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Wyoming Region Y DIY


New member
Oct 18, 2012
My brother and I are going to go on a DIY Wyoming Region mule deer hunt this year. Neither of us have ever hunted out west, so it will be a new experience for the both of us. It will be a bowhunt during the first week of the season in the Bighorn Mtns.

I'd love to hear any advice anybody would like to offer up. Especially local advice to the area. I'm not looking for specific locations, just general advice for that region. Again, we have never hunted muleys, so it will be a new experience.

Neither of us are likely to be very picky, but who knows for sure until the time comes.

Thanks in advance.
My buddy and I did a similar hunt in 2011. Being from Michigan we had never hunted mulies before and hunted them with archery equipment in North Dakota. It took us 4 of our 10 days to start seeing deer. The best tip I can give you hunting-wise is to be patient while glassing. The deer don't always show themselves as fast as you would like. Had we glassed more and hiked less we may have been successful sooner. Good luck!
folks from back east never had to glass like is best out west. Get the best binos You can afford get on a hill or mt. with a large area of view ,1-3-4miles and glass. You will see more animals than ever before and in their natural state. Better yet if ya use a tripod for the binos. Only need to walk is to get to Your glassen spot and to get to the animals.....BOB!
You will have a great time. Make sure you take your fly rods for some mid-day fun. Bring your spotting scope and glass. Too many guys just drive the highways at 9am and wonder why they aren't seeing anything. You will see more bull moose and elk than bucks over 160, but get good vantage points and glass the edges of the trees right at dark and first thing am. If you have quads make sure they are licensed for the specific trail. I wouldn't hunt with them but I would use them to get elevation then go for it.
Absolutely gorgeous scenery. You should have fun.
Hunted elk up there in 2011 and could probably count on one hand the number of bucks I saw. Talked to a few people who said the deer in that area weren't in the greatest numbers. Was mostly chasing bugles though so take that for what it's worth. Would seriously recommend applying for the elk tag though not sure what your preference point situation in WY is like.
I'd listen to these guys that have hunted up that way because it has a lot of moose and is more known as good elk country than for deer. If it were me, I'd go down in the south part of Y in units 30, 32, and the northern half of 33 west and northwest of Kaycee. Those areas hold a lot more deer than you will find up where you're talking about. I hunt the west side of the mountains every year and have since 1994.
Get high power binoculars that are comfortable. Glass shaded areas looking for ears. Remember, when you find one, more will probably be nearby; don’t get busted. Play the wind, don’t forget the thermals rise/set with the sun and take your time while stalking. If it’s windy, find a “cove of trees” where they will hideout. Don’t give up, hunt hard all day. I’ve hunted whitetails a lot back east and I’d rather spot/stalk mulies – great fun!
I hunted region Y in 2012 . Down in 33 . There is a lot of Muleys down there. Check out 32,33,30. Call the BLM for a map, lot of land to hunt. BLM maps to check out Lysite,Kaycee. Or call the BLM tell them the hunt area and they will help you with a map.
The Casper BLM office is vary helpful. Good luck and Good hunting.
I have never hunted Wyoming before, but have hunted all over Wa. and now hunting Mulies in North Dakota. Dont take for granted what these guys are saying. Get the best glass you can afford, you might have to save up a little to get what you need, but dont skimp. These Mulies out here in Nd, can hide so well ! I have permission to hunt some land close to the house, and know the major area the deer hang in most often, but if the wind is blowing, I can have a hell of a time finding them ! They will hide better than most other animals. I havent ever seen the lay of the land in Wyoming, but if it is anything like Nd, there are coulees, in places you would have never thought, and they hold deer. Tagged my buck this year that was in the bottom of a bowl, and I wouldnt have known he was there if a little 2x wasnt bedded at the top of the bowl. Dont think just because you dont see any deer there are not deer there.
And good luck !
"Dont take for granted what these guys are saying"

I'm not going to argue with you about how deer, especially decent bucks, can hide, but that's a little arrogant on your part IMHO when some of us have hunted out there for 15-20 years and you haven't even been there to know what the country looks like! Like we all said, the country up to the north is more of an elk/moose habitat with way less deer than down south where two of us have mentioned what units to go to because we know what's there and are not guessing like you are!.
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Sorry, but it just looked like from what you wrote that you were telling him not to listen to the people that have been in those areas compared to someone who has never even hunted the state. Arrogant was a poor word for what I was trying to say and for that I apologize!
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