Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Time to clean this place up

So you will tell some on to their face, especially them paying the bill that they are "Stupid", "Ignorant", "Liers", "Full of Shit",....? Just a clarification to make sure, and have you done this all of your life, including the fire world?
Originally posted by Nemont:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Mean spirited smart mouthing just for the sake of running one's gums might be humorous to some. But, I'm not going to tolerate it being done to me or anyone else. So ladies and gentlemen if you make fun of, poke fun at, engage in name calling, smart mouthing, or cracking wise; it had better be in fun and humorous
Explain to me how you will know what was meant to be mean spirited and what was meant to be humerous.

If it makes me laugh it is humorous, if it makes me angry, it is mean spirited.

Paws you are unable to have your opinions, ideas or posts questioned. You have said and posted more mean spirited things then almost anyone on the board.

Nemont that simply isn't true. Where I slam dunk someone it is always in reaction. Normally I can do it in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

There is simply no way, Paws, you can be impartial.

Probably not. That's why I suspect most everyone will get more than the benefit of a doubt.

Regardless of what you may feel or think it isn't going to happen. So what purpose would it serve for me to post something and just because it isn't to your liking it gets zapped.

Well I guess Nemont the purpose would be to prove your point. You'll get the same breaks, cuts, and standard evaluation everyone else gets. No more, no less. That's the best I can do.

I enjoy having fun on this board and in my life as much as anybody. I also like to debate and listen to many sides of most issues. Paws makes that nearly impossible for me, on this board, because he will not listen to anyone who doesn't "respect" him.

The solution to that Nemont is to simply show some common courtesy/respect. If that is an impossible task for you to accomplish, maybe you should stay away from public forums.

I would ask everyone to go back and read the responses from Paws that he gives whenever you ask him a question about his position or to clarify a point. Even if you do in a "respectful" way he goes postal. Then tell me how partial he is going to be as a moderator.

I'm all for everyone forming their own opinion based on the facts. I think that most here, including you Nemont, know my intent when I make a comment.

So now he is the one being allowed to pick, choose and censor posts. It is not a case of me picking up my ball and going home. It is a case of letting the fox guard the hen house. He is already altering posts.

Yes I altered a post; do you know what was changed? Do you find it significant? I chose that particular post because from it one could intuitively surmise that Yoteler does have a keen sense of humor and altering it wouldn't bother him. In fact I'd just about bet that he found the change to be humorous in itself. Additionally, it was an experiment to see what did and did not work. Please don't embelish or exagerate the truth Nemont. I see the remainder of your comment is addressed to ElkChaser so I'll leave it to him to respond.


Phil Foreman

So Elkchsr what is the point of me posting on this board when the moderator gets to select what HE thinks is mean spirited and what HE thinks is humorous? It will take the fun out of it and hence becomes not worth the effort.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Yes, I will if I feel that way.

I dont hide how I feel, if other people have a problem with it its THEIR problem, not mine.

Yes, in the fire world too, especially in the fire world.

If you dont have the balls to tell someone their wrong and full of shit when its appropriate on a fire line...You may end up in a bodybag.
Yes, your absolutely right there Buzz, if safty is a concern, especially when life or limb is in jepordy and they just won't listen, most certainly yes, difference of opinion, well.....
LOL Del... :D

Safety is a difference of opinion, what one person thinks is totally safe...another may not.

If I think your opinion is wrong...to me it is.
Hey Paws,

Based upon your comment of "Where I slam dunk someone it is always in reaction", how would you explain the links on page 1 that I provided to Del?

[ http://www.huntandlodge.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=31;t=002637 URL=http://]SI Topic 1[/URL]



Hey Del,

Looks like your "fair" moderators are Deleting comments, editing posts, and locking topics. So much for due process....
If it makes me laugh it is humorous, if it makes me angry, it is mean spirited
Need I say more about your objectivity?

I will give you benefit of the doubt for a while but personally I believe it will be to the detriment of the content of the board. Just my opinion.

Buzz opinions expressed on the forum are not safety or emergency issues. Opinions are never wrong! By their very nature they can not be wrong. Some may be a bit different, strange, or in adverse conflict with those we hold; but, never wrong.
Well Elkgunner as near as I can figure that is a quotation of your statement. A direct cut and paste as I recall. Does that explain it to your satisfaction?

