NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Solar Chargers


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Any recommendations on a solar charger? I'd like to be able to charge my cell phone, perhaps a camera, or GPS as well. I was wondering what works well and what to stay away from.
You are going to see us using them on TV from last year. I took all different brands in the field with me. Some got sent back to the manufacturer. The Brunton stuff actually worked, and worked well. It works a lot better if your camera guy isn't stealing all the juice so he can play games on his smart phone all night.

Depending upon what charge you need and the devices you are thinking, I would go with one of the Brunton products. They are now involved in the show, but they were not when we were field testing these.

I think Bugler thought I was crazy with the box of junk I brought to New Mexico. After seeing how poorly it worked, I agreed with his impressions. Then the stuff used on the AZ elk hunt was just another waste of time.

If you can't get them to provide/hold a good charge in the blistering August sun of New Mexico and the strong solar rays of Arizona in September, it is probably not something to recommend to friends.

But, if it works in late October in Montana, when it was trying to snow, it is worth taking on other trips.

Here is a link.
I'll admit I was a bit surprised when Fin pulled out this foldable solar charger on the Montana elk hunt. Unfortunately I didn't have any cords or anything to charge. He did have to fight for charging time with the camera man though.:D It is cool though to be able to have the ability in case you need to call out or be able to charge something related to the camera equipment. I believe on the Montana elk episode you get to see a good shot of it in action.
Fin did you test the Goal 0 Guide 10 by chance? I have been looking at one based on the fact it will recharge the rechargeable AAA and AA batteries (flashlight, headlamp, GPS) as well as USB devices. I haven't been able to check one out in person yet but if you have first hand knowledge I would be glad to hear it. I was going to go with the Brunton but then when I saw the Goal 0 would recharge batteries as well I changed my mind.
That's it, come on I need more than that at least tell me where you used it so I can put the 2 together. Then when I watch the show I'll know just in case they edit the names of the products to protect the innocent.
That's it, come on I need more than that at least tell me where you used it so I can put the 2 together. Then when I watch the show I'll know just in case they edit the names of the products to protect the innocent.

Yup, that's it. What more do you want?

You won't see those products that did not work. If it doesn't work, you won't see it in our show. Don't want to go out of our way to bash a product and don't want to show a product we would not recommend to our viewers.

Maybe those other products will work for other applications. I thought it was a fluke for me, so I talked to a friend with an remote outfitter camp in BC. He had the same experience with one of the products that did not work.

There may be other products out there that work very well. I wouldn't be able to comment on them, having not used them.

Others may have had a different experience with those products that did not work for me. If so, they would have a different recommendation.

With all of them, make sure you are realistic in matching your devices with the product you are looking at. To have something that will run your camp, get a generator.

For something to charge small devices or run a mini computer, such as I use, you can find some of these that are very "packable" to a tent camp. Not to be packed for an extreme backpack hunt, as between the device and the charging unit, you probably have more weight than is smart.

I will continue to use these Brunton units. They worked well when matched to the devices they were designed for. They are very durable. We brought some to Alaska and used them in that dim, rainy, environment.

Good luck in your search.
I bought a brunton solar charger this spring for a 12 day float trip. I dont know the model but it has an internal battery that you can charge from a computer, your truck, or by the built in solar charger. I used it to recharge my ipod twice and my cell phone once without ever having to flip open the solar panel. I haven't used any other chargers so I can't compare, but I was happy with the bruntons performance for my needs.
Good info. I had heard that there was a brand of solar charger that they put a bullet hole through the panel and it still works and bla bla bla. Then I went to a sporting goods store and I didn't care much for what they had. It is nice to know what people have used that works.
Sounds like it is a Brunton for me.
This is off subject, but i want to commend FIN on his comments. Most people in the industry sell their a$$ to promote products. I've heard the comment ( how much will you pay me to use it ) by one of the big singer-celebs. at a deer classic. Thanks for being honest and unbiased.
Sweet don't you have 120 vac plugs installed in all of your shooting houses on the ranch? what's the need for the solar panel?:confused:

What's a shooting house?

I know he's got some honey hole for muleys that is way up in some rocks. Must want to charge the cell to send me a pict. when they get one down.

He comes over here on occasion to get a horseback wilderness hunt in with me. I guess this means he'll be typing up the details of the hunt on his ipad at night.:D

Geez wingman you make it sound like there are animals right out the front door. Oh wait there are;)
This is off subject, but i want to commend FIN on his comments. Most people in the industry sell their a$$ to promote products. I've heard the comment ( how much will you pay me to use it ) by one of the big singer-celebs. at a deer classic. Thanks for being honest and unbiased.

+1 I'll quit being friends with him if he starts saying I couldn't of harvested the animal without using xyz product. Not to say he won't mention a piece of equipment. He'll use what's best suited and so far those companies are realizing that the show is going to be a good investment.
What's a shooting house?

I know he's got some honey hole for muleys that is way up in some rocks. Must want to charge the cell to send me a pict. when they get one down.

He comes over here on occasion to get a horseback wilderness hunt in with me. I guess this means he'll be typing up the details of the hunt on his ipad at night.:D

Geez wingman you make it sound like there are animals right out the front door. Oh wait there are;)

I just wanted to see if anyone around here could still take a joke!:p
6Speed, I've got a similar issue with my gear. I want to charge stuff but its a GPS, video camera and headlamp, non of which can utilize the Brunton charger. I think I may end up just bringing extra batteries...uggghhh.

Fin - what was it you were charging? Were you able to get around not having to bring extra batteries?
Fin - what was it you were charging? Were you able to get around not having to bring extra batteries?

Computer and Crackberry. Will try to charge video cameras this year, but not knowing how well that would work, we brought ample batteries.

Never tried charging a GPS. Just bring lots of AA batteries for those kind of things.
Wingman...sometimes I've just got to go to a new place I've never seen before or only been there once or twice and take the challenge. If I end up hunting on the ranch this year I'm considering trying to bow hunt elk in swimming trunks and kenetrak boots (I've got to try them on a hunt) to up the challenge a bit. I'd try and get Bart to do with me but I really don't want to send any wrong messages.:D
Were you able to get around not having to bring extra batteries?

Having gone on a few hunts with him they (cameraman) and Randy both have gobs of AA batteries for the mics and such. The mics seem to burn through the AA's in no time. I don't think I'd go in without a few backups even if my charger worked.

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