Wyoming unit 96 or 128 general season thoughts


May 5, 2017
Looking at Wyoming unit 96 (green mountain), or unit 128 general season for this upcoming year. Looks like pretty good odds to draw. Not looking for huge deer just some decent bucks. Not looking for anyone's favorite spot just general ideas about the area. Live in Alabama so scouting for me is out of the question, doing some escouting now just in case I do get drawn. Any help would be greatly appreciated guys.
Welcome to the site! If you have 1 or more PPs you should be able to draw the Region E tag they're in. Just be aware that 128 is about 50% wilderness area that you can't get in without a guide or resident that signs off on the G&F form to take you. Good luck!
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I'm glad you said that cause I noticed that a lil bit ago and wasn't sure. Def pushing more towards 96.