Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Solo in 2015 - NM, CO, or MT...

Dec 25, 2014
Hello all - first post. Excellent website with what seems like some very knowledgeable folks on here. The boring stuff - 40 years old from flatlands of Ohio, two kids, loving wife, addicted to elk hunting.

I have been chasing elk twice now; my brother and I packed into the Piedra Creek area in CO last year for archery. Saw some animals and twice had them within 30 yards but never tripped the trigger on my release. We are both in excellent shape but those hills with our 92lb packs on the way in and out reminded us that we were not in Ohio. Set up camp five miles in and hunted for six days; had a great time and vowed to return.

This year were headed to Unit 15 and packed in roughly six miles with our muzzleloaders. Spent another six days camping and chasing the elk around incredible country. The hunting gods were smiling this year as we went 2 for 2 - a very nice 6x6 and a smaller 5x5. Spent 21 straight hours on the mountain getting the 6x out and two days later connected on the 5x. He was in a slightly better location which made for an easier pack out.

My brother is likely unable to go in 2015 so I am planning a solo hunt. Location still to be determined but leaning towards NM, CO, or MT. We have 9 points in WY but will save them for a hunt to do together.

I am not looking for your spot but rather have another question.... how do you guys that do solo trips ease the worry from your spouse and kids? My wife fears that I will fall and break a leg and never be found; the kids think there is a rabid grizzly hiding behind every tree.

Thanks in advance and have a great holiday season.
Get a DeLorme InReach and have constant communication back and forth via text message and have the option of an SOS feature. It is well worth the investment to make the wife happy.
I only do solo trips. I show the wife (she hunts too but not as much) the unit maps and the general area I'll be. If I have cell service I'll check in when I can. I think she's got used to my exploits.
Welcome to the forum. What weapon type you most interested in? That would determine how I would answer the questions between NM, CO, and MT.
First choice will be rifle this year, muzzleloader if the time off dictates. Will keep the compound and longbow here in Ohio for whitetails on the farm.
First choice will be rifle this year, muzzleloader if the time off dictates.

With past success in NM and worries from wife/kids, seems like NM would be the best place, whether rifle or muzzy. No grizz, you've been there before, you probably are comfortable with what the risks/rewards are. Just one opinion.

Good luck no matter what you decide.
I am not looking for your spot but rather have another question.... how do you guys that do solo trips ease the worry from your spouse and kids? My wife fears that I will fall and break a leg and never be found; the kids think there is a rabid grizzly hiding behind every tree.

Tell her not to worry, if you break your leg they will eventually find your body. :D

I hunt alone but I'll get a Darwin award someday with all the G bears around. MT isn't the best place to solo hunt. I carry a PLB. We've had a couple of threads that talk about the different types. I would highly recommend one for any outdoors person.
I'd put in for wy general tag 2nd choice special draw.That way you keep your points and can hunt archery and rifle;if you can swing 2 trips
As far as the wife,lie and tell her your meeting someone out there to hunt with.Seriously, John gave you the best idea
Welcome fellow flat lander.
I did a solo backpack hunt this past September in unit 65 in Colorado. I eased the wife's mind by using google earth and pinning my 2 base camp locations. I planned on getting a Spot but never did. I also called her when in cell service every couple days.
Going solo isn't for everyone, I'd rather have someone in camp to talk to, but everyone should try it at least once. Good luck.
I did the same thing on a southern Colorado bow hunt this year. The wife was not happy, but I renewed my spot membership which gave her a little piece of mind. I found that on most peaks I could gather enough service for a text or call. It was a little intimidating, but no regrets and I would do it again.

Similar to Randy, I would recommend NM. Terrain and weather will probably be milder than CO. I went there on a relatively inexpensive landowner tag for muzzleloader in early Oct. It was a great hunt, took my first elk, and was able to talk to the wife daily. Lot of elk, truck camped, day hiked and had a blast. Hiked 8-10 miles each day.

I have not been to WY, though my 6 points are burning a hole in my pocket.
24 hours of seat time to get to places like NM or AZ is a lot more dangerous than hunting by myself in my opinion. I'm "mostly" awake so I can only guess as to the state of the oncoming traffic. Then there's the panhandlers at the gas stations and things of that nature. I've come closer to dying when I was logging than I ever have hunting so the wife isn't too worried anymore.
New Mexico posts the draw results early enough that if u dont draw u can still buy a leftover tag in Montana.
I'd go right back to where you got your bulls this year. You already know the country, have been successful there before, it's closer to Ohio, and I'm assuming the tag is easier and cheaper to get than NM or MT.

Then again, it is always an adventure to hunt new country..
Bob - your comment about the drive time is spot on, probably the one thing I am not looking forward to. After a hassle getting caribou home I swore I would never fly again but flying would save me roughly 3 days of travel time. Not sure if all the other issues around flying gear out and meat back home outweigh the time savings.

Common sense says just head back where we shot the bulls this year but I have never hunted NM...
Most of my hunts are solo, including backpack hunts. As far as assuaging spousal concerns, a PLB is your friend. They have come a long way in the last 10 years. I have a Spot II, but would likely go the DeLorme route if I had it to do over again.

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