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Who's NEW ?~?~?~?~


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I have seen alot of new people resister.. Even make one or two posts.....

Fire us Some INFO about ya and WELCOME ABOARD !!!!!! Any questions on how anything works.. E-mail me... [email protected]

Now tell me about you !!!!!! :D :D
Krys Kumer
29 almost the big 30
Rock Springs, Wyoming (best state ever ;) )
I am officially divorced
as of 10:30am today 10-2-01
2 Kids bot Tony 10 and girl Kylie 5
I am a full time student
studing welding and automotive tech.
I have hunted since I was a baby.
So far All i have taken are 7 Buck and 2 Doe antelope
have shot 2 Elk but lost them, 1 was a foot shot...long story about my brother saying dont shoot you hit him and the other was In the Dubois area on Ramshorn and lost a nice 5X5 in the deadfall.
Never even had a decent shot at a deer that wasnt surrounded by Aspens.
I shoot a Ruger M77 .257 Roberts and love it very much.
I love the outdoors and just to be in it, hunting, fishing, camping, snow maching and softball (which I coach a co-ed team)
and also Love the Denver Broncos and watching football and drinking cold beer on sundays :D
Anything I forgot just ask I dont bite...hard at least ;)
Welcome to Hunttalk ,
I have a lot of friends in Rocky Springs, if I ever get down that way I'll fire you an email, to meet you
moosie you already know me but for the guys n gals who don't Shawn from iowa like bow hunting and slug gun whitetails and elk hunting anywhere.
Welcome aboard twofld3. I enjoyed chatting with you last week and glad to see you made it here. Also welcome to Blacklightning.
Yeah let me know when you'll be in my neck of the woods and we'll definatly meet, also I come up there every year for the snow machine hill climbs so we'll have to meet up then, I think there in March this year....anyway we can watch some climbs and have a cold one.
I am new here but my Mom and Dad have been here for a long time.
I belong to TheViperess and WorthlessNut.
I'm there oldest son.
And I love to fish and hunt. And I play chess for my High school.
But most of all I like to give them a hard way to go. It more fun to get mom going then dad. Dad will just sit there and say nothing back to me he lets me get it out but mom will fight back so that is a lot of fun for me but I know when to stop. I don't like to push her to far or she will get the ball bat out after me.
I think it's funny for she is a runt to me hahahaha.

Boy will I be in big trouble when she see this :D . well I need to go hide the bat now

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 20 October 2001 09:06: Message edited by: ScreaminReel ]</font>
s-reel you better be kidding with that crap about your parents,when you stop that crap thats when you might be shown where the big ones are hiding us parents know other ways of getting to ya---- like hey nut do you think we should tell the boy where we saw that big `un---no vipe the little priick has been too smart lately.Also i like to think we look after our members here, you do the same for your parents eh.
He is kidding and he is serious sambar.
He did not get my sense of humor from the gene pool that for sure. He is a little sadistic at times. Maybe I should call him Marquis de Meanie at times.
That is the reason why he has not been allowed to obtain his driver's license yet. Because of him getting his Mom going.
I never show em where to get the big ones ever. I haven't found that place yet. :(
I am LMAO at him though. Mom found the Ball Bat and it is funny watching a 5'2" woman chasing a 6' 300lb boy through the house.
Heh, this is my first post here but I've been hanging around for a couple days.
I live up here in Manitoba, Canada and pretty much hunt anything I can. Moose, deer, elk, ducks, geese, upland birds, small game,coyotes. Hunt with bow, muzzleloader and rifle.
I'm married, no kids yet. Work as a research associate in the nutraceutical industry.
I look forward to talking to you all!
Hi there and welcome,
I to have only been here a short while but this is my homepage now ;) (am i scoring moose points? havent heard from the man himself yet)
Happy posting and good hunting to you. :D

My brother in law the Gila Monster told me about this site. I LOVE IT!!!! I live in New Mexico, Love to Hunt! I have been married for 23 years. I have three kids, 22, 19, 17. only two more years till they are all out of the house. Then life will be good. Both of my sons love to hunt also. If any one wants to every hunt in NM just let me know. Later, :D :D :D
Who am I? Good question. Well, I'm the wife of TCHunter and friend to Elky and LB.
My favorite thing to do is Snowmachine and Spend time with TC.
I go goat hunting every year with TC and my grandfather. We have a blast every time. HEHEHE... I enjoy pretty much every thing to do with the out doors. As long as there's a bathroom near by. :D :D
Thanks LB, I still can't get onto chat so until we figure it out I will just have to get to know people through the bulletin board.
Hello Everyone!
I'm James Murchison
Dallas, Tx.
I hunt anything.
22, Not married.
Moved over From the NAHC BB.(per the DaGrizBar)Thanks Griz!

:D :D
Yancy Shepherd here
From Tecumseh Oklahoma
I like to hunt, fish, and spend time with my wife and 2 boys. I pretty much only deer hunt right now. Bow/Gun. I've never tagged out but some day I'm hoping to.
I spend most of my time online during the day so I'll be sitting in the chat alot probably talking to myself if noone is around.

So this is where your supposed to list the shiet about yourself. Okay.
I'm DaGriz, retired SF,then Merc, then reired LE Officer and now sometime consulatnt to business'. Proprieter of Da Grizzly Bar. LOVE TO HUNT most anything, love to shoot, work on guns, collect guns, trade guns, build guns. Been a gunsmith in addition to other stuff associated with my trade. Live in Missouri, at least for now, travel the world when needed to do so. Kids are gone , just me and Ma Bear. plus our critters. Moved over from NAHC board. Need further info, just holler!