Red deer Australia


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Thought I better try and keep up with havgunwilltravel with some pics.

I have been laid up recuperating from a couple of surgeries and going through some old images, found a few I thought I would share.

Generally we do not shoot too many deer around home, prefer to see them on the hoof, anyway, with a decent crop of oats coming along in this paddock, a couple of bachelor groups decided to visit nightly, while it can be tolerated a little bit, when about 20 stags were seen on there, it was time to change their minds.

An early start one Saturday morning seen my eldest lad and myself head down the road, then sneak up a deep creek line, then peering over the top of the bank, here were these young fellas.

A meat animal was chosen, I dropped the pin on the Mohawk and then the hard work began, made a bit easier in this instance with a tractor, you take the easy ones with the hard ones hey. lol


Ilived on a farm in England and we had muntjac, roe and reds. The land owner was a hunter (birds) BUT wouldn't hunt on his own farm or allow any. It was nice to see all the animals but it was frustrating too. Especially not being able to shoot the frickin @#)(# pheasant that woke me up EVERY morning :( Someday I will get to hunt some reds :)
No flies on you Huntfit, your out there as much as the next bloke..good to see some images from up your way and that tractor is the way to go!
noharleyyet, they are a lot smaller than Elk, more aggressive though, a big stag may weigh up to around 420 pounds give or take. They are decent to eat, but do have a gamey flavour.

Good to have them around, problem with this herd though, they are not real flash genetic wise.

Lol SFC B, where abouts in the UK were you.

Yeah havgunwilltravel, tractor did the job nicely.
Congrats! And thanks for sharing. It's way cool for me to get a glimpse of what hunting opportunities and the country looks like in different places, espcially on the other side of the planet!
Looked like Scotland for a minute.
We have reds as well as fallow and roe where I live, as you say, after you shoot a red the hard work begins.
They can be a scary deer during the rut!
noharleyyet, they are a lot smaller than Elk, more aggressive though, a big stag may weigh up to around 420 pounds give or take. They are decent to eat, but do have a gamey flavour.

Good to have them around, problem with this herd though, they are not real flash genetic wise.

Lol SFC B, where abouts in the UK were you.

Yeah havgunwilltravel, tractor did the job nicely.

HF, The farm was in the village of Icklingham on the Bury-Mildenhall road. It was this farm . Backed up to the Thetford Forest and was a great place to be. We rented a dairy barn conversion.
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