Caribou Gear Tarp

WA Chukars


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
Managed to get out of the in-laws early due to pass concerns and got out for a morning hike with brown dog. She's getting around better and better without her ACL, despite being 13... I would have given her a solid 5 out of 10 today. She got me on birds I would have walked by without her, but she also bumped birds I never got a shot at, and she couldn't find two of my cripples (I'll give her that there was a ton of other chukar scent to deal with).

I couldn't hunt the aspects with the most birds, the ground was too frozen and too steep to attempt without crampons. But we found enough on the sunny side to keep us entertained.

Looks like a great day and it's always fun to have a dog along. Most days I couldn't give myself a 5 out of 10 on performance while hunting.
Cherish the days! That grey face tells a story.
Ah yes and what a story it is, full of hunts without me... or anyone really, hunts for squirrels at the top of many and untold ridge during early season grouse trips, hikes to to places no where near her owners, whining... lots and lots and lots of whining.

I do love her, and will certainly miss her, but in the grand scheme of things she's not been a great dog. Though, having said that, she's loyal to a fault and loves and protects my kids.

Her biggest fault is her tolerance, dare I say even like, for feral cats.
It's just that you don't THINK of Chukar in WA is all...

I do have to say, some of those green areas are complete bullshit.
You think? I mean its not perfect, but I've never seen chukars outside of the green and could see where you'd be able to find one or two within a mile or two of all that green. Where are you thinking?
You think? I mean its not perfect, but I've never seen chukars outside of the green and could see where you'd be able to find one or two within a mile or two of all that green. Where are you thinking?
I can't say that I've EVER seen one in the middle of Lincoln County, nor that part of Grant County adjacent to it, and I've burned a lot of gravel out and boot leather out there. Huns, pheasants, and quail, yes. Chukars, absolutely not.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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