UK ban on trophy imports

If this goes through it will do so much damage to the shooting industry not only for people coming in to shoot and take trophy's home but also for us leaving the uk to shoot, this could cripple the whole shooting industry and if this gathers momentum it could spread to other country's, please sign the consultation papers, this affects everyone,regards wayne
They've already talked about this in Australia, currently we have quite a few species we can't bring in. I'm so sick of the urbanised bigots who have no clue about conservation and have no part whatsoever in contributing to it vilifying hunters. It's scary times ahead.
I referred to this on the thread I have running in relation to my hunting offer in the UK.
It won't just be importing trophies to the UK it will also affect export of trophies Roe Buck for example, as Wayne already states CITES is already in place, this is all political crap.
The politicians/experts that will be involved in this should watch this video, though I am sure they have already made up their mind, it's quite simple, even they can understand the repercussions any ban could have.
Tip of the iceberg if this gets passed.


I referred to this on the thread I have running in relation to my hunting offer in the UK.
It won't just be importing trophies to the UK it will also affect export of trophies Roe Buck for example, as Wayne already states CITES is already in place, this is all political crap.
The politicians/experts that will be involved in this should watch this video, though I am sure they have already made up their mind, it's quite simple, even they can understand the repercussions any ban could have.
Tip of the iceberg if this gets passed.



The problem with this video is it's nothing new, we say this over and over but the anti hunting ilk simply will not listen or consider alternative view points.

It's so frustrating, Australia fully protects all of its native mammals, every now and then there's a push for recreational hunting which gets shut down (because you know those animals will live forever if we don't hunt them). Because of that people like myself on farms have to get control permits which is why I've shot hundreds of kangaroos in my life which have legally been required to left to rot.

But man, when I went to university and studied to work in conservation I met these people, anti hunters living in cities that in their 20 years or so of life had never seen a kangaroo in the wild. I once met a woman in her 30's who had worked as a compliance officer fining farmers not controlling pest plants and animals "properly". She laughed as she said she was in that role 2 years before she'd seen her first fox.

That's the type of people we're battling against. I feel sad that people are so disconnected from nature these days. We are after all animals ourselves not urbanised computers.

Look at every african country that has banned hunting and what's happened to wildlife. It's pretty clear cut.
I feel sad that people are so disconnected from nature these days. We are after all animals ourselves not urbanised computers.

100% agree

African hunting is certainly as nuanced as North American hunting, i.e. baiting some places, hunting out of blinds, spot and stalk in other places etc etc.

All that being said it's always white Europeans and Americans doing the hunting in Africa. In countries like Canada, NZ, the US, local hunters either resident locals or nonresidents are doing the vast majority of the hunting.

In Africa, the image is that 100% of the hunting is done by NR Aliens. The image is hunting has nothing to do with the meat, the "hunters" don't keep any of it. Non hunters only experience with African animals is from zoos they have no real world context allowing them to understand them..
The optics of African hunting are that it's just another round of extraction of resources from Africa by white dudes.

(Image. THE IMAGE. I'm not saying that's how it is in reality)

My sister does development work in Africa, we talk enough about her work for me to understand that I don't understand anything of how things work there.

Pretty much the only effective arguments that I've seen work on non-hunters are food driven, ie taking personal responsibility for what you eat. These arguments just don't work in Africa, and the current argument conservation is hard to unpack and sell to the uninformed audience.

I see these bans as inevitable.

The only solution I see is the wildlife departments of these individual counties spending some significant money on PR and telling the African story themselves.
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Brent, we arrived safely so the work we did on the aircraft held together long enough for us to get here, but for sure more work is needed.

In reference to the picture on the thread started by Chris AU, to which you ( Brent ) replied " I dont get it ". I dont either! I have no idea what that stupid bitch was trying to say with that photo. It sure as hell doesn't help!

