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Preferred Pronouns

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I work for a very “woke” company and we were all asked to update our self identifiers through the HR portal….so I am now a gender fluid bisexual Latino with the pronouns of zim, ze and zir.

They also offer anti racism training for white people. I went through it to see how awful of a person I am.
I don’t really care, and will be kind to people and try and treat them the Way they want to be treated. That includes calling them whatever they want me to call them within reason.

But I will make a prediction.

20 years from now, history will look back on this time as a confused one, and the pronoun thing will fade away and will be categorized as something close to a fad.

Could be wrong.
This thread is great! I can tell which hunt talk users are Republican or Democrat based on their responses. 😂😂😂
I honestly don’t give a rip what people want to call themselves and I will do my old fart best to honor it. I do get a touch confused with single individuals referring to themselves in plural, the whole epicene third-person pronoun thing.

I was reading a sports interview the other day and when the person “came out” (in the article) she started referring to herself as “we” and the author switched to they/them. By the end I wasn’t sure how many people were being talked to 🤷🏻‍♂️
Meh, if someone wants me to call them
By something else I’ve got no issue with it. There’s a guy I’ve worked with for over 6 years that thinks my name is Josh and I’ve rolled with it since day 1. He’s even had arguments with people that have tried to correct him.

He has the social awareness of a cucumber.

One of my old neighbors just randomly started calling me 'Steve' one day not long after I moved in. I thought it was funny so I let it ride. Three years later he and another neighbor apparently were having some beers one evening and got in an argument over whether my real name was Steve or Eddie, so they marched on over to my my house and pounded on the door until I came out and settled it for them. I gave them both another beer and there were no hard feelings. :ROFLMAO:
the author switched to they/them. By the end I wasn’t sure how many people were being talked to 🤷🏻‍♂️

That really chaps me. I don't care what you want to be called, and I'll call you any name you want from A-Z, but this ^^^^ pronoun change just violates good grammar and gets really stupid and confusing.
I try and be respectful of people's pronoun preferences. I don't have my pronouns on my signature or anything and usually just guess other's align with their outward appearance.

If somebody requests 'they/them' then I'll tell them upfront I'll try my best, but to please not get offended if I screw up because it's grammatically difficult for me to speak in the plural in that context.

So far I've found others to be patient with me once they know I'm trying to be respectful and apparently just struggle with basic concepts 😉
I'll call people by whatever they want to be called, but I'm not going out of my way to find that out. If u look like a dude then I'm gonna assume your a dude. If ya look like a girl I'm gonna assume your a girl. You can correct me and I'll oblige. Where I get "offended" is when you assume I'm supposed to know your a fruit loop. Oops!

I work for the most progressive company on the planet...I live in idaho and if a person is hired in Maine who is LGBTQ+ I know within seconds via email and text. So as far as doing it within the company I've been told so I oblige.
Some of these discussions involving pronouns are painful to observe. Seems the front and center of pronouns is taking energy away from actually getting things done. A lot of foreplay, as it were.

I was recently following a discussion about enhancing benefits to pregnant women. Prenatal health access impacts not only the mother but also the developing child. Society spending $1,000 or so on vitamins and doctor visits can make a significant difference in the health of the newborn and longer term development potential.

I am on board. Raise my taxes. Seriously. Sure, some of the money will be wasted. We pay now or we may pay later. Some expenditures are likely to pay significant returns even with waste and inefficiencies. This is one.

The discussion on how to proceed to fund enhanced prenatal care is going along with a lot of participation by different voices and a coalition was forming. Then, someone points out there are some pregnant people that identify as male so wording needs changed. Okay, if you were a betting person and I gave you 1 to 100 odds if you bet the next pregnant person you meet is female to win a $1 or you lose $100 if is a pregnant male then I would lose a lot of money over time.

Discussions were had about "pregnant mother" vs "pregnant person" and you could feel the participation collapsing. Only a couple of voices after a minute or two. More time was spent on the personhood matter during the meeting than the core issue of prenatal health. Our politeness is creating inefficiencies in getting stuff done.

Here is the deal. At the end of the day, if I see someone that looks pregnant and I do not know them then I NEVER say anything re their abdominal zone. I might offer the person a chair or hold a door but I never ask about the presumed pregnancy. Perhaps they are fat, have an inoperable tumor or are male with child. So many ways a presumption goes sideways as are a lot of ways to look pregnant without being pregnant. I am not trying to engage them in a conversation re the bump at the belly region. Never.

I make a lot of assumptions in life. So did my ancestors that survived generation after generation to provide me a chance to be born. Life moves fast. I get things wrong at times. I apologize. Real ones, not the "sorry you are upset by what I said" crap. Here is the thing. I am still alive by trusting my instincts. I try to be polite. I try not to take advantage of the weak, infirm, children and elderly. I also get stuff done. Making a lot of assumptions. Focusing on the task at hand.
Glad I'm self employed and not put in a spot to have to deal with such ridiculous agendas. It is offensive to me to have to lie and refer to an obvious man as a woman, I will try to be kind to everyone but I'm simply not doing it. Our world is rapidly changing and not for the better. These kind of woke moves are trying to force everyone to accept their ideas and are so easily offended if you don't cater. If you are a traditional conservative person you are shamed if you don't go along. There are multitudes of people that don't agree with this stuff but are to afraid to let it be known out of fear of being punished somehow. I will go as far as to say there are folks on here that agree with with this post but are not going to agree because if the pressure felt on this hunting forum. I have noticed that some of the ones demanding tolerance and equality are some of the most hateful and intolerant people around. Contrary to popular belief a person can strongly disagree with someone's lifestyle and NOT hate them. Let me be clear, I am not advocating being rude or mistreat anyone but I have a line drawn and I will not cross it.
I remember back when I was a hospice chaplain we had a patient dying of HIV. My job was to provide spiritual support If wanted by patient. Someone at work asked me if I was going to go visit and support Mr. So&so (assuming I wouldn't I suppose).Of course I would was my answer. I went and visited my patient and he wanted my support. I prayed for him and sang hymns to him gladly.
I used to go to downtown Tulsa weekly and feed the homeless, offer Bibles and care packs ( socks, chapstick, bandaids, tooth brushes, etc.) There were certainly LGBT people there. I treated them the same, I just will not agree with it and pretend I think it's ok.
Ironically enough, I’m just finishing up an online training about LGBTQ+ people.

I guess I don’t see the issue with it. I don’t know what capacity your employer operates in, but I can see an employer wanting employees to take this into consideration.

Edit: if it bothers the people you’re interacting with, simply tell them it is company policy, and if they disagree with it to reach out to the company itself.
Lol what a waste of time and money.
You guys need to quit smoking so much pot.
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