Taking a so called buddy hunting!!!


Feb 17, 2012
What a lesson I learned this year about taking someone hunting. I met a guy at work a year ago seem to be a good person. His wife got along well with mine and was a real nice lady I worked with this guy every day for about 7 mths and in conversation on day he got invited on a hunt with us don't get me wrong I like taking people hunting but this just didn't work out so well. My father in law and me packed camp into the bob marshall for a 2 week hunt and I came out and picked up this guy 3 days after we got in now its 6 hour ride. So we went back in and I got to bow hunt one day before rifle opened up which he only was gonna rifle hunt. Well opening morning of rifle we rode horse as for as trail went and started hunting I said to him we need to get high to locate elk he said he would sit there and look around so I hike up about 1500 feet and glassed ,located a bull and few cows on other side of drainage came down let him know and asked if he could make the hike he said he could try. Well 4 hours later we make it up there and it is a hell of a hike and not long I got the bull talking I called in a raghorn and was gonna shoot but I waited till he got in position and let him shoot his first bull. Well now the work I cut the bull up and loaded up packs and he said it was to much so he carried front quarter I carried the rear quarter and the backstraps down the mountain and prepared the rest to get in morning. Next morning he says he was gonna stay in camp and rest well I went back up and got the rest. Next morning he tells me he is ready to go out so he could get back to work well that didn't happen so I hunted 3 more days and got a bull so we packed back out to the house to get meat put in coolers he tells me he is gonna stay out and cut elk up ok I went back in to get my brother and father in law. Now there is four of us and 2 bulls , everyone gets half of an elk right ,wrong we get out and he cut the elk up he shot and left with all the meat didn't share nothing and haven't heard nothing from him needless to say he doesn't want to run into me again.. Sorry for the book but I am pretty frustrated a person could be like that after all we did to take him elk hunting.
You might not see him again til next year....in the same drainage with a new bunch of hunting buddies! Good for you taking him out and showing him a good time. Lessons learned.
A. You need to learn to punctuate.
B. Don't you still work with the guy? Why would he do this if you work with him?

Sad story though...It's the risk you take when you invite a stranger and really sad because you will find it hard to trust someone again.

Pictures of critters?
Well, as tough as that is....just think of the deposit you made in th "Good Karma" bank. Last year at camp (my first elk hunt and as a newly invited "new guy" to camp) we had a litle bit of an issue as well. 7 of us in camp: My buddy (retired Navy), his dad (retired Army), 2 brothers that had been my buddies sailors, their dad. little brother and me. On opening day my buddy shot his bull and he and I quartered and packed out. On day 3 I got my bull and we got a cow within 15 seconds of each other so we got on the radios to circle the wagons for help as it was a little warm and the pack out was 2 miles up and over a ridge. Lotti Dotti everybody showed up and the work starts. The 2 sailor's dad starts skinning the bull while we track down the cow. We get back and my buddy and I load up a front and rear quarter (thinking that the 2 20-somethings wouldbe behind us with the other 2 quarters). On the way back we don't see anyone....hmmm? We ge there to see one youngun leaving with just backstraps....the other just watching, not even helping his dad :( Needless to say in the end it was old guys 7 quarters and burger meat, younguns 1 quarter and backstraps. Their dad was a workhorse on the skinning and cutting detail. Had always intended to give them the cow but it was only because of dad. Amazing how some folks can just sit there and watch others work for them :( Sharing meat is the known practice in our camp. I have to say that it doesn't bother me too much as I know how I earned my first freezer full of elk :)
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A. You need to learn to punctuate.
B. Don't you still work with the guy? Why would he do this if you work with him?

Sad story though...It's the risk you take when you invite a stranger and really sad because you will find it hard to trust someone again.

Pictures of critters?

I don't know if I will see him again or not I work pipeline and travel all over so there is a chance we might end up on the same job again . My wife says he is a user and im a bad judge of character.
That is pretty crappy, but since it was his first bull he might not realize that it is customary to split the meat among the participants. Even more so since you did so much of the work. I'd ask him if he knew he was supposed to do it... if he still doesn't give you 1/2 the elk then Greenenough is a small enough town that he'll never have a hunting buddy again.
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You should listen a little more intently to the wife.

