SFC is putting forth some effort this year......

Next up is supposed to be a doe hunt this week or next. The organization I volunteer with had been told we had access to a Boy Scout property so 3 other vets and myself bought leftover does tags for unit 104. Last week our director was told by the new manager of the property that he now thought there were already too many people hunting so our permission was revoked. :( A pretty crappy thing to do at this point (after we bought tags and just before the season). I am now working with the CPW officer for the area to find another property to access. Prayers and well wishes would be welcome :)
Gotta love it when the CPW folks and a considerate land owner step up to the plate! Good luck!
Today was a good day. Got out this morning to meet with the rancher and get the lay of the land. Ranch is +-1100 acres of cattle grazing with a flowing creek running through the middle. He is a great guy who along with giving myself and another vet access has some special needs folks out to hunt on the weekends.

While making the tour he said along with the deer he would like it if we shot ANY prairie dog we saw. He said he has taken some serious losses in the past due to injuries to his cattle from stepping in holes. He also told me about something I hadn't even considered.....he had $8000 in fence damage last year due to pronghorns and other than 2 landowner tags could not get any other tags to try and control the damage. That seems rough to me.

So, first thing I did when I got out this afternoon was go and take a few P dogs for him. One of those jokers was so big it took 3 17 HMR rounds to finally stop him. He was about the size of a red squirrel. :)

After glassing hay fields and the edges early afternoon I headed down to the creek bottom about 1500. On the way in I bumped a doe with a small fawn. Didn't feel too bad as I would rather get a doe without a fawn. Climbed up in a ladder stand he has near the creek and got a good view of the afternoon. About 1530 I see movement in the tree line across a meadow from me. I could tell it was a few deer but they were obscured in the brush. They finally did come jogging out of the brush but by that time they had climbed a hill face and were parallel to the road so no shot :( Got a total of 7 of them crossing. That was the end the action for the day but a good way to start of on the property.

Tomorrow I am out in the morning until I have to come back for a HP happening at school. :)


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Today was a good day. Got out this morning to meet with the rancher and get the lay of the land. Ranch is +-1100 acres of cattle grazing with a flowing creek running through the middle. He is a great guy who along with giving myself and another vet access has some special needs folks out to hunt on the weekends.

While making the tour he said along with the deer he would like it if we shot ANY prairie dog we saw. He said he has taken some serious losses in the past due to injuries to his cattle from stepping in holes. He also told me about something I hadn't even considered.....he had $8000 in fence damage last year due to pronghorns and other than 2 landowner tags could not get any other tags to try and control the damage. That seems rough to me.

So, first thing I did when I got out this afternoon was go and take a few P dogs for him. One of those jokers was so big it took 3 17 HMR rounds to finally stop him. He was about the size of a red squirrel. :)

After glassing hay fields and the edges early afternoon I headed down to the creek bottom about 1500. On the way in I bumped a doe with a small fawn. Didn't feel too bad as I would rather get a doe without a fawn. Climbed up in a ladder stand he has near the creek and got a good view of the afternoon. About 1530 I see movement in the tree line across a meadow from me. I could tell it was a few deer but they were obscured in the brush. They finally did come jogging out of the brush but by that time they had climbed a hill face and were parallel to the road so no shot :( Got a total of 7 of them crossing. That was the end the action for the day but a good way to start of on the property.

Tomorrow I am out in the morning until I have to come back for a HP happening at school. :)
Sounds like a beautiful property and a hell of a nice guy! Good luck pounding on prairie dogs and antelope!
Fellas, I cannot not express how much fun bowfishing was......I could do that every night!!!
I used to spend all summer bowfishing. I couldn't wait until summer break; gar, catfish, and carp were the three top fish to hunt. Gar went to the local fish shop, carp went on the bank, and catfish went home for the fryer.
Back from the ranch. Today was not as good as yesterday. Weather got pretty Western today....from about 1000 on it was rain-snow-freezing......take your pic. Spent most of the day glassing from the truck but nothing was moving. Total for the day-one squirrel and a juvenile bunny :) up and at it in the morning for the whole day tomorrow. Just need the group from yesterday to show in a shootable spot and I will be G2G!!

Apparently I AM interesting to cows though ;) The other 2 pics are from the first place I sat this morning overlooking the creek bed prior to the weather going south.


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Back from the ranch. Today was not as good as yesterday. Weather got pretty Western today....from about 1000 on it was rain-snow-freezing......take your pic. Spent most of the day glassing from the truck but nothing was moving. Total for the day-one squirrel and a juvenile bunny :) up and at it in the morning for the whole day tomorrow. Just need the group from yesterday to show in a shootable spot and I will be G2G!!

Apparently I AM interesting to cows though ;) The other 2 pics are from the first place I sat this morning overlooking the creek bed prior to the weather going south.

I recognize pic#3 those are "slow moving Elk"Yummy!...Ha!,Ha! 🔥
Just got back from day 3 on the ranch. Got a light dusting of snow that stayed through the night so I decided to walk the creek bed to try and cut some tracks. I succeeded in cutting multiple fresh coyote tracks (and caught one jogging across a hillside in the sun) but no fresh deer tracks. I cruised some ranch roads, also looking for tracks and took out a couple more prairie dogs. Still no tracks. About 1045 as I was about to head into town for lunch and catch movement. About 15 pronghorns go sauntering across the big open hillside on the western side of the ranch.....and YES I checked-no leftover tags :( Came back from lunch and sat on a bluff overlooking the southern creek bottom of the ranch. Only squirrels :/ Not a result yet (I have MON-WED next week) but at least I AM hunting :)

BTW, if any of you happen to be in Kiowa, CO Patty Ann's diner has seriously legit biscuits and gravy :)


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Here is a little insult to injury........right outside my dining room window :)


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Back from the ranch. Today I had the other Vet who had some availability come out and hunt (we still have tomorrow and WED as well). After introductions I showed him around the ranch and gave him the rules as had been laid out to me.

