PEAX Equipment

Which Organization to Join

Ben Sellers

Well-known member
Oct 29, 2018
I’m a member of REMF, BHA, and TCRP. I’m looking for one more organization to join that does good work in the west. I have thought about the Boone and Crockett Club or one of the wild sheep groups. What really interests me is public land access, habitat restoration, and research. Can you guys throw out a few good possibilities? I don’t want to pick based off of name recognition but off of who does the best work.


Btw, if there is a sticky post on this-shame on me. If not, there should be.
Boone and Crockett has been behind every major piece of conservation legislation since 1887. How they define Fair Chase should be espoused by hunters everywhere. You don't have to be a record holder to join and the Fair Chase Magazine has great articles and info. They have position statements on their website on current issues. You will rarely hear them toot their own horn, but if you listen carefully you'll find that they are very involved.

One of the latest podcasts by BigFin has Keith Balfourd from B&C on there. Good info.

A very close second for me is RMEF, so maybe up that to a life membership.
"Boone and Crockett has been behind every major piece of conservation legislation since 1887".

In no way discrediting B & C, but really?
Ask Big Fin about his work with the Sheep Foundation,He's done
some great work with those folks. :cool:
"Boone and Crockett has been behind every major piece of conservation legislation since 1887".

In no way discrediting B & C, but really?
Perhaps an oversimplification, but yes. Shane Mahoney put out an article a few years ago outlining this, if I can find it I'll link it. Just recently B&C worked towards getting transparency on funding in ESA fights.
How about giving a gift membership to your favorite organization to one of your friends? That way you can help get someone else involved.

While this sounds great, most of my friends wouldn’t appreciate a membership. They’re all whitetail guys who only hunt Al or Ga. RMEF and BHA represent hunting that is so different to most folks in Alabama that you might as well gift a membership for a conservation organization in Africa.

I’m trying to take guys with me when I go West so they gain an appreciation for public land hunting in the West. After that, I’ll get them a RMEF membership. I think we’ve got two lined up for next year’s hunt.
While this sounds great, most of my friends wouldn’t appreciate a membership. They’re all whitetail guys who only hunt Al or Ga. RMEF and BHA represent hunting that is so different to most folks in Alabama that you might as well gift a membership for a conservation organization in Africa.

I’m trying to take guys with me when I go West so they gain an appreciation for public land hunting in the West. After that, I’ll get them a RMEF membership. I think we’ve got two lined up for next year’s hunt.

Seriously refreshing reality there.
The Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance seems to be a good organization as well. Not nearly as old as some of these mentioned but so far they are doing great things.

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