Greyman, if you wanted this thread to stay on U,k. issues let me know and I can delete this post. however I was ask to respond and will do so briefly as I am back to work

Canada. We are able to sell seal skins again but it is a long way from the industry we once enjoyed. Only Canada, Japan, Namibia and South Africa objected to the worldwide Irony ban. We can still sell Ivory products ( Walrus ). The fur trade is also slowly coming back and we do trap, beaver, lynx, muskrat, marten.etc The argument about the wasted meat is also incorrect as we do eat seal, beaver, lynx, walrus, plus they also supply additional by products.

Greenland. Birds of prey are restricted as are several whale species, as an example

A different example is "trophy" hunting of the Polar Bear is allowed, but the U.S. will not allow you to bring any part of the bear into their country.

I hope this is what you were looking for as I just dont have any more time

o.k. have a bit more time so will expand about Larysa : She has been a good thing for female hunters as well a for hunting in general. One can not take her hunting desire, ability and success away from her. But, in the one picture that was posted on a different thread on this forum, it was a very stupid thing for her to do. As I understand it they had a bachelorette party the night before and it was a gag gift at the party and that is where the gift should have stayed ! The gag gift to the night before party had no place on the hunt or in the picture . That toy was what bought much of the negative press to that hunt. It was a legal hunt, although I think she was using a borrowed rifle that did not meet all the laws of hunting in that jurisdiction and so that became part of the story and possibly her guide may have also been hurt by that. It was a stupid stunt. Having said that, I also am unable to walk on water and have made mistakes in my life. But, when you are the face of female hunting, you should be, need to be, a bit smarter than she was at the moment she took that picture!!! I put this here as I dont remember where the other thread is and dont have time to look for it
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with apologizes to Greyman as this is not what he was posting about but will respond here to the question asked on the other thread

I thought her posting that picture was a mistake, just as I am amazed at the hypocrisy of some here.

But since it was asked, I will state, that as a women I thought the picture was totally, out of line, it marginalized females who hunt and "hunting" overall. Personally, I would have thought it was an inappropriate gift the night before. I dont understand why that gift was even with them on the hunt or the purpose of the photo. Unnecessary and unfortunate .

Another point. If a man had taken that photo, he would have been called sexist, a pervert, and a terrible person for doing something like that in front of females who were with him. Did the gentleman who took them hunting feel a bit uncomfortable when that picture was taken. Certainly possible. Women also have a responsibility in all this, and have to act responsible if they want to be taken seriously when in the field. It is NOT just the mans responsibility to make everything "work" between the sexes when hunting.

I do like Larysa's 300 win mag made by Montana Rifle and her choice of a Nighrforce scope is not all bad either. . And at 33/34 to have already hunted in places like New Zealand, Alaska, Canada, Europe, Africa, Argentina , Greenland, makes me a bit green with
envy and with a bow and rifle.

I hope to one day hunt with Panda Bear, Hunting Wife, MtEklhuntress, and April. I would love to just spend a few days with April, as the lady lived her life to the fullest, thats for sure. But to hunt with Big Fin would be cool or have Brent teach me how to hunt with his rifles, several others in the lower 48 I wold enjoy hunting with as well as Bambistew up here.

AND, Yes, I think Larysa was wrong to post that picture, but I would still welcome the opportunity to hunt with her.
Since @devon deer wondered what some of the women thought about “The Picture”, I suppose I’ll put my .02 cents in here with the rest.

I have no idea who Larysa is. Never heard of her. The only hunting people I watch/follow are Newberg and Rinella, for this very reason. Too many idiots doing things that are damaging to the public’s perception of hunters, this instance and the fallout in the UK being a prime example. Seeing the photo, I’m not sure why it was even taken. The point was....? Stupid. If you want to be an ambassador for hunting, show some class. People can say all they want about not caring what non-hunters think, but bans are going to be the future here as well if folks don’t wake up and pay attention to the message they send about our sport.
Since @devon deer wondered what some of the women thought about “The Picture”, I suppose I’ll put my .02 cents in here with the rest.

