Vile nasty Westsiders


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
As noted by Toothy Fish, someone and I won't mention who, but a Westsider filed all of Toothy Fishes hooks so they were nothing but nubs. Eastside would have annilated the Westside had this dastardly deed had not been carried out.

Beware Westsiders we will be vigilant next time.
Oh no Delw I am not giving any more info out, I want to be able to catch you caniving Westsiders redhanded. Once I have the evidence I will then write up my findings. I already have the evidence on a fouled reel.
Actually it was my lazer like stare that melted the hook points.:D As for the files, maybe I need to carry one for your sandals to help you get in the boat?)

And you can't blame me for the net job, he never got the fish close enough for me to reach them. ;)

By the way, I know I caused your motor to quit also, so I can prolong the torture of you all having to endure my barbs. No pun intented ;)
Haaa LMAO a whole book could be written about yesterdays trip, oh wait I forgot were not those Westside Buzzards feeding on the dead carp?
They had to feed on it for that was the only fish a EASTSIDER could catch, I mean run over

As for the reel, I admit to being a lousy caster using them baitcasting thingamabobs.
Was it the infamous AJ curse???
I know you passed it on to Spidey, but after yesterday, I think we got it back for you

ROTFLMAO just thinking about the things that happened. Motor, launching, Trolling motor, dead carp, Etc.........

The three bright spots were: Fish caught, people and activity shared, the hawk on the shore.

Only not much eye candy on the water.:(
I to look forward to the next outting.
My hours after this upcoming weekend will change.
Starting the 8th, I will be working nights on M-W, and Sat and Sun. I will have mornings and Thurs & Fridays off. This is just for you to know to plan the next trip so I don't miss it.;)

OR, in case you don't want to get beat again, to plan it so I do miss it :eek:
You guy's arn't on top of it enough to come up with conspericy theories that are actually feasable to make any effect whatsover on another human....LOL...

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