Caribou Gear

Teddy Coming Down

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Before this post I knew nothing about this statue, but I have a feeling it isn't so much the figure of Roosevelt. It's the statues he's flanked by that chaps peoples hide.
Fair point.
I’ve been there and don’t remember the statue. I do remember the Irish Elk.
That is bullshit he was the first president to have dinner with a Black man in the Oval Office, when he eat with George Washington Carver. Boy do you people ignorant of history piss me off. Not to mention he was the first person to bust monopolies. Book burning is next in the order of operations for tyranny.
I grew up going to the AMNH almost every month. Outside of time spent in the woods and on the water, some of my most cherished memories of my father are from that museum. Having said that, I can recall my father's displeasure of TR leading the savages towards the light... Still, I'm not happy to see it come down.

TR's words that adore the rotunda of the museum mean a hell of a lot more to me than a statue.

Can we ALL stop being offended by everything?
What the heck is wrong with our country? Teddy Roosevelt was an American legend.

His legacy is complicated, especially with regard to native Americans and foreign policy.

“I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indian is the dead Indian, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”
I'm so tired of being woke by the enlightened Joan's.
I'm also tired of seeing any thing about the traitors to our nation ,still to this day. They belong in a museum where the few who wish can see...maybe.
A founding father and a defending brother are a different story. I swore an oath 4 times to defend them and I'd do it again.
I didn't even hear about this one... Ulysses S Grant... San Francisco.

In San Francisco on Friday a statue of another president, Ulysses S Grant, was among monuments pulled down in Golden Gate Park. Grant led Union armies to victory in the civil war and as president fought the Ku Klux Klan. But before defeating the slave-owning Confederacy he married into a slave-owning family and briefly owned a slave himself.

Also if you want to read the article and don't want to pay New York times here's a link.

Anyone that thought they'd stop at civil war statues...whether or not you believe they have a valid reason for removing those statues...hasn't been paying attention to how people work anymore. Give someone long enough, and enough of the "woke" culture, and they'll eventually find something bad against everyone in our history as a country. People are flawed, have been since they left the womb. Everyone has done, said, or thought something they wish they hadn't. The problem is, the current generations of people are willing to hang them for it....or in this case erase them from history. At some point, people have to stop this nonsense, or our country will collapse from the collective wound of these thousand cuts.
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