Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

SFC is putting forth some effort this year......

The other guy, Don, took some home to give it a shot. I am not a big fish guy as it is so I gave it to the guide who knows some locals that could use the protein. He said the popular way to use it is to grind it up, mix it with stuff to make fritters that they fry. Watched him clean one.....what a PITA!!!
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UPDATE.....at the leftover pick this morning I picked up another doe tag for a plains unit. This is a December hunt. Sooooooo, I have now settled hunts every month from SEP through JAN. Man, I sure better put SOMETHING in the freezer!!
I will be following along! I'm nearing 50 myself, so I like to see what's going on with my older brethren!!!!! That's some good fishing there, cant wait to see what your post with fur on it!
Today is the beginning of my season in earnest. In about 2 hour I am off to DIA and then on to the UK. I will be visiting with friends for my 50th and looks like I will be stalking 3 days while there. The Reds should be starting to roar. I will be happy with any opportunities that present themselves.......you know, plus a lot of drink and some proper kebabs!!! I will take photos and post as possible. Off to Blighty!!!
Where will you be hunting in the UK? Have a great time and good luck on the Red Deer hunt.
This opportunity is the total good will of a HTer. ....I will be happy to be in the field but would also LOVE to send some venison to the abetoire.

BTW, IN CHI town now. ...got to see Da Bears beat that team north of me. ;) 2 more hours of layover.
Man, it sounds like you are making the most of your vacation. Your layover is most peoples whole vacation. Best of luck to you and your Brit hunttalker. My wife and I stayed up for over twenty-two hours to get us on their time as soon as possible.
As long as the Kebab and whatever you washed it down with stays in your belly,
it's all good.Fuel for the big hunt. 🔥
A full day in the UK and feeling very at home. I only lived here a year but it is comfortable and I love it. A shop at the Cooperative and dinner at the pub today. just feels like life so far. Tomorrow will be some pike fishing and more drink. ;)
Bright and sunny this morning so a strikeout on pike fishing. stopped at a pub I am familiar with for an ale and now back to the house to chill and get a takeaway for dinner. Tomorrow morning details for the stalk will be settled. I am very excited; )
Out tonight for my first of the season!!! Met up with Lee at his place of employ +- 1730 on a gorgeous day. Off to a high seat for about an hour over looking a stubble field. watching pheasants, hare and various birds. Then we were down and off for a walkabout. Saw a cracking Chinese water deer in one field (not on the menu) and a Lil muntjac in another. Walked until light was gone. Lee is salt of the earth and it was a great first night!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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