very disturbing video

Poaching??? I didn't get that from any of it.

whats your take on the guys shooting up at the chopper . did you catch that ?
What makes you think that was poaching?

When you see clips of guys gunning down wolves or coyote from a plane do you think they are poaching?

That jumbo might have just stomped a few villagers into the dirt, maybe it was wounded and wreaking havoc? A critter like that running around pizzed off is not something you want in your back yard. You have to remember its Africa... they're 'morals' are diffrent than ours. Most see spot lighting as an acceptable form of hunting as well.
When you see clips of guys gunning down wolves or coyote from a plane do you think they are poaching?

no, but if i see guys on the ground shooting up at the plane then i normally think that there might be something wrong must have missed it or i,m seeing things again( i hope the voices dont come back)
Bambistew, watch it again.
The guys shooting at the plane/chopper were on a road or something where they not? They didn't look like they were hunting to me, and my bet is they were some sort of reble force. Who knows. Its a video of about 30 diffrent pices spliced together. Kind of reminds me of a certain Michael Moore film.
The guys shooting at the plane/chopper were on a road or something where they not? They didn't look like they were hunting to me, and my bet is they were some sort of reble force. Who knows.

tea, they were on the road.
didnt seem to be well armed for rebel forces though......not many guns.
no return fire?
JB said:
didnt seem to be well armed for rebel forces though......not many guns.

The chopper was probably out of spear range.

Actully it looks like the shots fired at the plane/chopper were a muzzle loader with all that smoke.
It kinda looks like a propaganda video. It showed killing animals and that "sad" kinda music as if that video is used to make you feel that what they're doing wrong. Basically it could be out of context. I think the Africans in the begining may have been hunting for food, they are still tribal after all and dont have the luxery of going to Mc'Ds, or the money for it. But towards the end it did look like some poaching. I have heard that the Game Wardens in Africa are allowed to shoot to kill if they see you poaching, any Africa hunters know if thats true?
Just another day in Africa I guess. Most of the footage looked to be of many of the same attacks from different angles. I agree with B-Stew that the some of the elephants could have been reeking havoc in a village. There was alot of aggression on the part of the attackers there.

I don't know if any of it is what we call hunting here. In a primitive world and with primitive ideas those images are what you get, then you throw in some modern conveniences like a helicopter or a couple of vehicles and you end up with a slaughter.

Very disturbing to watch but I'll bet it happens all the time there.
The elephant/hippo scenes were painfully for me to watch. Especially using the trunk to pull out the spears and the calf hippo.
Ditto on the elephants and hippos

It's some weird compilation - I agree - I can't see any connection between the mass graves and the rest of the video
I agree with moosie what an idiot how many guys does it take to kill a lion in a pen the guy almost got what he deserved!

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