SB 298 - Crossbow bill rears its ugly head

At least this session has been less contentious and hostilities have decreased, opening the door to more compromise in future sessions where they will continue to smash your nuts. 😀
It's time for you all to use the Nebraska approach.

Nebraska hasn't passed a single bill this year because one lawmaker keeps filibustering in protest of an anti-trans bill: 'I will burn this session to the ground'​

It's time for you all to use the Nebraska approach.

Nebraska hasn't passed a single bill this year because one lawmaker keeps filibustering in protest of an anti-trans bill: 'I will burn this session to the ground'​

@Ben Lamb , new strategy find one legislator like this person in Nebraska.
Thank goodness. Finance must have finally smelled the distinct odor of feces this bill emits.
I see there is a rebuttal on the fiscal note from Molnar. I guess I am not sure what the possible next actions or steps that will be taken.
Yeah what’s the over under number on this stinker? He will definitely bring it back up every opportunity he has. I have a feeling some version of this eventually ends up as law at some point
So then finance and claims doesn’t have to reconsider the rebutta

No, but the fiscal note isn't law. It's just the note relative to what the revenue impacts are. It holds no official sway over whether a bill lives or dies, but it can be used to promote or oppose a bill.

Senator Molnar has until tomorrow to tryand blast the bill out of committee or to have the committee take the bill off the table and advance it. Transmittal deadline is next Tuesday.
No, but the fiscal note isn't law. It's just the note relative to what the revenue impacts are. It holds no official sway over whether a bill lives or dies, but it can be used to promote or oppose a bill.

Senator Molnar has until tomorrow to tryand blast the bill out of committee or to have the committee take the bill off the table and advance it. Transmittal deadline is next Tuesday.
Blasting would be done on the Senate floor? And would need 2/3 to blast out?
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Are you excited for Tuesday or what?
I was hoping blasting means the sponsor throws the bill in the air and the chamber tries to shoot it with 12 gauges
We have zero to complain about until "Archery" stops allowing pulleys, cables, extreme let offs , carbon fiber arrows, fiber optic and peep sights, electronic laser range finders,..etc,etc,ect...
We are total embarrassment to bow hunting and archery!.... There is no traditional bow hunting season left in Montana so it's my belief we should join forces and stop bickering with each other. At their core they're all bow, arrow, and string.

Crossbow legality will mean absolutely nothing,...have any of you ever tried to lug one of these 9 lb+ monsters around all day and then load it in time to shoot something that doesn't want to be shot.

Matthews or Excalibur... one's vertical, one's horizontal...they're exactly the same! And animals will jump the string at 100 yards more often with a crossbow than with a vert bow. So don't parrot that it is like shooting a rifle...most of you probably never even shot a crossbow.
Look at Wyoming, they're almost out of elk right?? that's the Wolves not the crossbow. Jeez?
We have zero to complain about until "Archery" stops allowing pulleys, cables, extreme let offs , carbon fiber arrows, fiber optic and peep sights, electronic laser range finders,..etc,etc,ect...
We are total embarrassment to bow hunting and archery!.... There is no traditional bow hunting season left in Montana so it's my belief we should join forces and stop bickering with each other. At their core they're all bow, arrow, and string.

Crossbow legality will mean absolutely nothing,...have any of you ever tried to lug one of these 9 lb+ monsters around all day and then load it in time to shoot something that doesn't want to be shot.

Matthews or Excalibur... one's vertical, one's horizontal...they're exactly the same! And animals will jump the string at 100 yards more often with a crossbow than with a vert bow. So don't parrot that it is like shooting a rifle...most of you probably never even shot a crossbow.
Look at Wyoming, they're almost out of elk right?? that's the Wolves not the crossbow. Jeez?
Bullshit! You've never called a bugling bull into your face and tried to find a way to draw. Hunting with a crossbow is not even close hunting with a bow......

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