Steamboat Springs, CO vacation and scouting


New member
Aug 20, 2011
Well was told a few months ago I was going on vacation with the in laws to colorado. Little search says steamboat isnt bad elk hunting either. If the doctor releases me in time from shoulder surgery may return for an otc. Anyway headed up in a few days any advice on recreation with the family or some spots to scout out for archery elk?
Strawberry Park Hot Springs, don't take the kids after dark, gets a little nippley! Breakfast at Winona's, have a cinnamon roll. Fishing at Steamboat Lake. Have fun.
There are some pretty cool hikes in the Mt Zirkel Wilderness. Take Rt 129 North to Seedhouse road. OTC in unit 14 gets hit really hard, but there are elk there. I've heard the same about the strawberry Hot Springs. I'm taking my dad out in Sept., and planning on checking it out.
Thanks guys. The in laws have a time share and are treating the family to week of it. Needless to say accomadations will not be the same come elk season. Haha

Thanks again for the recomendations, really looking forward to getting to the area and checking it out.
Steamboat Springs CO is better than Missoula and Glasgow MT:D No rapist or rig pigs. Good clean living and better vacations!
Is that you or the wife speaking?:D

Well she wants to "relax" drink coffee on the porch and enjoy vacation her way with the family. I want to put some miles on with the spotting scope, in hopes my shoulder surgery will recover in time for archery season. ha
Buffalo Pass and the ski mountain have plenty of elk hanging out.....some bigguns to boot plus its not far from town... The Yampa River is fishing really well too if your into flyfishing, lower flows, crystal clear and some dry fly action already...
Dont know anything about flyfishing. Not much use for it here in the flat land of Texas, but would certainly like to learn. Its on my list of things to try, hopefully while I am there. Thanks again for the advice for vacation with the family and hunting. Keep them coming.
Idaho isn't that much farther away:p and I have the stuff. You want to float tube fish in a small mountain lake, crick or river?

Dont know anything about flyfishing. Not much use for it here in the flat land of Texas, but would certainly like to learn. Its on my list of things to try, hopefully while I am there. Thanks again for the advice for vacation with the family and hunting. Keep them coming.
My home town...grew up on a ranch 15 minutes South of town. Here's my suggestions if you want to get a good taste for elk country and get away from the yuppie/tourist crowd in town. As mentioned above, take a cruise up Buff pass and come down to soak in the hotsprings in Strawberry park. If you really want to see some elk country and bypass the skitown vibe, I would make the 30 minute drive South to the town of Yampa, stop in at Montgomery's General Store, check out all the old mounts and say hello to Floyd, and then drive up the road into the Flattop Wilderness area via Yamcola, Bear and Stillwater reservoirs. Beautiful drive in some great hunting country. On your way out of town swing by Stagecoach reservoir and chuck some spoons for monster northerns and trout (assuming you are not a flyfisherman). On your return, drive the Western route around Thorpe mountain North through the town of Oak Creek and through the canyon back into town/Steamboat. Keep your eyes peeled in the canyon for big deer and herds of elk.

Scouting, just remember that Routt County gets hammered every season for elk and anything close to town gets POUNDED from September through November. North of town is especially popular, but South of town in the more remote reaches of South Routt County has some incredible, relatively unpressured spots that produce the biggest bulls in the area. Also, everything in the valley is private so you have to go high close to town to find the public.

Have fun and feel free to shoot me a message if you need any more specifics regarding access points, fishing, etc.

Thanks for the continued info. Idaho, my wife wpent a week up there last year for a wedding. She called and said she could live up there, by the time she got back i had it laid out where we could live work etc. Then she put the brakes on. I dont know if she realizes how dangerous it is taking me that far north on vacation. By the time we get back i am hoping to have hertalked into to moving up there. Haha i would love to take you up on the offer but am afraid she would get upset if i left her and the inlaws to go to another state. Thank you very much though.

Nmelktrout, greatly appreciate the advice on locations sounds like a great outing to getaway from the tourist area.

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