I have no idea who Larysa is. Never heard of her. The only hunting people I watch/follow are Newberg and Rinella, for this very reason. Too many idiots doing things that are damaging to the public’s perception of hunters, this instance and the fallout in the UK being a prime example. Seeing the photo, I’m not sure why it was even taken. The point was....? Stupid. If you want to be an ambassador for hunting, show some class. People can say all they want about not caring what non-hunters think, but bans are going to be the future here as well if folks don’t wake up and pay attention to the message they send about our sport.
Like you Hunting Wife I had never heard of Larysa, I failed to see the point, but at the time the tabloids in the UK and TV channels went into overdrive, yet until @ChrisAU posted the photo on the other thread I had completely forgotten about it, I wonder how many others had in UK, probably the vast majority.
We all make mistakes in life, most of ours go unnoticed, but I agree 100%, these are 'ambassadors' for hunting, and their standards should be at the highest level.
I obviously follow Randy, and Rinella, they are polar opposites to Larysa.
I'm afraid you are correct, our way of life is under threat, here in the UK and elsewhere in the world, there are around, give a or take, 1 million licensed hunters in the UK in one form or another, out of a population of 66 million, I future is under threat, usually from politicians trying to win favour, worrying times ahead for our future generations.
I have heard of her. I enjoyed watching her hunt with someone here in Alaska that we know. Mike Horstman was her guide on her successful goat hunt. I watched several of her videos thanks to the Houston Safari Club, Bow Hunting sitka in New Zealand, Rifle hunting Africa, especially enjoyed the Argentina trip as it involved hunting via horse back, 1000 doves shot in one day, and her successful Red stag hunt.

she also enjoys fishing and was in the top ten cat fishing contest in Spain. Those who enjoy fishing for catfish need to look at the size of the catfish she caught.

I ask my grandmother about the article being discussed and she was far more "measured" After admitting she had no idea what that "toy" was. and that it was a mistake for her to have done that, because unfortunately that picture can and obviously did set her accomplishments back.

She read further and said she hasn't let her mistake stop her and that is good, as she obviously is a good hunter and loves it.

She (my grandmother ) said it reminded her of something they use to say when she was young "one fart and your "stinky" forever" She also noticed something else in the article posted which I missed and wonder if any others saw it or even read the article . In the middle of the article posted is another story of an 85 year old grandmother who still hunts.

After I read the story my grandmother smiled and said (in reference to the main story, picture, secondary story, her life overall, not just one poor choice made in her life ) my grandmother said as we go through life we will make mistakes , but the quicker one --"eliminate's the negatives and accent's the positives and moves on, the better"

As she was walking away she looked back and said one more thing. sweetheart, "those who live in glass houses should not throw rocks" and she reminded me of a picture I took on spring break when in college and my father was furious.:mad:

I also enjoy Randy's hunts and thank him for them, but I dont think it will upset Randy if he finds out that some here on the forum follow other hunters also, or maybe I am the only one that does.

I will admit I have a growing interest in the rifles Brent uses and bow hunting as well

