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Wy.Area 36 deer

Yooper Bob

Jan 30, 2010
Upper Peninsula,Michigan
I am looking for tips for my 16 yr. old granddaughters Wy.area 36 deer hunt this fall. After her great Maine moose hunt last year I am hopeing that on her 1st hunt out west she has fun and gets a chance at a buck.I don't have a tag so we can concentrate on her. this is also in ant. area 75, we will be tent camping and suggestions on camping spots helpful. Thanks.
Can’t help you on the area but wanted to wish you all the best. It was a awesome story last year with the moose and I can’t wait for this years.
Sorry to say that the deer in 36 are spread out pretty thin and that's why it was taken off the Region M tag and made a LQ unit a couple years ago. It's a very primitive area and you'll want to take plenty of supplies for however long you plan on being out in the unit. I can't really tell you of any particular places to camp. Just go out and find a nice spot since there's plenty of BLM in that unit. Good luck and I hope you find a good buck for her! They are there, but just hard to find.
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Topgun, in that unit, what sort of habitat would you look for,? The breaks to the north look like the best part to me.

In looking at Google Earth and Onx maps, I don't see much evidence of surface water, so I assume finding some would be a big advantage.
I think you're on the right track with both of your comments. I haven't been in the unit since they took it off the M tag and made it a LQ unit.
Thanks Addicting and Top-Gun , no matter what its going to be fun. I drew the area 90 tag 4yrs ago, although a much better area the terrain is the same and I learned a lot about how to hunt that kind of country, it was fun to hunt and glass.
hey did any of you guys find any deer in WY 36? i can talk about units ive hunted in idaho and montana as well as area A in NE WY
If it’s the same as unit 75 antelope as mentioned above, I wouldn’t recommend for deer. We hunted and scouted for antelope for 7 days in September glassing the area hard. We saw very few deer anywhere, and the few areas with any numbers of deer were along the bad water creek bottom which was mostly private. The northern part of the unit was more rugged and mountainous so we didn’t glass it much as we were antelope hunting. Maybe the deer numbers are better there.
well that might make sense bc when ive hunted units in montana the areas where i see antelope i’d never see deer. That’s in november in general deer season. I’m just trying to find a hunt i can draw on a second choice that has hunt dates going to the end of October bc that last week of october fits my Dad schedule I see people online saying few deer and then i see harvest stats in the 60s for unit 36. something is out of whack. Also, gohunt lists 39:100 bucks to does. so something is amiss
39:100 doesn't sound so bad? What would be "good" ratios for MD?

I should add, 39:100 seems more like the ratio of all deer to deer hunters in the unit I hunted last fall. But this may say more about me than the deer. :(

Still curious about the ranges of what's considered "good" buck doe ratios.
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that’s what i’m saying 39:100 is phenomenal. and hunter success in the 60s% wise is great. So im just trying to figure out how a unit with those stats can be a unit with super low deer numbers as everyone is saying here and elsewhere online. maybe it’s a case of don’t hunt here there are no deer here says the guy who’s tagged good bucks in there 7 years in a row. maybe i’ll get lucky and get a pm from one of those guys telling me to shut up about the stats
39:100 is a good ratio but it doesn’t mean a lot when 90% of the deer are on private hay fields.

But, deer are known to jump fences on occasion. Maybe you’ll get lucky.
ok. but it’s a 70% public unit and the public is very evenly spread out. i find it hard to believe that there aren’t areas with decent deer hunting when the success% is that high I mean not pointing me into one part of the unit or anything but if you get a mile or two off away from any roads on public are there decent numbers of deer? i’m just looking for a fun hunt where i’m seeing deer and and halfway decent buck is great just like Ricardo Montalban said in the naked gun “you forget i spent seven years as a building contractor”. Well i spent 15 years hunting in vermont on public which is the worst deer hunting in the world and that was followed by 5 years of 2-3 days a year total hunting after my son was born. Hell i get excited about seeing a group of does’
Very low deer numbers is what I've always heard about 36, and that's why they made it a limited quota unit just a couple years ago. I think you won't see very many deer, but you also won't see a ton of other deer hunters either. So if that sounds good to you, go ahead and apply for it. You also could read the Job Completion Report for that area.
I live near 36 and hunted it after drawing it as a second choice a couple years ago. It would never be my first choice but it was a fun hunt that gave me chances at multiple bucks. I ended up shooting an average 4 point.
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