Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

The Hunter


New member
Nov 20, 2001
A big game hunter walked into a bar and bragged to everyone about his skills as a hunter. The man was undoubtedly a good shot and no one could dispute that. But then he said that he could recognize any animal's skin by feeling it and he could tell what caliber rifle was used to shoot it by locating the bullet holes. This was a bit much for the other customers and soon a heated argument started. The hunter said that he was willing to prove it if they would put up the drinks and the bet was on. They blindfolded him and took him the first animal skin. After feeling it for a few moments, he announced, "Springbok." Then he felt for the bullet hole and declared, "shot with a .22 rifle." He was right! The others could not beieve it and the argument was even hotter than before. Someone said he peeked, he said that he would do it again for another round. So they blindfolded him again, very thoroughly this time and they brought a skin that someone happened to have in the trunk of his car. He took a bit longer this time then said, "Kalahari Lion." Fingering the bullet hole, he added, shot with a .308." He was right again! This only made the crowd more curious and he had to prove his skills over and over again, everytime winning a round of drinks. Finally he staggered home, bombed out of his mind and went to sleep. The next morning he got up and saw in the mirror that he had one hell of a shiner. So he said to his wife, " Listen, I know I was drunk last night but not to drunk to know that I didn't get into a fight. So where did I get this black eye?" His wife replied angerily, "From me." "What did I do?" he asked.
She replied, " you got into bed and put your hand inside my panties. Then you fiddled around a bit and announced, "Skunk. Killed with an ax!"

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