Caribou Gear Tarp



Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Boise, Idaho
Do you younger folks who still procreate, plan around your hunting seasons, or do you just wing it and hope for the best.
Reason I am asking is just found out that one of our guys is due on October 3rd. His response when instead of congratulations we said, WTF were you thinking?

"Oh, I totally spaced out on that. Oh geez, my father-in-law is going to be on my back also."
Let's just say I have 6 kids and not one of them was born during any hunting seasons. I don't do weddings during hunting seasons either, but hey that's just me. :)
I hear you.
My brother and I have been hunting for 50-odd years and have never missed a season. Missed a cousin's funeral last October, but his family totally understood and they were out the next weekend.

Let's just say I have 6 kids and not one of them was born during any hunting seasons. I don't do weddings during hunting seasons either, but hey that's just me. :)
The best things in life can be surprises! I'm sure all the dads would say it doesn't matter, there will be other hunting seasons. I know I would trade a birth for a hunting trip, but agree that it's best to do both! Plus a new baby doesn't eat up an entire hunting season if the mother knew what she was getting when she married him. I bet he will still get to hunt some.

I married during the rut the first time... this time it will be in August! Weddings can be planned easier than children.
If I had to choose I wouldn't. We have one on the way due in May and a birthday in August. The anniversary is February. ;) In my opinion its better left unsaid, I just give a little input to steer us in the right direction and try to make things work this way.
I am recently married and we agreed that the best option was to plan all attempts at making a baby in the off season and so far we are doing well. February through May or June is our goal for when our children will be born. But God may have something different in mind!
I went with the, "be happy with what comes your way" mentality as opposed to planning things around hunting seasons. I watched too many of my friends try for months/years to get pregnant... That said, now I have two kids and the wife's birthday in November right in the middle of the rut in Minnesota, so I feel like I lose some credibility there.
I don't either, but who is going to stay in camp and wipe the big brother's bum? Not this one!
I am finished, done, done and DONE. Gawd forbid, I would rather be in my armpits in gutshot than a dirty diaper, but that is only me.....

I don't see a problem general season doesn't start until the 10th...
We have two kids neither one was supposed to be born during hunting season but our little girl had other plans and came 11 weeks early. Right smack in the middle of hunting season
Nope! You just have your priorities in line and I have to give you credit.

I went with the, "be happy with what comes your way" mentality as opposed to planning things around hunting seasons. I watched too many of my friends try for months/years to get pregnant... That said, now I have two kids and the wife's birthday in November right in the middle of the rut in Minnesota, so I feel like I lose some credibility there.

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