Yeti GOBOX Collection


I've killed 4 so far this summer. Two in my open-fronted parking barn, one at the base of my deck that bit my blind,deaf 16 yr old Brittany Ranger and one at the gate of my riparian area. Ranger recovered in a day or two with a steroid shot,antibiotics and pain pills. I could only find one puncture and it may have been a fairly dry bite. I don't kill bull snakes as I've always heard they can kill rattlers. Can anyone confirm this?
The only snake I know that actively hunts rattlers is a King Snake. They are immune to the venom...and they know it.

I’m not a fan of rattlers…more accurately, I’m not a fan of needles and venoms…and because that’s pretty much the definition of a venomous snake…

regardless, I’ll give them a pass in the wild. If they aren’t an impassable threat, they get a pass. If they’re on my home property, well, my neighbors won‘t mind a little noise.