Greyman. I forgot: along the lines of your original post, I read the the wife of our Treasury Sec is furious with President Trump for allowing a Florida hunter to import the head of the lion he shot in Africa into the U.S. As I understand it, President Trump has reversed an Obama policy and will allow some trophies to be allowed into the U.S. on a case by case basis. I wonder if any the the Polar Bear skins that are being held in Canada that were shot by U.S. hunters will be allowed into the U.S. ?
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People can say all they want about not caring what non-hunters think, but bans are going to be the future here as well if folks don’t wake up and pay attention to the message they send about our sport.
I also had no clue who Larysa was...that picture was not a great first impression to say the least. I saw her also perpetuate all over Instagram this sentiment that Hunting Wife points out...the whole "us vs them" ideology I see so many hunters have (or maybe it's just the loud ones). Hunters are in the minority and it sadly only takes one bad apple to ruin the image that so many hunters try to maintain. My first college roommate was a vegan (what were the odds?) and the first thing she said when she met me was, "you're not what I expected hunters to be". Somehow we have to do better to change the negative perceptions and I think ambassadors who are careful in the image they put out is helping. These bans will surely put a dent in conservation efforts...but to be honest I'm still learning about conservation efforts just around where I hunt...I have no idea what conservation is like in Africa and what specifically is being done. If I wasnt on this forum every now and then, I probably wouldn't be very aware of some of the conservation efforts people talk about here. Perhaps non-hunters just arent as aware of conservation as we would like to think.
I saw her also perpetuate all over Instagram this sentiment that Hunting Wife points out...the whole "us vs them" ideology I see so many hunters have (or maybe it's just the loud ones). Hunters are in the minority and it sadly only takes one bad apple to ruin the image that so many hunters try to maintain. My first college roommate was a vegan (what were the odds?) and the first thing she said when she met me was, "you're not what I expected hunters to be"

Yes, exactly... and this very much echos my experience.
There are so many "hunting clips" I see and some of them I swear to God are made by an anti hunter in an effort to make us look bad.

As to Larysa, the only "real time" information I have is from two outfitters ( Canada and Greenland) They both spoke highly of her ability and her personality. I am always interested in what happens after the kill and they both said she dove right in and helped. I have zero first hand information or knowledge so until I do I can only say, the picture was STUPID and that the two who hunted with her were impressed. But I have no first hand knowledge so will stop right there.

I will say that the anti's have made some very serious threats to me personally and my family and they all want to know how I, as a woman can hunt, trap, kill

Some on the forum are aware of these events. I say all this, to say, that picture she posted does not help hunting, in general and/or female hunters.

Randi, I believe, but do not know, that April would probably be much like your grandmother and much of what they say ( older generations ) is very true, but I am a little to close to the fire to be forgiving --but your grandmothers point's are very well made and I thank you for them as it might help me be a bit more forgiving at times :)

As to the videos I will watch a few of them before I decide whether or not she goes over the line on the "us vs them" subject.

However, on that point it may take a bit more to upset me than others simply because I am tired of being nice, tired of trying to work with everybody, tired of lets not ruffle any feathers,

oh sorry if I stepped on your toe, please forgive me and please let me hunt one animal for one week every year. While they fight dirty, sometimes very dirty, threaten hunters with violence to them and their family and with no apologizes.

I know I know be the better person --I am trying :LOL: But I often when speaking of the "antis" I look like that picture Hunting Wife posted about her temper;)

rwc101--thank you for your honesty. which I believe was Randi's point in one of her first posts

. And read the entire story--as it is possible that this was orchestrated between these girls and then the one girl got mad and left, decided to give the picture to the press it in an effort to hurt Larysa --Dont know that, but as far as I can tell Larysa didn't post it --so someone gave it to the press ---BUT, if she had just refused to pose for that picture it would not have existed--period !

Randi I doubt any of the polar skins will be released and if so It will be interesting to see who is able to get their's and who is not . Remember this is to be done on a case by case basis only. But one Lion head made it through, its a start

P.S. I watched three videos and did not see anything or hear anything that upset me. Maybe I dont know where to look for her negative personality traits and comments --will look at more videos when time permits
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I've seen worse things pinned on the walls of hunt clubs/camps, but at least they never made it online.
Exactly, I guess we have all seen a lot worse, but it didn't make it online, this did, you can't defend the indefensible.
It wasn't posted by an anti, but the anti's loved it, played right into their hands.
It doesn't make a jot of difference what she did prior or since, she made a mistake and has to live with the repurcussions.
Until it was posted on the forum I had forgotten all about it, but I guarantee the people trying to ban import/export from the UK won't have.
just looked up larysa and i can see her point,,shes saying dont pander to the f kwits,,unfortunately every time someone bands over backwards they just stick it to us more
non illigitemae carborundum

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