Caribou Gear

Taking a so called buddy hunting!!!

What a lesson I learned this year about taking someone hunting. I met a guy at work a year ago seem to be a good person. His wife got along well with mine and was a real nice lady I worked with this guy every day for about 7 mths and in conversation on day he got invited on a hunt with us don't get me wrong I like taking people hunting but this just didn't work out so well. My father in law and me packed camp into the bob marshall for a 2 week hunt and I came out and picked up this guy 3 days after we got in now its 6 hour ride. So we went back in and I got to bow hunt one day before rifle opened up which he only was gonna rifle hunt. Well opening morning of rifle we rode horse as for as trail went and started hunting I said to him we need to get high to locate elk he said he would sit there and look around so I hike up about 1500 feet and glassed ,located a bull and few cows on other side of drainage came down let him know and asked if he could make the hike he said he could try. Well 4 hours later we make it up there and it is a hell of a hike and not long I got the bull talking I called in a raghorn and was gonna shoot but I waited till he got in position and let him shoot his first bull. Well now the work I cut the bull up and loaded up packs and he said it was to much so he carried front quarter I carried the rear quarter and the backstraps down the mountain and prepared the rest to get in morning. Next morning he says he was gonna stay in camp and rest well I went back up and got the rest. Next morning he tells me he is ready to go out so he could get back to work well that didn't happen so I hunted 3 more days and got a bull so we packed back out to the house to get meat put in coolers he tells me he is gonna stay out and cut elk up ok I went back in to get my brother and father in law. Now there is four of us and 2 bulls , everyone gets half of an elk right ,wrong we get out and he cut the elk up he shot and left with all the meat didn't share nothing and haven't heard nothing from him needless to say he doesn't want to run into me again.. Sorry for the book but I am pretty frustrated a person could be like that after all we did to take him elk hunting.

Unfortunately, I think most people have a story like this. I have a very short list of people I take rifle hunting.
That's rough man! Why is it so hard for some folks to understand that if you take them hunting, you share the work, you share the cost, and you share the meat?? We had a guy last year that got a bull down and then pretty much laid down on the job as far as processing and packing. He was out of shape and apologetic, but I ended up doing a big portion of the work, luckily I had already tagged out and had mine off the mountain, so it didn't ruin my hunt.
You should have known better. Lesson learned though. That is what people are like these days. Unfortunate. Cannot trust anyone. Keep hunting sacred. If you want to take someone hunting, take a kid.
(I work with a guy who does not carry insurance on his 3 kids?, and they are off as a family to the mountains for the weekend. Summit County of all places,, cannot be cheap?
More, just last week, I caught him messing with his payustub and altering it prior to faxing applying to get free CO insurance / medicade program????????????????
He was quote, 'over the limit by 12 bucks'.

I am going to try to make a phone call and turn the CS in.

Two guesses where he is from.
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I had something similar 10 years ago or so - not nearly as bad as Steamfitter just had though.

I ended up taking a buddy hunting, he'd been asking for a couple of years. I really wanted to get him an elk and planned out a pretty solid day hunt. The night before we were going, he called and said he had a friend that was in town and would like to go with us. I was a bit hesitant, but said sure he can come. So now I had 2 guys I had never hunted with (although, I was pretty confident on my friend).

Now the place I had decided on was a bit of a bear to get into. There are some benches that always hold elk - but the common/easy approaches are watched heavily by any elk in there. I'd found 1 solid access, but it requires tagging a peak, following a knife ridge (involving a couple of 20 foot down climbs) and then dropping down onto the benches. From there the world is your oyster.

Needless to say, my buddy did great that day. His buddy bitched and moaned the whole way in. At one point, I just told him - "You know where the truck is, if you want to keep going with us, stop the complaining". That shut him up, but I could tell he wasn't into it.

After we'd dropped into the bench, both guys were amazed at the recent elk sign (rubs, beds, wallows). The complainer did pony up at the end of the day to say it was the perfect way to hit it. We didn't see any elk that day - so I was bummed for my buddy.

I have no idea how 'the complainer' would have reacted with an elk down.

Regardless - it is great to take people out that haven't had that experience. But it can be really tough to judge character. It is a great weed out tool though. You really see what a person is made of.
Man, that's tough. I am always extending invitations to people that I think would really get into elk hunting. I know it's not going to work out when they spend no time preparing physically and only think hunting after the season has opened. You gotta want it and you gotta put your time in. If I call you to pack elk and you can't make it (within reason) don't expect another invite.

My pack group is two other guys and we are always there for each other. We need that, especially as we get older.
If he is a coworker does that mean you guys are in the Union together?

Yeah he is out of the fitters local in Maryland and im out of fitters local in Montana so you constantly meet people on jobs. I am over it but I will be more careful when inviting guys hunting that's for sure.
I've been burned a time or two. I took a couple of guy lets call them Joe and Bob out and they both shot their first elk. I didn't get mine and I didn't get any of the meat from them. I figured they had families to feed and I didn't so it didn't bug me. Then they decide to put in on an application the next year with another guy lets call him Tom and some other buddy and leave me out (4 people per application). That is until the season opens and they want me to go show them around. I declined. The funny thing is I still talk to these guys fairly often and it turns out a couple years later Tom had a honey hole for deer. He and Joe were supposed to put in together on the application. Turns out Joe invites more friends to put in and crowds Tom out. Joe and his buddies drew Tom didn't and sure enough they wanted Tom to show them where to go. Tom is still bent and brings it up once in a while. I just chuckle and say when Joe did it to me with you on the application you should have learned. I know Joe has burned a few other guys over the years as well. I don't regret taking anyone hunting but I don't do it much anymore. I figure I will hunt solo until my kids are old enough to go.
You only get burnt so many times before you either :
A) hunt alone when trusted mates can't come or
B) simply cut out any hunting partners who are simply not on your page.

Better to have less issues in camp and less hunting partners but those you have are
like brothers.

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