Wyoming Antelope Regulation Questions?


New member
Mar 29, 2013
Good afternoon everyone first off I was successful in getting a unit 43 antelope tag and plan on hunting one of the HMA there so if anyone else drew this tag or hunted it in the past and would like to talk let me know. Secondly I had some questions just to make sure I am on the correct side. I understand leaving the evidence of sex with the antelope, but if i plan on getting back to camp and deboning the antelope then traveling back home across state lines am I allowed to do that and would I still have to keep male reproductive organs attached to a piece of meat? Also I am guessing there is an electronic check in after harvest, but is there any physical check station you have to go to after as well? and finally Are you only allowed to camp on BLM land and not state or can you do both?
Good afternoon everyone first off I was successful in getting a unit 43 antelope tag and plan on hunting one of the HMA there so if anyone else drew this tag or hunted it in the past and would like to talk let me know. Secondly I had some questions just to make sure I am on the correct side. I understand leaving the evidence of sex with the antelope, but if i plan on getting back to camp and deboning the antelope then traveling back home across state lines am I allowed to do that and would I still have to keep male reproductive organs attached to a piece of meat? Also I am guessing there is an electronic check in after harvest, but is there any physical check station you have to go to after as well? and finally Are you only allowed to camp on BLM land and not state or can you do both?

It's good practice to keep it attached, but if you're taking the head with you (I assume you are), you don't actually have to leave the sex organs attached.


No physical check unless a game warden stops you and asks.

Camping OK on BLM; State land usually not.
Keeping evidence of sex for antelope is very easy in Wyoming. Cut off the udder on a doe or the scrotum on a buck and place in a zip lock bag. The regulations in Wyoming no longer require a hunter to keep the evidence attached to a piece of meat.

ALWAYS keep this zip lock bag with the evidence of sex with the meat of your critter. If you bone out the animal and put the meat in a cooler, just put that zip lock bag on top of the meat.

You can only camp on BLM. You are not required to report electronically as you are in say, Wisconsin. If there is a check station you need to stop. Trust but verify - I think most all of this can be found in the regs. Good luck
Good afternoon everyone first off I was successful in getting a unit 43 antelope tag and plan on hunting one of the HMA there so if anyone else drew this tag or hunted it in the past and would like to talk let me know. Secondly I had some questions just to make sure I am on the correct side. I understand leaving the evidence of sex with the antelope, but if i plan on getting back to camp and deboning the antelope then traveling back home across state lines am I allowed to do that and would I still have to keep male reproductive organs attached to a piece of meat? Also I am guessing there is an electronic check in after harvest, but is there any physical check station you have to go to after as well? and finally Are you only allowed to camp on BLM land and not state or can you do both?

Hunted all over Wyoming for antelope. 43 is one of the units I would never hunt again....
If its a type 1 tag, no evidence of sex is required

No electronic check in, but there might be a physical check station

No camping on state land

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