Nemont it doesn't make it objective. It is totally subjective. Rest assured that I'll do my very best to see that all are considered as equally and as subjectively as possible. (And without prejudice!)

You're doing exactly what I just said, you're reading into my words something I didnt WRITE.

I never made reference to whats said on the forum, or even implied that.

This is exactly whats caused the pissing matches on here lately.

READ WHATS WRITTEN AND KEEP IT IN CONTEXT, dont spin what aint there. Thats why I said this: "If I think your opinion is wrong...to me it is."

If your opinion is that something is safe, and I dont...YOUR OPINION IS WRONG TO ME...get it?

So, yes, your opinion can in fact be WRONG.
Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah! And likewise, wah! (insert crying smiley) Hasn't anyone ever heard of a friendly little ass-kicking? :D I'm sure that is what was meant. Shoot, my compadres would think I was mad at them if I didn't threaten to go an an ass-kicking spree at least once a week! They know it is all meant in fun. My brother is the only one who needs to take it seriously...but you would have to know this guy to understand that one.

It is high time that this forum was made into something productive and fun instead of a whiner's gallery. Otherwise I will be offering to furnish cheese and crackers to go with all that whine!

So whatta ya say, pilgrims? Group hug?
Well Buzz, I guess you are entitled to your opinion. And by the way, I never said, you said... Oh skip it! :D

"It is high time that this forum was made into something productive... Now that just might take a real stretch! :D
You know somewhere along the way it seems to me that some of you guys lost site of the reason we come to these forums. My own personal reason is just to BS with folks, maybe learn a thing or two and see whats going on in other parts of the country. It seems to me some folks here get so wound up in this I can't imagine that life is very fun for them. Hell I fully expect Moosie to get on here and say member A had a massive heart attack and died do to overwhelming stress.

How or why this shit has to be so personal is beyond me. It truly does remind me of the old days on moosies board when everyone wanted to kick everyones ass. Seems pointless to me.

But what do I know, I'm just some dude from down New Mexico way.
Glad to see you on the job Delw. I say put APRIL in charge here she will keep it clean she likes to clean house. ;)
I used to post here just about every day, sometimes several times a day, And enjoyed the time spent.
recently it seems like every post gets picked apart.
here is an example........

I tried to make a point and said.........

This forum sucks
Here is the reply I imediatly got

michael, Well, why don't you show us how you can improve it by posting a bunch of your half assed caricatures ? "This forum sucks" That's pretty ironic coming from someone who posts the kinda moronic crap we've all seen from you. Here's an example:


mike, I do give you credit for finally waking up and admitting you were completely wrong about the welfare rancher/overgrazing issue when you saw how they destroyed your favorite elk hunting area. Too bad it took so long to get thru your thick skull . If you're smart you'll never doubt me, Buzz and Elkgunner again.
That is exactly the kind of thing people are sick of.
The overgrazing stuff mentioned was from clear back in october :rolleyes: what the heck did it have to do with the topic at hand? Was it meant to be humorous? I didn't think so. I took it as once again that every time you say something in here you have people trying to shout you down.
It isn't fun, or enjoyable.

Did my original statement single anybody, or any group out? NO It was a blanket statement that things in here suck. :(
All we need to do to bring the fun back is just that......Have fun, You are all smart enough to know the difference.
I look forward to posting here if people can start being decent and having fun.
Here rolling on the floor laughing my arse off! :D It really hasn't been a good week for diplomacy for me. Oh well, "Life's a bear and then ya die!" :D

Okay, I'll leave you guys alone...I was just being a smart-aleck anyway.

LOL.... I always Figure I can Run faster Scared then most men MAD so I'm fairly safe

What I see is 95% of the Posts are smart alec. Look at Buzz's post above. Threatening to Kick Rogues a$$. Reading it from MY end I look at it as something I'd say to someone knowing I couldn't do it. I'm 100% sure that he meant it that way.

I think people get caught up in taking things personal and then think all the Posts are a Direct HIT in this BAttle ship game.

If you're like me, You never get mad because you take everything as Tounge in cheak.. Uhh ,, Cheecke ,, Uhhhhhh chee.....well, you know what the Hell I mean :D

Fecl.. Funny you meantioned the Old days.. I think there has been about 100 PM's today and 75% referenced jsut that ;) I hope I'm that Famouse that people talk about me when I've been of fthe boards for 2-3 years .. Buuuahahaha !!!!