SD Black Hills 2010


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I am able to draw a BH whitetail tag about every other year. Odds for any-deer are pretty crappy in the Hills, so I will stick with whiteys. Unfortunately, yesterday I found a pretty good mule deer. Not much I could do but watch the porno. He got lucky four times in about 5 minutes (ah, to be young again).:D

I grew up in the Hills and although big antlers are not the norm, I love getting back and enjoying the area I used to roam as a kid.

It was a crisp, but beautiful morning. I was spending more time snapping pics and looking for deer.


I ended up getting burned as I watched a decent buck bound off as I was snapping away.


I wasn't that bummed and continued to enjoy the morning.


This is the area I ended up shooting my buck about an hour after this pic was taken.

I decided to make it a short hunt and head back to the trailhead and got a little more serious about making a critter my priority. I poked my head over this vantage point and saw a small buck working his way through the trees. I dropped down and got a rest and he sensed something was wrong. I watched him for a few minutes and waited for him to give me a better look at his horns. He wouldn't budge, but I did notice he had 5 on one side. It was a great morning and I though this would cap it off well. I squeezed the trigger and he dropped in his tracks. Not sure I really needed the bipod since he was only 130 yards out, but it helped me find a hole through the branches.


This is how I found him. I shopt from the rock point in the upper middle part of the picture.


Though he is just a little guy, it was a treat to be able to come back home and take a deer within a couple miles of the house I grew up in. I harassed many a squirrel and various other critters in this same area some 30 years ago. It was a good day.


Packing through all the downed timber was a pain in the ass, but I guess it will just add to the memories.


The good thing is most of it was downhill and things opened up as I got closer to the vehicle.


Well, only a couple doe tags left for SD. I think I might make a quick run back to MT for a day or two and see if I can find a dumb mule deer before I have to get back to SD for Thanksgiving. Good hunting all and enjoy your time in the woods.
That's a great looking buck. I miss hunting my old stomping grounds back home. It's nice that you can jump over their relatively quickly when you do draw. I've been trying to make it a priority to give some of the burns around here a try. Congrats.

HOLY CRAP...What A STUD!!! you seriuosly need some type of TV show on the discovery channel, or maybe the lifetime channel or something... some sort of rugged, survival type show.... But you'd have to talk with some sort of an accent....:hump:
Doesn't everyone that grows up around here talk with an accent. I'm scared I'm gonna be beaten senseless when I finally make it back to Virginia and I'm saying "Oh yeah, don't chya know" and "crek".
Congrats on buck number 2 for the trip. Looks like some really fun hunting country.
What do you mean? He is wearing Panorts with gaitors:D No accent needed.

Another Goberment employee with to much vacation:D

Yeah, I agree on the gaitors. It was pretty snowy where I was the day prior so I threw these on in the dark. Guess I was over kill this day.

Speaking of those gov't, what has that Buzz guy been up to?
I hope you guys give it a shot next year. Fun hunt and still plenty of deer running around the Hills. Lions haven't got them all.:D

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