Wolf roaming around Kalispell, Mt

It's a lot to do about nothing. Wildlife show up in our towns all the time in Western Montana. The world at night is there's. What messes them up is when they wander to far in the dark, and end up in town. Happens all the time. If your bothered by it , I suggest you move to L. A. or New York.

They kill close to 30 cats a year right around Missoula each year. Some of those are in Urban areas. We have moved into their habitat and then are surprised by the sight of those animals. Dumb.
It's a lot to do about nothing. Wildlife show up in our towns all the time in Western Montana.

They kill close to 30 cats a year right around Missoula each year. Some of those are in Urban areas. We have moved into their habitat and then are surprised by the sight of those animals. Dumb.

A very good response to the thread SS.

My county is over run with badgers (lots with TB) but they are nocturnal, so the townies never see them so assume they are rare!
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It's a lot to do about nothing. Wildlife show up in our towns all the time in Western Montana. The world at night is there's. What messes them up is when they wander to far in the dark, and end up in town. Happens all the time. If your bothered by it , I suggest you move to L. A. or New York.

They kill close to 30 cats a year right around Missoula each year. Some of those are in Urban areas. We have moved into their habitat and then are surprised by the sight of those animals. Dumb.

Your right wildlife does show up. Usually not a wolf though. At least this is the 1st time I've heard of one wandering into Kalispell. Suggest I move to LA or New York? Was just making an observation is all. Sure didn't expect to get attacked on this. I was Born and raised in Western Montana. Mom has video footage of a mountain lion passing between us kids and and the house while we wait for the school bus at the end of the driveway back in 92. I'll ignore your commits from here on out.
Your right wildlife does show up. Usually not a wolf though. At least this is the 1st time I've heard of one wandering into Kalispell. Suggest I move to LA or New York? Was just making an observation is all. Sure didn't expect to get attacked on this. I was Born and raised in Western Montana. Mom has video footage of a mountain lion passing between us kids and and the house while we wait for the school bus at the end of the driveway back in 92. I'll ignore your commits from here on out.

I said if it bothers you then move. (Are you bothered by it)? I'm not attacking you, just giving anybody that's scared of such things good advice. Get some thicker skin dude.;)
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Every year now in Bozeman we have 2-3 bears that have to be captured right in the middle of town. It happens every fall for the last 3 years. It might be only a matter of time before some of the other predators come wandering in.

I remember my brother lived in missoula in some apartments right under the UM hill. He said on multiple ocassions after a fresh snow you could go just outside the parking lot by the hill and see where a cat had been roaming around at night. Lots of little kids in that apartment complex.
When wildlife ends up wondering around in developed areas in the case of predators it's usually an indication there are to many for the surrounding habitat or their food source has been depleted.
When wildlife ends up wondering around in developed areas in the case of predators it's usually an indication there are to many for the surrounding habitat or their food source has been depleted.

With bears, it's usually a indication of a dry season, and the fact that most of the berries and apples are in the valley bottoms. I would agree that continued numbers of certain preds in developed areas would be that indication. Once in awhile? It's just a coincidence. Our developed areas are penetrating more and more into their traditional ranges. I think with some preds it's just an indication of more human presence. I don't think you can make an argument either way on just one observation.
I wonder if that wolf was looking for some one's pet to disembowel...or maybe a toddler on a tricycle. One things for sure, it certainly got some attention.
It is going to take more predators in suburbia to awaken a number of decision makers to the fact that predator management is crucial. I've always advocated re introducing Grizzlies to the Los Angeles Basin...
The horror... Haha! Kalispell, adjacent to Glacier National Park and some of the most fantastic mountainous country in America (my biased opinion of course)! And people panic... Too many city folk have perverted the value and appeal of living in Montana - mix that with the anti-wolf brigade... and we are at Defcon 1! HAHAHA!

Take care of business, if any wildlife threatens serious bodily harm or death - shoot the darn thing... if not, well - take pictures and think of cuddly thoughts...

The "drama"! News media selling advertising - for the win! :D
It is going to take more predators in suburbia to awaken a number of decision makers to the fact that predator management is crucial. I've always advocated re introducing Grizzlies to the Los Angeles Basin...

Ahhhhhh, you have been following what has been going on, Right? :confused:We do have management of our predators. Except the Griz. That one's got to come pretty soon.
In the video I saw it looks like there should have been some harassing wildlife tickets issued.

Black bears are a whole lot more dangerous than wolves, and we've managed to live with them in our city limits for a long time.
Ahhhhhh, you have been following what has been going on, Right? :confused:We do have management of our predators. Except the Griz. That one's got to come pretty soon.

You forget on the Left coast we have been instructed by the voters to leave the Kitty cats alone. I think a lion is gonna have to snatch a toddler and eat it on the Capitol steps on prime time TV before we get a season back on them....
I said if it bothers you then move. (Are you bothered by it)? I'm not attacking you, just giving anybody that's scared of such things good advice. Get some thicker skin dude.;)

House full of women... Defenses are always up. Now that i read it again I sure jumped quick, i guess i need to be on here a little more.:D It's all good SS.
You forget on the Left coast we have been instructed by the voters to leave the Kitty cats alone. I think a lion is gonna have to snatch a toddler and eat it on the Capitol steps on prime time TV before we get a season back on them....

Your talking California? Yea, I forgot that's included in our union.:W:
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