Tebow back?


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
So I just read that the Eagles are bringing in Tebow, what a joke. I feel sorry for you Eagles fans. It's just going to be a media circus with him like before.
I'm an Eagles fan and I'm pretty shocked. There's been some pretty odd moves this off season. Getting rid of Foles for Bradford was number one. Then resigning Sanchez was number two. Getting rid of some high profile players is beyond my comprehension. But, this Tebow signing confuses me. What I'm hoping is that they are just adding them to the roster as bargaining chips for trades. Sanchez proved he can't run the offense, so he can go. Bradford can't keep his knees healthy, so he can go. Tebow can actually play and has worked a lot with position coaches the past couple of years. Chip has a hard on for Mariota and is going to try to get him in the first round. So, I can see him as the starter with Tebow as second string and Bradford as third string. But, then agin, this is Chip Kelly and nothing he does makes sense.
Good for the iggles, I'm pulling for Tebow...and Colt wherever he is.

...just maybe, if only...nah

Please, take him. We will take your 1st round this year and a 3rd round next year. Then the best running back since Walter Payton can go to Big D and have his love fest with Jerry. I love the way AP plays and really enjoyed his days in Purple. But, he has made a mess of this entire issue. He is the one who beat his kid, admitted such, and now it is the fault of everyone else; per his agent, the Vikings' fault. Completely counter to how he approached his football issues on the field. As a Purple fan, I hope Jerry has one too many martinis for lunch and makes a sucker's deal.

Even with what I proposed above, it would be nowhere near the gut punch Vikings fans got when they traded two years of drafts and half the team to Dallas for Herschel Walker. By far the worst deal ever transacted in all of professional spots. The Herschel Walker deal makes the Eagles signing of T-bone look like managerial genius.
being a giants fan i dont have a lot of optimism for this season but hey...you never know
Not sure what they are thinking with signing these QBs.All our other free agency stuff has been good for us.Still think he wants Mariotta, and not sure how he gets that done.I'm not really a fan of Mariotta,and think we should have let Foles have another season before getting the boot.Thank God we are in a weak division for now so we can rebuild a little and still win the East.Dallas is our only challenger and with Romo at the helm we have nothing to worry about.Dallas will NEVER win a super bowl with him,and I've told all the Dallas fans that for years
I guess we wait till draft day to find out what Kelly is doing.I think Tebow could run our offense just fine,but prefer he just gets a paycheck to sit on the sidelines
I personally think Tebow may not make the roster, but I have to admit I'm pulling for the guy. Kinda feell the same about Chip. The guy has won everywhere he has been. And everyone said it would fail every time. I'm not a fan of his because I truly like my games to be 3 to 6. I figure this is Chips last year if they miss the playoffs.

There can't be much left in Tebow if the Pats couldn't figure something out. But I can't wait to watch the trainwreck that will follow if he makes the roster.
I personally think Tebow may not make the roster, but I have to admit I'm pulling for the guy. Kinda feell the same about Chip. The guy has won everywhere he has been. And everyone said it would fail every time. I'm not a fan of his because I truly like my games to be 3 to 6. I figure this is Chips last year if they miss the playoffs.

There can't be much left in Tebow if the Pats couldn't figure something out. But I can't wait to watch the trainwreck that will follow if he makes the roster.

I'm really hoping Tebow fails again. I just can't stand anybody being so full of themselves as to write an autobiograghy when he has yet to accomplish anything.
Even with what I proposed above, it would be nowhere near the gut punch Vikings fans got when they traded two years of drafts and half the team to Dallas for Herschel Walker. By far the worst deal ever transacted in all of professional spots. The Herschel Walker deal makes the Eagles signing of T-bone look like managerial genius.

Couldn't have said it better...
Couldn't have said it better...

Well you got our star running back Demarco Murry. I'm interested to see whether history hold true on the stat of no running back who carried the ball that many times gained more than 1300 yards the following year in the last 25 years.
With 3 crappy QB's Murry is all they have.
I just can't stand anybody being so full of themselves as to write an autobiograghy when he has yet to accomplish anything.

Heisman...National Championships...beat the Steelers in a playoff game...a very generous foundation...Nope nothing accomplished.
I hope Tebow makes the team, I am not even an eagles fan but I sure do love Tebow. I look at some of these other teams and wonder why has he not been on a roster? Yes the media is all over him and they do not want that attention brought to their team. But that all being said he may not be a 1st string guy but the guy can out play and out work a heck of a lot of these other 2nd and 3rd string guys. He will get his chance again, hell id be happy if my packers had picked him up for a back up!
He is not on a roster, and he hasn't made the eagles yet, because he cannot play quarterback in the NFL. mtmuley
He is not on a roster, and he hasn't made the eagles yet, because he cannot play quarterback in the NFL. mtmuley

He may be able to play in the NFL but we've already seen he can't throw the ball and he says he lill not play another position.

And no he hasn't accomplished anything. There are a lot of hiesman trophy winners that could not make it in the NFL.
He may be able to play in the NFL but we've already seen he can't throw the ball and he says he lill not play another position.

And no he hasn't accomplished anything. There are a lot of hiesman trophy winners that could not make it in the NFL.
And a heap larger pile of NFLers who never won the Heisman. Seriously can't believe how you can equate winning the Heisman and being part of 2 national championship teams, one of which he was the starting QB for, as not having accomplished anything.
The Heisman, while a great award, doesn't mean much where the NFL is concerned. Look at past winners. Bet Tebow would trade it to start on a pro team. mtmuley