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Wolves in sheep clothing

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I'm not villifying anyone. You are. You cut and pasted the same press release that the oil & gas industry attack dogs put out.

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

So are your top funders in article a lie?
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Their 990's are a matter of public record, unlike you.

Tell us who you are,mysterious stranger,so we may embrace you into the brotherhood of hunters.

No response to the Hatch magazine article?

I am sad that you won't engage in honest discussion.
So it clear now that Obama using the ATF is attempting to outlaw AR ammo by calling it armor piercing hand gun ammo. Are these political candidates the BHA are hooding winking sportsmen into voting for going to stand up to Obama?
Is there any truth to the donors he listed?

I have no idea but it seems nobody is disputing that specific information.
Why does the left always try to vilify those with a different view as a tactic. Instead of addressing the topic at hand?

Guess I should have titled thread wolf in "Lamb" clothing!

Your attempt to turn this into a right vs. left issue is inherently stupid. Some of us are smart enough to look past the R or D on any issue, and forsake party lines for the things that are of value to us.

You won't find any Obama stickers on my vehicles, nor did I ever support Denny Rehberg.
Is there any truth to the donors he listed?

I have no idea but it seems nobody is disputing that specific information.

Their 990's are public record. I don't know who gives the, money. I judge them by their work, and there few groups out there standing up for public land and hunters & anglers as strongly as BHA, which is why the D.C. Machine is coming after them.

Like a dude with a handle 1234567890

Which, no offense, seems kinda machine-like.
What part is not true?

I find the dollar figures cited in the OP to constitute chump change in the relative scheme of things.

It's only the reference to PETA and the Humane Society that might be deemed contrary to hunting interests, and even then it's shoe-horned into the OP by assuming an executive director of one organization must have dragged their politics to his new employ. While that does happen, it's a weak reed upon which to hang an argument.

As to the balance, so what? The environmentalism is not inconsistent with hunting. I won't go into the history.

In short, *EVEN IF* all you say is true, it's not much to get a body riled up about. And it seems you're trying to stir a pot. The scary thing is, I bet there is metric shit ton of hunting web sites out there that would eat this up. They probably like to herd elk to slaughter with cars, too.
Don't change the subject.

Who are you?

I am the god damn Easter bunny. It doesn't matter. I am no way afflitilated with any of your bueggy monsters. I could say I am Tom Jones from Marble Falls Tx. But I won't lie to you nor say my name. Ignore me or address the topic at hand.
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I find the dollar figures cited in the OP to constitute chump change in the relative scheme of things.

It's only the reference to PETA and the Humane Society that might be deemed contrary to hunting interests, and even then it's shoe-horned into the OP by assuming an executive director of one organization must have dragged their politics to his new employ. While that does happen, it's a weak reed upon which to hang an argument.

As to the balance, so what? The environmentalism is not inconsistent with hunting. I won't go into the history.

In short, *EVEN IF* all you say is true, it's not much to get a body riled up about. And it seems you're trying to stir a pot. The scary thing is, I bet there is metric shit ton of hunting web sites out there that would eat this up. They probably like to herd elk to slaughter with cars, too.

It says top three donors. So either not chump change or it is a chump org.
You want to drag people into a discussion about honesty and ethics yet you can't or won't tell us who you are, or if you are paid by the groups who are shoving tons of cash (much larger figures that what you cut & pasted.)

Tell us who you are and who pays you. The. We can have a friendly talk. I don't bite. I promise.
The Meateater show must be a greenie affiliate too, because Steven Rinella is associated with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP). The TRCP was also "exposed" by Green Decoy.

Take a look at some of the projects TRCP is undertaking. Looks to me like a good, solid, grassroots partnership that is getting some valuable work done. Farm Bill anyone?

Here is a list of donors to the TRCP.

There is that greenie Ted Turner, who supports the greenie organization MOGA by employing its president, Rob Arnaud for 20 years. I also see in there the Tom Seibel Foundation, whom I have dealt with in the past. I can assure you that they are very pro-gun and very pro-hunting. They fund other silly stuff like the Montana Meth Project. I can very comfortably say that the Seibel Foundation people are astute and intelligent enough that they would not support an organization that is anti-gun and anti-hunting as Green Decoy alleges.

I think it's also important to point out that both the Western Conservation Foundation and the Wilburforce Foundation provided GRANT money (not donations, there is a difference) to organization for the purpose of conservation and education.

Here is a database of grants awarded by the Wilburforce Foundation.

Now, when one looks at this you will find some names that are very green. Dig deeper though. For example the Y2Y organization has a listing of their collaborative projects. Take a look at their partners. Is the Montana Dept of Transportation an anti hunting organization, or are they merely trying to do something meaningful for the environment and the wildlife? Couldn't the same be asked of other collaborative partners?

Another grant recipient of the Wilburforce is the Nature Conservancy, which owns properties in Washington, Idaho, Montana, etc. that are open for hunting, in areas that provide some valuable access to deer and upland bird habitat. This is a project in Montana that the Wilburforce has helped fund.
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Their 990's are public record. I don't know who gives the, money. I judge them by their work, and there few groups out there standing up for public land and hunters & anglers as strongly as BHA, which is why the D.C. Machine is coming after them.

Like a dude with a handle 1234567890

Which, no offense, seems kinda machine-like.

I can't help but notice nobody is saying the donors listed are false. Just sayin. :eek:
You want to drag people into a discussion about honesty and ethics yet you can't or won't tell us who you are, or if you are paid by the groups who are shoving tons of cash (much larger figures that what you cut & pasted.)

Tell us who you are and who pays you. The. We can have a friendly talk. I don't bite. I promise.

Ok I am Alfred Q Cane from Twin Falls ID
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