Westward Bound


New member
Jul 29, 2020
Longtime lurker finally joining.

I’m currently living in NM for work but MN is my home per my driver’s license. We spend less than 1 month “at home” each year. Since 2014 I’ve lived/worked in the following states in order - TX, NE, TX, ND, NM, MN, KS, OR, NM (current), and slated to be in OR by Feb/March of ‘21 last we heard.

My wife and I are planning on moving to ID, MT, or WY within the next 18-24 months once we stop traveling for work. We’ve been looking specially hard east or west of Missoula.

We mainly bowhunt and fly fish wth some ice fishing through the winter depending on how much time we have. I mostly hunt deer with a trip somewhere out west in Aug/Sept. and one back to MN for the week before gun season. I like to have a few sits in late December if we make it back for Christmas.

Meshnasty is the name of my go to carp fly.
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Welome, OR should not be on your list, Even last. We are moving outta here as soon as my last kiddo out of HS next year. We are going ID. If I really had my choice it would be WY, but I need to live near a major airport.

The only exception is eastern Oregon where normal people still live. Great hunting
We're going to need a sbs on that carp fly.

It the least you could do.
Thanks guys.

Carp on the fly has become my go to summer activity. If you haven’t tried it I’d highly recommend it. I was working in steelhead central last summer and only went once. That was only after the carp had moved deeper and the weeds grew up.

It would be a bit before I could make a sbs, but I can throw one together next time I’m at the vice.9F7EA472-0479-4B3D-8E59-468241129F68.jpeg

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