Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

who else had a great seaon?


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Middletown, CA
I got one with my bow and my dad got two with his shotgun, so needless to say he gets bragging rights for a year! Hunting turkeys with my dad... I don't think it gets much better than that. How did everyone else do?
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Though short (1.5days) my BIL and I had a good season. We were into birds all day on Saturday. Even had two toms close enough to shoot that afternoon, but no shots due to position and brush. Roosted them that night and tried to call them in that morning but they went the other way. Ended up getting them to come in about 1.5mi away. BIL shot his at about 50yds, but I couldn't shoot without shooting right past his nose. The second bird starting walking away so I jumped up and moved the 15' to put me in line with my BIL and shot mine at 60yds. First double for each of us. It was a good weekend.
I shot my 1st bird opening day, then had my accident, and 3 Weeks later with broken ribs toughed it out for bird #2. It love just getting out and hearing Toms sound off.
Well we didn't get it done Wednesday...BUT this morning (last day of the season)in the rain I called in 2 longbeards that were so so silent and cautious. My pal whacked this absolute stud of a Rio Grande at 38 paces. I really didn't figure he was going to close the distance any further. We are watching his running mate dance around the flopper and peak back into the decoys and see another stud longbeard working over my Dave
Smith jake....he came out of a blind spot to the flopper only to get short-stopped by the decoys. Got a little video of him. This made 11 birds whacked out of my turkey silo this year. Epic spring indeed.
10" beard, honest 1.25" hooks, ~20#.



Called in the biggest one of my career for a buddy on opening day here in MI on Monday, 4/23. It weighed 24#11oz. and is near the top in a local contest. Then the following Sunday I called in a double bearded bird for a kid I was mentoring for our NWTF Chapter over at Fort Custer near Battle Creek. It was his first turkey hunt and the bird had beards that were 9 1/2" and 4". Then I headed north to my cabin and got a big jake on 5/12, as the big gobblers were all henned up and none would come to a call. All in all it was a great Spring in what I thought might be a bummer due to the very early, warm weather we have had.
I must be terrible...Ive got nothing..3 days before the season turkeys gobbling everywhere...nothing for the first two weeks of season...then one magical day of gobbling everywhere had four within 90 yards but couldn't get them any closer...and that's been it...I suck at this...didn't help that gobs of other people have been introduced to my spot...someone must be talking
Nice bird WD congratulations.

Mudranger, I quit hunting birds for 15 years because I got so discouraged for the same reasons. But then I hunted with a pro and paid close attention to get my confidence up. Last 7 years have been good. Wish I had done that 25 years ago.
Kansas with an 11 year old daughter

Kansas allows youth under 16, disabled and archery hunters a little head start on the season. I applied for a "special hunt" for her which allows for solitary access to Walk-in-Hunting land. I was able to call in 5 jakes into our decoys, but the nervous girl told me she couldn't clearly see her target. We let the birds drift away, and she moved into a different position, almost in my lap. I then hit them hard with the box call, and the goofy birds came back for another conversation with the decoys. I told her I was so proud of her that she stayed quiet and still enough for 5 birds to not bust us at 20 yards. The fact that the shot was not successful didn't mean that the morning was a bust.

Two weekends later, after Julia's orchestra recital (she is first violin in a youth symphony at Wichita State University), we jumped into the van and headed out for a late afternoon hunt. Julia took out the camera to capture some of the flavor of the outing.

We set up on a fallow corn field, decoys spread out in the corn, and a couple of jakes just 5 yards in front of us at the edge of the field.

Hearing just a few gobbles from a long ways off, I was caught off guard by the "Sneaky-Pete" that came in from our left. He had his wings down to the ground but never once spread his fan out. He came as close as 5 yards away to say hello to the jake decoys, before heading out to the tom decoy. I was able to bring my gun up from across my ankles as he headed directly away from us toward the tom decoy, and i nudged Julia to get her to get her 20 gauge up also. When she didn't move, I nudged her and whispered again, "get your gun up". I turned my head to see her with fingers in her ears, eyes nearly shut, and she said, "no, daddy, you take him". As the sneaky bird was seeming to get a little nervous, and I didn't think she was going to take the shot, I put him down.

With work, kids schedules, dance recitals (including the Dad's Dance!!) I only had one more opportunity to get out after a second bird. No birds were seen, but I did snap a picture of whitetail in velvet, one that could be a good one by the fall. Seems like some extras starting on his left side, and room to grow!!


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