This will affect my hunting

Its a bummer to lose one of the few things you look forward to every year. Just stay healthy and make bigger plans for the next year.

Exactly. This sucks in the short-term, but if we all act responsibly then we can all look forward to better times in the future.
We are currently banned from non-essential travel outside of the community we live. Bear hunting is non-essential travel for non-residents, and brown bear hunters IMO. Few if any eat much of the later, and NR aren't coming to Alaska for bear meat... that's some expensive $/lb meat. ;) I suspect that in the next few days, black bear hunting will not be banned for residents as long as they are accessing spots via the road or do not impact other communities, not sure on the brownies though.

Tourist season is going to be grim. April is gone, and best case if they get it under control in a month, it would be 6-8 weeks past that before the state will let anyone let nonessential travelers come here, especially if its not under control outside of Alaska. Best case is July-Aug for travel restrictions to be reduced for tourists. I'd be sweating hunting season if I had a hunt booked here. There is about zero chance they cancel resident hunting, too many people rely on the meat.
This is also not a woe is me But I dont think ill make it to Idaho this year my business has been shut down for 3 weeks and now all April, we will see after that
prob need to stay at home chasing Pa whitetails and black bear :)
Im more worried abt folks that are in worse shape I know some that I dont know how they will make it
Alaska has relatively few hospital beds and ventilators.
For example, the Fairbanks Memorial Hospital has 212 beds, 12 ventilators,
so residents are urged to stay at home, only essential travel allowed.
We can "get" Alaska.

But closing public land be it state or otherwise is beyond excessive. At some point some governor needs to have a set of balls.

You are FAAAARRRRR less likely die of corona out on a mtn killing a turkey, then you are wandering into the grocery store to buy one. You could shut down NR if that's the worry.

But the hunting will come with the 24 hour virologists from CNN criticizing, and gawd only knows the media is right, 100% of the time

On a side note.

Hopefully the foljs from my state(UT) GET A REAL BIG TASTE for what it's like when tge state shuts down land. Hopefully they won't be in such a hurry to transfer it.
I support the Alaska Governor making that call. I look at rural Montana counties where we are having 1 death in 6 cases, 2 deaths in 6 cases, 1 death in 5 cases, it shows how under-equiped rural areas are to handle this and how it impacts elderly populations. The last thing Alaska needs is a bunch of non-residents heading north, bringing the pox to an elderly population with lower medical infrastructure, and higher percentages of native populations that have shown lower immunities to some diseases.

This is exactly right. In my community we do not have a single ventilator. Maybe 5 test kits I've heard? Many elders, and extended families that live together in relatively small dwellings. It is not clear at all how the intra-state travel ban will be enforced locally. I think in the coming weeks we are really going to have to focus on keeping infrastructure and supply lines up and running even if no one gets sick.

So I appreciate the perspective, and I hope the BOG does right by non resident tags and offers to defer. Stability in the form of hunts on the books, for would be good for the outfitter/guide community.
Please folks, stop doing mental gymnastics about how you can still make trips.

Agreed. We have the strawman argument "I am safer going out in the woods than into the grocery store". Yes, you are. But you are still going into the grocery store regardless, which renders the argument moot. And, if you are going out into the woods, you are increasing your number of trips to the gas station, grocery store, etc. It's a probability game here.

Any travel between communities increases the risk of spread. My hunting buddy was exposed this last week because a coworker of his did not heed the stay at home order and traveled to an area with a higher prevalence of CV. His company now had to bring in their quarantine shift because of two dipshits.
Agreed. We have the strawman argument "I am safer going out in the woods than into the grocery store". Yes, you are. But you are still going into the grocery store regardless, which renders the argument moot. And, if you are going out into the woods, you are increasing your number of trips to the gas station, grocery store, etc. It's a probability game here.

Any travel between communities increases the risk of spread. My hunting buddy was exposed this last week because a coworker of his did not heed the stay at home order and traveled to an area with a higher prevalence of CV. His company now had to bring in their quarantine shift because of two dipshits.

You pretty well have a 100% chance of getting it baring a vaccine. Even then im sure we will have the anti vax community.

A vaccine is st best January.

