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Unit 18 Colorado 4th Rifle Season


Active member
Apr 23, 2019
Hunting 4th Rifle in unit 18 in Colorado. I already know that it gets hammered, but am looking for any advice that you all may have. I am thinking about hunting around Grouse and Elk mountain, but any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'd use the search function for this. One of your first five posts asking for spot advice doesn't go over too well on here. If I had Colorado experience I'd try to help.

Good luck
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I'd use the search function for this. One of your first five posts asking for spot advice doesn't go over to well on here. If I had Colorado experience I'd try to help.

Good luck
Thanks for the heads up! Definitely not looking for spots, I have a pretty good idea of where I am going to be hunting. Just was seeing what advice might be out there.
Keeping in mind I'm new to CO and still venting a bit about the number of hunters encountered, a bit of culture shock if you will. Being a lifetime hunter that was relegated to yahoo status hurt my pride a little. 18 was my first elk hunt ever last year, I learned a crap ton of what not to do. One of those things I learned is I will not be going back to 18 to elk hunt.
Keeping in mind I'm new to CO and still venting a bit about the number of hunters encountered, a bit of culture shock if you will. Being a lifetime hunter that was relegated to yahoo status hurt my pride a little. 18 was my first elk hunt ever last year, I learned a crap ton of what not to do. One of those things I learned is I will won't be going back to 18 to elk hunt.
Fair enough! This will be my first elk hunt this year and am looking at it as a learning experience. I have a cabin in the unit which is what pushed me in this direction. I put in for a point as my first choice and will be expanding out to other parts of the state as I accumulate more points.

What season did you hunt last year?
If snow hits like it did last year during 3rd season you'll probably wanna be lower than the vicinity of Elk Mountain. I was actually dinkin around in 18 with a doe tag cause I had nothing better to do for third season last year, had an OTC bull tag in my pocket as well.

Long story short, if spike bulls were legal I woulda tagged out, if I had a cow tag I woulda tagged out, if I had buck tag I would've been able to attempt an excellent stalk on a bedded 4x4... ALL IN ONE DAY. That was a special weather weekend though, fewer people went out and the snow seemed to do something special with the animals... it was snowing hard.

18 does get hit hard, but find the right holes and work hard and it's not a bad unit.

Also, don't ask about why I didn't tag out on the doe. It takes a special idiot to screw that up with how many does I saw...
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1st rifle in a non-motorized basin (hint). The area was loaded with elk in July. Loaded with hunters, horses, and mules in Oct.

Fair enough! This will be my first elk hunt this year and am looking at it as a learning experience. I have a cabin in the unit which is what pushed me in this direction. I put in for a point as my first choice and will be expanding out to other parts of the state as I accumulate more points.

What season did you hunt last year?
It was a special snow year. I'm hoping that we can have a solid early November snowfall again to help me out. With an either sex tag, I really am just looking to learn these first couple of years out and about, and then maybe tag a cow if one presents itself later in the week.
That is an interesting area of CO. It gets hit hard but also has lots of animals hanging around and 28 right to the south of 18 is one of the better units for big bulls in the state. Harvest rates are low due to heavy timber and probably a lot of people only hunting the weekend. I've heard some areas in 18 see HEAVY migration from RMNP. I'd hope for early snow!
Last year on Oct 15th it went from late summer to 15 degrees with 2 feet of snow. I never saw an elk track or heard a shot. I saw a lot of downtrodden hunters and they all said the same thing, the elk were not there. Even the longtime guides were shaking their heads. Simply too many people. And I was 4 miles back in.

That is an interesting area of CO. It gets hit hard but also has lots of animals hanging around and 28 right to the south of 18 is one of the better units for big bulls in the state. Harvest rates are low due to heavy timber and probably a lot of people only hunting the weekend. I've heard some areas in 18 see HEAVY migration from RMNP. I'd hope for early snow!
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Last year on Oct 15th it went from late summer to 15 degrees with 2 feet of snow. I never saw an elk track or heard a shot. I saw a lot of downtrodden hunters and they all said the same thing, the elk were not there. Even the longtime guides were shaking their heads. Simply too many people.

Was this in the not to be spoken of non motorized basin?
It was, right in the middle of it.

I had the same experience first weekend of 3rd season. Right smack dab in the middle of it. Nice hike in, set up camp, woke up to what can only be described as torrential snow.

Save for two does I spooked the place was largely devoid of wildlife and wildlife sign. Only difference is it was mostly devoid of hunters too. They all probably had a better handle on the forecast than I did...

But I came back to 18 the next weekend, completely different spot, and had the experience I described above, also during torrential snow. Prime example of hiking 4 miles in does not mean better hunting. Sometimes sticking to within a half mile of the truck will blow your mind. Results certainly may vary.
My biggest take away was exactly that, stick by the truck, be mobile. Elk move too fast and too far to be anchored to a camping spot.
My other take away was don't setup camp in a snowstorm :). Basically advice for newbs like me.

I had the same experience first weekend of 3rd season. Right smack dab in the middle of it. Nice hike in, set up camp, woke up to what can only be described as torrential snow.

Save for two does I spooked the place was largely devoid of wildlife and wildlife sign. Only difference is it was mostly devoid of hunters too. They all probably had a better handle on the forecast than I did...

But I came back to 18 the next weekend, completely different spot, and had the experience I described above, also during torrential snow. Prime example of hiking 4 miles in does not mean better hunting. Sometimes sticking to within a half mile of the truck will blow your mind. Results certainly may vary.
I've hunted 18 4th rifle one time. Having grown up hunting unit 62, a very popular unit itself, unit 18 is nothing short of a zoo. I've never seen so many hunters out west in my life. I shot a nice bull, though, but most don't. The area you're describing wouldn't be my first choice due to number of people. Anywhere off the highway between K-town and Granby is packed with truckloads of dudes. In order to have success I got a little more creative. Good luck.
Just curious if this unit is just as busy during Archery and Muzzy season?
Caveat, I haven’t been there for a few years except to pinch some camp wood off the ubiquitous slash piles, but from memory, It’s not, but it’s still busy. It’s close to the front range and OTC/easy to draw.

OP - By 4th season in a ‘normal’ year, you are unlikely to get to the gate on Elk Mt without a snowmobile. You may even have a hard time getting to the Elk/Grouse fork. And if you get there, the elk and deer will most likely already be down.

Honestly, ever since they put up the ‘official’ signage down on The highway 5-6 years ago, the traffic has gotten noticeably heavier.

All that said - 18 is a HUGE unit and there are a lot of elk in it. Several of the other guys have given great advice - Be mobile, don’t ignore hellholes closer to the road (and there are plenty of those), and developing plans A-X Will all help. And, with a cabin in the general area you have a great way to do all of those things!
stay lower than Elk mountain, bring some snow chains because those dirt roads will turn into nasty mud. Save this number, this guys are the only one mechanic shop in the area that will pick you up from those back roads if you get stuck and will fix your vehicle during the weekend and night time so you can hunt the following day: (970) 724-9536.
I've hunted 18 4th rifle one time. Having grown up hunting unit 62, a very popular unit itself, unit 18 is nothing short of a zoo. I've never seen so many hunters out west in my life. I shot a nice bull, though, but most don't. The area you're describing wouldn't be my first choice due to number of people. Anywhere off the highway between K-town and Granby is packed with truckloads of dudes. In order to have success I got a little more creative. Good luck.
Appreciate it!
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