Wyoming carcass tag


Aug 29, 2019
The carcass coupon states, “If the coupon is removed for transportation, it must be in the possession of the person accompanying the carcass.”

If I’m fortunate enough to get a buck and a doe, I’m guessing I can leave the carcass coupon attached to the antlers of the buck. With the doe/fawn tag, do you even attach it or just notch the date, sign it and keep it with you? If you attach it then what do you attach it to?
I've put my doe tag in a baggie with a piece of the udder and tossed them in the cooler along with the meat for the last decade. Check station wardens didn't even want to see them.
I don’t actually know of a state where you are supposed to put it on the antlers. Most states regs say something along the lines of “largest portion of meat”. Though obviously most folks in practice put it on the antlers.

I zip tie it to the big tendon on the hindquarter.
Electrical tape around the leg. Might have to try the zip tie method.
I do use zip ties around the hindquarter tendon in my home state, just seems like each state has their own most common practice.

what about for other animals that take more than one trip? Do you just cut the zip tie and put it with on the next piece you haul out or keep it in your pack so you don’t have to keep transferring the carcass coupon?
I do use zip ties around the hindquarter tendon in my home state, just seems like each state has their own most common practice.

what about for other animals that take more than one trip? Do you just cut the zip tie and put it with on the next piece you haul out or keep it in your pack so you don’t have to keep transferring the carcass coupon?
You can keep the notched and signed tag in your pack or your pocket while you are packing or transporting the animal in Wyoming. Does not need to be attached until you leave the animal.
I do use zip ties around the hindquarter tendon in my home state, just seems like each state has their own most common practice.

what about for other animals that take more than one trip? Do you just cut the zip tie and put it with on the next piece you haul out or keep it in your pack so you don’t have to keep transferring the carcass coupon?
I do use zip ties around the hindquarter tendon in my home state, just seems like each state has their own most common practice.

what about for other animals that take more than one trip? Do you just cut the zip tie and put it with on the next piece you haul out or keep it in your pack so you don’t have to keep transferring the carcass coupon?
I keep the tag with the first load out, but take a picture of it with my phone in case I get checked on a subsequent round. I also keep pics of all my tags, concealed carry permit, DL, insurance cards and other important docs on my phone in separate folder for easy access. I’m seldom without my phone, but all that other stuff gets misplaced in all kinds of various places.
Tag in your pocket while transporting, either in the field packing or the vehicle. Attach it when you hang it or get everything in the cooler in camp. Back in the pocket when you travel.

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