The Great Fat OFF!

I got serious about eating healthy and exercising. I have lost 60 lbs since Nov of 2010. Slow and steady. I have reached kind of a plateau lately as I have been the same weight for the past couple of weeks.

I weigh myself in the morning, every day and before I go to bed everyday. I don't let myself have a beer, ice cream or anything "fun" if I don't work out that day.

Feel much better and my sleep apenia has disappeared. Still got 40 lbs to do to get to my goal.

I have been following this plan as much as I can

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Went from 217 to 200 the month after knee surgery. Been out of rehab and back in gym for about 8 weeks. Still fighting some stretched quad soreness and trochanter bursitis but winning the battle.. Want to be 195.
Thats alot, whats your secret?

Daily exercise and eating right. One thing that has been invaluable has been a smartphone app that you can track your daily calories on. It is amazing how easy it is to go over your daily goal and by me inputting every calorie I eat always lets me know where I stand. Also completely cutting out fast food and other junk food has been necessary for me.
I dropped close to fifty pounds in the spring of 2010 and have been able to keep it off. I'd like to pack on a touch more muscle before this fall, but I struggle to gain mass. Amazing what diet and excercise will do for a person.
weigh 147 now, been drinking those lard ass drinks to try to get to 155. Maybe should just stick with Leinenkugels.
I try to keep my calories around 1600-2000 per day, run 3-5 miles every other day, and on opposite days I do 3-4 sets of 75 pushups- 40 sit ups- and 15 pullups.
I weigh 160 lbs, but only 5`7". I`m 44 and feel better than I did when I was 24!
I was up around 200 # at Christmas, then started to change my diet and run to get in shape for the Vortex Extreme competition in late July. My wife and the folks at work laugh at my diet, but when ever I want to lose weight I eat nothing but Cheerios/milk and yogurt during the day and then a normal dinner. Seems to work for me, and boysenberry yoplait is pretty awesome. Also worked up to running 4 to 6 miles 4-5 times a week. Down to 178# now, and would not mind losing another 5 or so. Have some 5 and 10 K races on the schedule, starting with the 4th of July, and plan to try to fit in a half marathon prior to bow season. Best of luck everyone on meeting your "hunting shape" goals.
You boys sound like you belong in a hen house, posting ideal weights. ;)

Somewhere between 178-185 is probably where I should be. Where I'd be at my best. But it's a lot more about weight distribution than weight for me. I was on a good track until February--had some health issues halt my routine--and now I'm getting back in the saddle.

You want to lose weight? Lift heavy weights. Building muscle speeds up your metabolism. Nothing eats as fast as growing muscle.
I really need to shed 20 lbs myself. I'm pushing the 200 lb mark and I don't really want to go there. I am pretty active, but it's tough to give up the food and beer. Especially this time of year when we are cooking out almost every night.