We walked the entire creek bed through the property with no results. What isn't helping things any is that they have now moved a big chunk of the cattle down onto the creek bed. Not sure if we can expect Mrs Muley to hangout with the beef :( We finished the night glasses a couple of big hay/grass fields hoping for someone to show themselves but with the moon the way it is I think we are in for a hard final couple of days. The 1.5 hour drive each way is starting to wear on me a little and my attitude isn't helped when I have to drive right by the Boy Scout ranch we were supposed to be able to hunt and stay at each way. In the end I am STILL getting to hunt though so I will enjoy it the best I can.
Ranch was a bust today. Cattle all throughout the creek bottom for the entire length of the property.
In reality I can't get too upset as it is a working cattle ranch and we were just given last minute access as a kindness but MAN it is a bummer. We found a couple of tracks frozen in mud along the creek. It has been too cold the last 2 days for the ground to be thawed so they must have come through over the weekend. I ended up SURROUNDED about an hour before dark by cows.....literally. One more day to go....wish me luck.
Back from the ranch for the last time and ......no joy :( Another day full of crazy full moon, cattle everywhere you don't want them and no fresh sign. It was a cold beginning (+-15f) but warmed up to about 40 and was clear and sunny. The first pic is of the "moon set" this morning, then the sunrise, then the view to the west from the high spot on the ranch (very clear today) and finally a "friend" that sat there and stared at me for about 20 minutes :) Tag soup for me on this one but at least I did get to hunt.


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Finish your soup and start gearing up for the next one...Bowl of soup that is.Ha,Ha!
You gavr' hell,that's all any of us can do.I too had tag soup.3 archery shots =3 strikes
your out! ,go sit down.🔥
NETCALL,NETCALL!!!!! SFC B calls JACKPOT on bambi's mom!!!

I speaketh too soon!! Last evening our AHIA director (Dave) gave me a call and said "Hey, I just got permission to hunt a piece just south of Parker. Would you b e available for a morning hunt tomorrow?" ......and a picture of 19 deer in a field. SON of a ...... :) I had JUST told mama on Wednesday that I was worn out from driving and just plain done. But who can say no to a pic like that within 45 min of home? NOT this guy. I told Dave I had to make sure mama didn't lose her business on me :) The deal was made....all I had to do was take the HP to school and I was free until the afternoon. Winner!

I got all my goodies together and decided I was going deer hunting in the VW (as it is much better in rush hour traffic). I dropped off HP at school, came home packed Vinny (the VW) up quickly and busted tail up to Parker where I met Dave and an Air Force Vet named Jerry at Village Inn for a pre hunt breaky and brief. Dave tells us the ranch/horse farm has 80 huntable acres and says it is close by. Man, he wasn't kidding....that joker was just a couple miles away :)

We pull into the ranch and it is a busy place. They are finishing up a large event venue and it is looking beautiful. We park and walk through a small paddock, through a gate, and BAMM we are hunting!! Jerry had never harvested a big game animal in CO so the decision was to give him the first shot. About 10 minutes and we crest a hill to see 6 does bedded on the edge of a small meadow. The only problem is that they are +- 300m out and Jerry isn't real comfortable with that. So we back up and use some terrain features to move closer while staying out of sight (and we had the wind in our favor). We ease up and....no deer. Hmmmm? Have no idea where they went.

We move out from there across a small ridge and about 20 min later we spot a doe standing out in the open.....but there is a house off property behind it. We move to get a proper angle and after a short stalk realize she is about 30 yds on the wrong side of a fence we couldn't see. I would have been upset but man we were seeing deer around every corner!!

We headed off toward the south west corner of the property and almost immediately bumped a really nice 3x3. Only doe tags here so lucky day for him :) As we approached the property boundary Dave stops us and points. Through the trees there is a doe mean mugging us. Dave thinks he sees the butt of a beaded deer too but isn't sure. I range the deer at 114m. The plan is for Jerry and I to go single file to a tree about 10-15m ahead that should have given Jerry a better angle at both the bedded deer and the standing one. We get there and I ask Jerry which one he can see.....neither. I am a little puzzled because I now have an even better view of the doe. I ask again and still nothing. That was his shot. I lower my weapon onto shooting sticks and squeeze. She takes two steps and flops :) TAG SOUP BE GONE!!!! I walk up and she is a big, dry girl. Just what I wanted. I tell Dave and Jerry to go look for deer and I tear into breaking here down. After about 20 min I hear a shot. I wait for good news but nothing. A few minutes later they return with no joy :( Clean miss. Dave started pitching in on the last bit of my work. We are almost done cutting when I look up and there are 2 yearling does not 40m uphill just staring at us. Dave and I ask Jerry if he was gonna shoot or what!! He dropped to prone and popped the lead deer. At 1130 we are tagged out!!

After finishing bagging my deer I tell Dave I can pack the whole thing. He looks at me sideways. We situate three bags of meat along with the head, get it all cinched down and Dave lifts it up. I heft the MR onto me and head to the barn. Until I started walking I didn't really get how far away I was. I hoofed it out about a mile mostly uphill, dropped my pack at the car and headed back to help. We got Jerry's deer down and out before I realized I was a little bushed. We stopped by the ranch HQ on the way out to thank the landowner Ken. Congratulations, thanks and handshakes were passed around. By 1420 I was at the house. Unloaded and then headed to the CPW office to drop off the head for CWD testing (mandatory in GMU 104). And I am spent!!! Nothing like a little Friday the 13th magic!!

ps Dave has a pic of me going out heavy that I will post when I get it!!


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