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Worth a listen..this one hit home.

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Admittedly it’s funny to watch the gram lately and people wearing 1-2k in Sitka/KUIU with 10k decoy trailers, 1k bows, and 2-4K rifles and optics using this song. As someone who can relate to both ends of the spectrum it definitely makes me chuckle a little.

The world response to this song is pretty fascinating. Lots of people commenting from oversees how much they can relate to it. We’re not all that different, we just need to choose better who represents us.

^ Agreed, I think those dorks are completely missing the point. The Hipsters of bozeman dress code makes more sense then the dummies with 20k in hunting equipment charged to credit cards. It is funny tho.

Also agree on the response to the song. There has been a number of songs that have lasted generations that have real meaning to them. Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence comes to mind almost immediately. This could end up being one of those songs that last lifetimes, or it falls off in a couple weeks when folks are not getting the likes on Instagram anymore. Who knows

His other songs are quite good too, I really like the way that guitar sounds. Dude is a heck of a player.
This part is interesting to me as well.

While it's obvious that people definitely feel disenfranchised, part of me just thinks people like to feel sorry for themselves. I work in the trades, and the amount of opportunity for people right now in this line of work is mind boggling. We live in times that most of this world's past and current population can only dream of.

My dad worked hard, (and still is), and didn't have the opportunity to hunt out of state, own nice optics, etc in his 30s like I can. I think maybe some perspective is in order.

But we are constantly told that everything is bad on news apps and social media, and most people don't seem to apply any critical thought to whether or not that's accurate. There are certainly problems to be worked with, but most of us live pretty fortunate lives.

Agreed, If you want to work in the trades, there is tremendous opportunity. My nephew wants to be in construction and Welding. He's a hard worker, and all he wants to do is work with his hands. There is plenty of people out there ready and willing. Its the losers that just happen to be louder on the internets.
Oliver Anthony's songs are his way of working out his troubles in his own head. Therapy. Like the blues...something to keep you going. He has had substance abuse problems, and from the sounds of this one, women problems too. Simple song a lot of people can relate to.

My favorite of his so far.

Doubtful he’ll have woman problems now , I just read that even though he turned down the 8 million deal from Nashville, he’s been making 40k a day from the different streaming services. He’s just got a lot more attractive to the lady’s

Also driving through Billings yesterday a guy on his Harley past me was blasting the Rich Men song , it everywhere
Doubtful he’ll have woman problems now , I just read that even though he turned down the 8 million deal from Nashville, he’s been making 40k a day from the different streaming services. He’s just got a lot more attractive to the lady’s

Also driving through Billings yesterday a guy on his Harley past me was blasting the Rich Men song , it everywhere
Rich famous guys have more women problems than the poor schlubs for the most part.🙂
I'm going to call it now, somehow Bud Light is going to sign a deal with Oliver and he's going to become part of the very thing he's trying to address in his song. I'm probably way off, but it seems to be how things usually go.
I'm going to call it now, somehow Bud Light is going to sign a deal with Oliver and he's going to become part of the very thing he's trying to address in his song. I'm probably way off, but it seems to be how things usually go.
I don't think so, I bet and I really hope he stays the course and keeps it to showing up on podcasts like the one just posted here rather than selling out and signing big deals for quick money. There is an article about the deals he has turned down so far and he will make more money and create a larger fan base if he just holds true
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