Thank you big fin


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2012
Newhartford Iowa
I just posted on the hunting shows thread and decided to start a new thread where people can thank big fin. I would like to start by saying thank you for the great show and for the hunt talk forum. I would also like to say thank you for all your efforts in conservation that you do. Keep up the good work Randy we all appreciate it.
Thank you for conveying the difficulties in hunting, without sounding like a whiner.
Thanks for being approachable through this forum.
Thanks for letting people know that you have a "day job" and worked hard at it so you can hunt as much as you do.
Thanks for fulfilling your sponsor requirements as minimally as possible so your show and forum are not infomercials. You still do them service because we see the gear working trip after trip.
Thanks for the Live hunt posts. It makes watching the show so much more meaningful.
Thanks for introducing us to your hunting partners. I'd share a camp with any of them.
Thanks for not having a gaudy wrapped lifted pickup that dominates every episode.
Yeah Yeah, thanks for all that. But most importantly, thanks for reminding me just how darn good Dairy Queen is!
Yes thanks Randy you are a blessing to the hunting community. And I will second every word that
2Rocky stated. Esp. the truck thing! HAHAHAHA These new shows these days make me sick I can't hardly stand to watch many of them.
Thanks for the forum and having a place where us regular guys can chat about things as well as have a chance to meet each other in person on our travels.
I share the same sentiment as everyone above and my two cents says thank you for being the greatest advocate for the public land hunter of modern times......:cool:
We do appreciate your efforts...

Thank you for all you have done. I/we are true fans of your show. MTG
Thanks Randy for costing a couple thousand dollars! :). If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have realized that I could do it on my own and planned my first DIY archery elk hunt in 1.5 weeks, 2500 miles from home. :D
Wow I get to thank someone famous for showing hunting in a very positive way:) You ain't going to sell us out by hunting elk tied to trees are you:D I want you to do a duck and pheasant show:) Thank You:)
Thank You for sticking up for me, when a couple of people were busting my balls, when I was looking for a hunting partner, just because my Wife prefers that I don't hunt alone when I am 1700 miles away from home in MT.

With Mr. Newberg what you see is what you get. That is what I respect. Genuine is a rare attribute in sponsored media.
2Rocky and noharleyet nailed it for me.

I wasn't in on the early days of the forum but have read lots of historical threads. It seems that a maturity of action and thought/posting has occurred under Big Fin's watch. I have visited some of the other hunting forums and I can see a distinct difference in attitude displayed by those members from HuntTalkers. We still have room for ribbing and fun, and if/when it gets too unseemly there have been some timely thread locks and even a booting or two.

I am glad I found OYOA/Fresh Tracks, and
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Thanks for telling the truth Randy.

Truth to the politicians.
Truth to the non hunting public.
Truth to the ultra rich who buy their hunts.
Truth to those who can't handle the truth.

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