The Raghorn vs. Forky Discrepancy

I grew up very similar; elk hunting was work and deer hunting was fun. Units we hunted seeing a bull that was even 2.5 years old was rare, but the chance of finding a nice to exceptional deer always existed
Same. Maybe it's a North Idaho thing, but primary focus was always elk. Things like deer, bear, birds were just targets of opportunity, or what you did after your elk was in the freezer.
Eh, some people love mushrooms, some can’t stand them. Seems silly to argue over what tastes good.

But I’ll fight anyone who disparages apple pie.

yeah but most mushrooms really only taste like what they're seasoned with and cooked in. so, you know....
I would totally shoot a forkie mule deer for other reasons than starvation or being disabled. For example, if you had to kill a deer to leave camp with OntarioHunter and MustangsRule, first thing that steps out is smoked meat.
Would get a shoulder mount too.
I occasionally bend the "no raghorn" rule for the first elk of the year, if my freezer is empty my standards are not that high, assuming the raghorn is standing at least reasonably close to my truck... if the freezer is stocked then it's mature bull all the way, way more fun to spend the entire season hunting...
@TOGIE has a good point about CO season length, if I didn't usually spend a couple of weeks before season glassing most evenings I'd have a much harder time being patient during a 5-9 day season, it helps to know what is around...

Small deer, or for that matter most deer, are safe from me, I enjoy hunting them, and they are tasty, but I'm in no hurry to pull the trigger unless I find a really big one...
Any elk is a trophy elk when you're after the meat and not the antlers. Montana F&G sets the rules and hunters take what's legal or choose to go by self imposed standards. Don't let people shame you into their standard if it's legal.
Point restrictions on mule deer aren’t a good idea because you would end up with a bunch big 3pts spreading bad genetics
One way to address this is to rotate regulations so is limited to 4-point on a side during the easier part of the season then drop the antler restriction during the harder part of the season. Another approach is to go 4 years with the 4-point restriction then every 5th year drop the antler restriction. Another way is to offer a small subset of a season's tags with no antler restriction but the bulk of the tags with the antler restriction.
One way to address this is to rotate regulations so is limited to 4-point on a side during the easier part of the season then drop the antler restriction during the harder part of the season. Another approach is to go 4 years with the 4-point restriction then every 5th year drop the antler restriction. Another way is to offer a small subset of a season's tags with no antler restriction but the bulk of the tags with the antler restriction.

Montanas can’t even get the regs we have now. Can you imagine if it was like that?
One way to address this is to rotate regulations so is limited to 4-point on a side during the easier part of the season then drop the antler restriction during the harder part of the season. Another approach is to go 4 years with the 4-point restriction then every 5th year drop the antler restriction. Another way is to offer a small subset of a season's tags with no antler restriction but the bulk of the tags with the antler restriction.
Hank went with the simplify reg shit show because hunters could figure out the difference between a permit and a license. Splitting seasons would be mind blowing.
Is the disgust for people taking forkies just a Montana thing? Getting a rag horn elk is hard. The first year I elk hunted I never even saw a branch bull. I was damn proud of myself the next year standing over my raghorn. The learning curve was steep but I put the time in and now I don’t even shoot small six points. I will shoot a cow when the freezer is empty. I never shot forkies but eastern Montana had lots of deer back than and getting a forky was very easy with our season structure. This year with literally no deer out here getting a forky on public land will be much tougher and more of an accomplishment. MtFwp issues the tags, I say fill them. Maybe they will get a clue if it gets bad enough.
If his browtines go up I’m gonna have a hard time letting him walk! Being relatively new to elk hunting I still get excited when any bull comes in. Deer to me aren’t nearly as good eating and I enjoy trying to find a big one with the rifle. I wish Montana's deer populations were better but with the current state of affairs blasting forkies from the road is counter productive.

I rarely see a 3 or 4 point bull around here anymore. They seem to jump to 5 points quick.
Saw a raghorn, 7x7 the other day...5x5 with extras.
Bet that 6x6 I took here on my place a few years ago was no more than 2 1/2 years old and maybe scored 200+. His big brother was in the 380 range.
Seen several this year that were HUGE. Just plain HUGE.

30 years ago a big buck was 180-200+ and a 30 incher common.
I'll take a big forkey if I get lucky and see one...and my draw cow tag is a trophy to me.

Then again a 10" trout is big in

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