I hunt by myself, just following my own feet. They don't let me down.
Sounds like you got taken advantage of by an out of shape selfish 'dush'. Don't quit being a good dude because of this azzhole....these types are their own punishment in the long run.

...and your punctuation is just fine to me.
it's a bad deal, but there are a lot of losers out there that take advantage of someone every chance they get. If I were you I think I would send him a bill for the camp and the use of the horses, maybe a little guide fee included.
I don't know if I will see him again or not I work pipeline and travel all over so there is a chance we might end up on the same job again . My wife says he is a user and im a bad judge of character.

For your sake I hope not...I would kick his A$$ is I ever saw him...At least make sure to bad mouth about him to everyone you can.
Same thing here. I know your pain! Met a guy who I thought was real cool, ex Army, etc. He showed up day and a half late and crocked. Opening morning my bro took him up to show him the country and with them was our dad (90). Luck would have it they got in about two hundred yards, the guy shoots his deer, couldn't find it after he shot. Was just going to scratch if off, but dad found it right where the guy shot it. 90 year-old guy, gutting a guys deer and started dragging by the time by bro and nephew got there to help. Guy was at the trail head smoking a cig and saying he was having trouble catching his breath. WTF!!!!
Didn't feel up to hunting the next morning so stayed in camp. Got back and he had grabbed his deer off the meat pole and left. Ran into him two years later and asked where we were hunting. GFY!, but he didn't understand because he had lung problems.....
I typically hunt alone or with one other hunter. I took a neighbor out a few years ago to shoot a cow. the next year she went in with some friends a shot a couple more elk. Then they called an outfitter to pack the elk out for them. I had a very brief but to the point conversation with my neighbor and it hasn't happened since. The point is, if your taking someone new your better off to set the rules up front and if it pisses them off and they don't agree with you, then your spot will still be your spot.
Well, I have seen that before and I do have one story that I did to a Hunter who my buddy said was a great hunter........I knew better. Anyway Mr. Hunter was a pain in our ass from day one, even trying to short us on gas money, meat ect. He got a small bull and when we pulled into Shreveport he packed up and asked where were his Antlers. I said I took them and locked them in my horse trailer, when you square up with everyone I will give them to you. Guess what, yep he squared up! John
Well, I have seen that before and I do have one story that I did to a Hunter who my buddy said was a great hunter........I knew better. Anyway Mr. Hunter was a pain in our ass from day one, even trying to short us on gas money, meat ect. He got a small bull and when we pulled into Shreveport he packed up and asked where were his Antlers. I said I took them and locked them in my horse trailer, when you square up with everyone I will give them to you. Guess what, yep he squared up! John

Yep, he was a real prince were he not stud?;)
That is pretty crappy, but since it was his first bull he might not realize that it is customary to split the meat among the participants. Even more so since you did so much of the work. I'd ask him if he knew he was supposed to do it... if he still doesn't give you 1/2 the elk then Greenenough is a small enough town that he'll never have a hunting buddy again.

Oh he knew I explained to him before we went hunting that we split everything all expenses and elk meat. When I packed the elk and him out I told him to just leave some backstrap and don't worry about the rest I would split mine 3 ways he said ok well he also said he be there the day we got out to help unpack and well he bailed. I let him park his trailer at my house which has rv hookups and my wife said him and his wife cut the elk up and used my grinder and saws. Which he broke my grinder and knife sharpner and never said a word. Yeah this was a real winner and he was from Maryland so I wont run into him. Like I said lessoned learned,
Dont stop being the type of person you are. There are a lot of %$#@&* *&^*% out there but there are some good people. I took a young guy new to bowhunting out last year and got him his first deer. He had the time of his life shared everything including the the butchering and meat. This year I hope to get him a decent buck ......good luck this season and congrats on your elk....:cool:

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