I highly doubt. In fact I guarantee you WILL NOT stay locked in your house for 9 months. You won't go that long without gas, groceries, drugs. .

The mental gymnastics is how long can I force the general population to swirl down the drain with the blind faith that you can hide 9 months to a year.

With the 30% unemployment rate we are blindly running to, you will long outrun your money before you run put of health.

The state's can stand on their heads and scream bloody murder. Deer, elk, moose, sheep, antelope, bears, turkeys WILL be getting tipped over this year. The ONLY choice the state will have is to allow it, or lock guys up.

I was a kid in the Carter Malayse. I've eaten poached deer and pheasants. I hope to never be forced to again, but let's not pretend it won't happen.

Desperate times = desperate men
You pretty well have a 100% chance of getting it baring a vaccine. Even then im sure we will have the anti vax community.

A vaccine is st best January.

I highly doubt. In fact I guarantee you WILL NOT stay locked in your house for 9 months. You won't go that long without gas, groceries, drugs. .

The mental gymnastics is how long can I force the general population to swirl down the drain with the blind faith that you can hide 9 months to a year.

With the 30% unemployment rate we are blindly running to, you will long outrun your money before you run put of health.

The state's can stand on their heads and scream bloody murder. Deer, elk, moose, sheep, antelope, bears, turkeys WILL be getting tipped over this year. The ONLY choice the state will have is to allow it, or lock guys up.

I was a kid in the Carter Malayse. I've eaten poached deer and pheasants. I hope to never be forced to again, but let's not pretend it won't happen.

Desperate times = desperate men
Who said anything about 9 months? I see you haven't run out of hyperbole.
Agreed. We have the strawman argument "I am safer going out in the woods than into the grocery store". Yes, you are. But you are still going into the grocery store regardless, which renders the argument moot. And, if you are going out into the woods, you are increasing your number of trips to the gas station, grocery store, etc. It's a probability game here.

Any travel between communities increases the risk of spread. My hunting buddy was exposed this last week because a coworker of his did not heed the stay at home order and traveled to an area with a higher prevalence of CV. His company now had to bring in their quarantine shift because of two dipshits.
Plus a laurel, and hardy handshake for the elusive correct use of "moot" on an internet forum.
I keep seeing this being posted and repeated, and it just doesn't pass the smell test to me.

We lets H1N1 run it's course in 2009/2010, and best guesses are ~20% of the population got it.
The figures I've seen put this at 50-70 % exposure for the populace.
That doesn’t mean their tags can’t be valid next year. Their would be no more pressure on the bears because no one is hunting them this year.

I'm not sure that's how that works lol.

Also looks like now it's just closed for Non residents, also it's a small number of tags in a few select places. So I don't think it will be difficult for them to figure out a solution all things considered.
I keep seeing this being posted and repeated, and it just doesn't pass the smell test to me.

We lets H1N1 run it's course in 2009/2010, and best guesses are ~20% of the population got it.

The RO of this is much higher
Who said anything about 9 months? I see you haven't run out of hyperbole.

Dr Faucci.

12-18 months for vaccine.

West Virgina is locked down into June.

Dallas in until June.

Not hyperbole. I just live in the real world, not a theoretical one.

Ask FIN if he's ever ate a poached grouse.

Theories, studies, annecdotes, all end when the fridge is empty.

I'm the most anti poaching guy you will find. But I'm more anti "hoping" the government will feed my family.

I actually listened to my grandparents when they talked about the depression.

30% in employment, 6 trillion spent in one year. Ain't a chance in hell dudes will sit home starving to keep 30" bucks or 400" bulls "a thing"

Call it hyperbole all day. Belittle me all day.

I'm 8 miles from a herd of buffalo. And I listened. I saved a pile of money. I drive an 02 truck. But NO ONE is starving to keep that herd viable.

Clock is ticking. We all get a few weeks, or even a month.

But going into winter, facing a second wave sitting on unemployment for 6 months, things go south real fast.

Good for you of you've never been desperate.

I pray it doesn't come to that. I've spend years and money trying to build a conservation legacy.

Your either stupid or naive to think that legacy is wrotten in stone.
Good luck. I’m going to go be stupid and naive.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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