of state .Being from California our opportunities for elk are slim,heck it took 30 yrs to draw my antelope tag ! You guys will be the first to see my results good or bad !ThanksJB

JB, I own this joint and I want to apologize if people were being an ass to you for merely asking a question. I was in Alaska when you first posted and did not see this thread until now.

I notice many of the posts have been edited, so I don't know what was originally stated in response to your questions. I hope you end up with a great hunt and huge bull that you can come and write about here. Most of us could care less one way or the other, whether you go guided or self-guided. All I care about is that you go and you have a good time.

Warning to guys who want to bust the chops of new people who come here asking for advice. If you can't be helpful, go post on different thread or a different forum. This forum is for people to share information and share the stories of their hunts. I've grown tired of some people thinking this is a place to flex their sphincter muscles. When a new person shows up, welcome them. Everyone of us were newcomers to this forum at one time.

Many of you know that I have a slow trigger when it comes to reprimanding anyone, which is a reflection of the value I place on debating different perspectives. If there is one place where I now have a hair trigger, it is in the way we welcome new people. You have been warned.
Thanks Randy! This really is a great forum and Im sure you will keep it that way .Everybody has an opinion and you know the old saying about opinions! I take it all with a grain of salt.,Im staying here and will contribute as i can.
JB, If you strike out on your outfitted hunt, and you have the flexability, try and stick around for a few more days and hunt some of the non-wilderness. areas. There are certainly nice bulls around there that aren't in the wilderness and even out on the BLM.

Outfitted or not, if I was in your shoes, I would be going out there armed with as much information as you can possibly have. For me learning about the area and the behavior of the animals there is alot of the fun. If I was a guide, I would love to have a well informed hunter who know their stuff in my camp. You seem to hear stories all the time about how guides love to hunt hard for a client who has come out in shape, know their quary, and are prepared for the challenges.

Good luck, I love the Bighorns, and I am excited to hear how how the hunt plays out for you.

I haven't hunted 45, but I know the Tensleep area, and some of the dynamics that exist along the western edge of the BHs, so don't hesitate to shoot me a PM and I will give you anything I can.
OP asked about terrain mostly and altitude. Pretty benign questions.... It is a rough and rocky hunt for sure and the altitude is a little harsh on the lungs the first few days. It even kicks my rear early on.
Not all the bulls hang out in hard to get to places, one on the right in pic is from 45, archery DIY, .55 miles from truck on relatively level ground during first two hours I hunted. Sometimes you just get lucky, my partner got a nice 6pt on day 3 and it wasn't too bad of a pack out either.


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