Stupid cleaning question


Active member
Mar 2, 2014
Socorro, NM
Ok HTers, what's your post-range day cleaning procedure? I feel like something is off in the number of patches I run through the barrel while still staying dirty. After 25 (used both ways) they are still a bit grungy. I even scrubbed early on so I would have thought I hit a lot of crud off early. My muzzle loader was a different beast but that's expected to be dirtier.

I'm curious as to what you all do to clean a gun after a day of shooting. Fire away.
I'm one of those crazy guys who doesn't touch the bore until my gun tells me to. I made the mistake of doing a deep clean on my .260 this spring, it copper fouls horrible so it usually is a 2 hr process to get it squeaky clean (had 200 rounds through it). It took about 25 shots until it settled back in to its pre-clean accuracy. I do the usually post hunting season cleaning on all my guns, but rarely touch the bore if it is still shooting good. So to answer your question I oil moving parts and cleaning the grunge out of the action/bold, but try not to touch the barrel. When I do clean I use Kroil (lube) and Bore Tech Eliminator (for the copper/carbon).
I should add that this is a new gun, 7mm08 Savage LWH, so I'm being picky about cleaning it. So I'm getting that you guys don't try to clean it down 100% in the barrel each time - I think I can get behind that!
I don't clean them until they stop shooting like they are supposed to. I'm lazy...
I should add that this is a new gun, 7mm08 Savage LWH, so I'm being picky about cleaning it. So I'm getting that you guys don't try to clean it down 100% in the barrel each time - I think I can get behind that!

There are also two schools of thought on barrel break-in, some do and some don't. I believe in doing it and i think savage has a procedure on their website that I have used on 3 different savages. Once broke in then I leave it be.
Caribou Gear

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