Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Time to clean this place up

Nah, Moosie...I don't get mad about stuff like that.

In real life, many people build a facade to hide their real self. I realize that in the cyberworld of B/B's and such, that is even more true. A friend at work who is to retire this week had always had the reputation as a grouchy old fart...but I know that it is a facade put up for self preservation. Actually, he is one of the first people to offer to help anyone in need.

The only time anything ever gets to me is if I feel that I have truly hurt someone's feelings, or feel that they're being facetious without due cause. And on the Internet, I tend to blow it off, because this is the most difficult medium to actually read the other party's emotion as they post.

Being I have had a rather trying week, I will try to keep what posts I make light and carefree. Just because I took a ripping on a business deal that went south would be no reason for me to make everyone else's life as miserable as that situation made me. In the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara, "After all...tomorrow is another day!"


:D X--No stupid caricature--X :D
Funny thing what ya say.... "SOMEONE" sent me an Email while I was in Cancun saying they couldn't log onto the board or was Having problems. I replied saying I wasn't having problems and No one else I knew of was Having problems but let me knoe wthe problems they were having and I would try to fix them.

Well, To me I was CLEARLY stating that Since I wasn't having any propblems and NO one else was, I could not know that persons problems so They needed to Detail out the Error messages so I could help them because I love having them post here...

It came accross as I was being an AHOLE.... and that I didn't want to deal with it or something ?!?!

At any rate, I knew this person well enough to Email back Asking what the deal was and then realised that there could have been a Confusion and since they were having a bad day/week they took it as me habving the same attitude when in Fact I jsut got back from Sunny Cancun laying in the Beach all day and Not a Care in the world and nothing could tick me off that day....

So ... To continue on with my long drawn out story .. ;) Sometimes we don't know actually what someone is Saying when they type it.. (And most don't know what I'm saying in person either
No one is forced to come down here and read the posts. I sometimes read the posts and that is as far as it goes. I very seldom respond. That is my choice to either partake in the mudslinging or try and sort through the crap and learn from everyone. What I see down here is what looks like a lot of hatred, but I doubt that hatred would flow if the same people were to meet in person. Maybe I think the way Buzz sometimes responds, may be a little harsh, I think the man speaks of what he does know and much can be learned from his postings. I feel the same way about Ithaca, Elkgunner, Oak, Paws, ELKCHSR and most on the board. Everyone has their views and opinions and that is fine. That is what helps the world go round.