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Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
How many can you do ?

So I do pushps every couple days lately, And Last night I did a Bunch (but in Sets of 5 and 10) Today I was talking to a buddy at work and he said he could do more.

I did 29 and he did 30. I was in no Shape to keep trying so I'm giving it a couple days to rest. See if thats it or if I can do more. ( I was sore today, yah, it's an excuse

NOt the PUSS kinds, I'm talking Straight body,chest to the floor (Well, about a Fist of so off of it)

How many can you do ?


Did anyone do less then 5 ? anyone more then 20 ? Don't lie, no need to CYBER Brag. I'm jsut curious. And Danr55, I know you didn't do 55

Anyone up for the Challenge ?
Alright, here is a story I should keep to myself. I quit going to the gym during hunting season, so after 4 months off I have lost some muscle. The other night I had a few beers in me and was curious how many push-ups I could still do now that I have softened up. I did an honest 50 and may have been able to punch out a couple more, but not many.

Yes, these are real push-ups, not that pansy butt in the air, and shoulders above your elbows.

Maybe the secret was to have a six pack in the belly.
Been shoveling roofs for the past 3 days and am stiff, so I ain't even gonna try. May not be able to do a lot of push ups, but I can sure shovel a lot of................snow.
Like Craig I have taken the last four months off from the gym. And it show in my dissapointing 27 push-ups. That will change very soon..................
45. But along with walking 2 miles every morning for the last month, I've been doing crunches and 30 push ups. I'm still too heavy...just in better shape, I guess.
Miller, You weigh about 140# wet, You should be able to do them all day

AZ402, was tough huh !!! Ya loose it real quick I think.

OK.. SOMEONE tell me I'm not the Worst at doing pushups (Besides AZ402 which I've met and Still wouldn't want to BOX !!!), Even if it's not true someone say they can only do 5 or 10

I'm resting tomorrow and I'll see again on Friday. Cali doing more then me ?!??! GET OUT~A HERE !!!!!
OK, I can only do ten before I have to switch arms

Twenty is what i did, could maybe have done a couple more but burn baby burn.

I have NEVER been to a jym , I get paid to do my workouts
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Miller, You weigh about 140# wet<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually I am up to a buck 65. I was in the 155 range in September. Gotta get back down.

Oh yea, I just tried the push-ups again. Only 7 this time, but they were with one arm.

Hell Moosie, you should be able to crank them out since you are still a pup. Wait until you get all old and haggered like myself. Man if my liver could talk.
Fortunately I don't Drink (Not counting Banquets and Parties
) so My liver can't talk much. PUP ? I'm 31... Can't I use the "I'm OLD" card yet ? when does that Kick in ?!?!
sad day in the world....27 for me. I think I'm growing man boobs.

its time to get back in shape and suck a couple pounds.
Zip. zero, nadda
Everytime I get down on the floor the dogs want to take turns
, then the wife thinks I'm past-out..

Plus my shoulder told me NO!!

Oh my Gawd! I outweigh Miller by 100 pounds?
Sounds just awful don't it?

I'm tired tonight and a bit out of shape from doing too much office work. I could only do about 20 before I went beak-first into the rug. Of course getting tackled by a 70 pound Husky didn't help either.
Guess she's paying me back for teasing her to see her funny reactions. She thought I was still hiding the squeaky toy...wuz me wheezing! ROTFLMBO!

I do 40 every morning....then I let the old lady take a shower

I really do 40 every morning(unless I really feel bad) without too much difficulty so I guess I could do about 50-55. Not bad for a desk jocky two days away from two years away from 40. (I'm a management weenie now and get zeeee-ro job exercise anymore)

If you're getting in shape for hunting, I'm tellin' ya nothing beats the original stairmaster with a pack on. You get weird looks at the gym sometimes but it really makes humping the boonies so much easier...and yes, I feel like a gerbil in a wheel--get a walkman and zone out.