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Preferred Pronouns

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That would drive me nuts, I correct people constantly about my wife’s name… I probably owe an apology to some Starbucks baristas for losing my cool…
You get upset at minimum wage entry level workers because your in laws gave your wife a goofy name?
I go by my middle name, I have a different last name than my stepdad who everyone assumes is my biological father, I’m constantly mis-named.
They put the wrong name on my name tag at work over the winter.
On the first day of every class ive ever taken I’ve had to ask the teacher to call me Doug.
I give 0 chits what people call me as long as I know they’re addressing me.
How could you ever have time to be offended or put off by something like that?
I could care less what one is called these days, but I try.
I'm sure the folks who sent me to "Verbal Judo" & "Covey Training" would find a class for it.
Never remember a name, but I never forget a face.
Never could stand being called "Sir" , I worked for a living and never accepted the promotion to "Officer"
You were allowed to call me "Chief", but I referred to every one by their last names, except the "Preferred Pronoun" folks who would get the garbled version of their name, from then on.

Yes Ma'am, er , Sur...
Seriously? Me ? I'll try to be polite....I really, Really will, but don't push any Woke Sh!t straight into my face. It will not work well for either of us. I don't care whatever Pronoun you espouse to. I don't walk around beating the crap out of snowflakes because they don't address me as 'Sir', just as I much as I will instantly stand to defend them from harms way.
Semper Fi
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Wouldn't be pretty.
The other day I asked to get off work a little early to go on a date and my manager called the other manager and was like
“Douglas has a shot of p-word lined up for tonight so we’re gonna cut out a little early”
These are relatively respected boomers in our community.
Im still in shock.
I don’t know what to do.
You get upset at minimum wage entry level workers because your in laws gave your wife a goofy name?
I go by my middle name, I have a different last name than my stepdad who everyone assumes is my biological father, I’m constantly mis-named.
They put the wrong name on my name tag at work over the winter.
On the first day of every class ive ever taken I’ve had to ask the teacher to call me Doug.
I give 0 chits what people call me as long as I know they’re addressing me.
How could you ever have time to be offended or put off by something like that?
My last name has a couple spellings, mine isn't the most common spelling. No one gets it write unless I spell it... never bothered me.

I do get irritated when my wife says her name to someone and then they say it back to her wrong then she corrects them and then once again wrong....

per @brockel





The other day I asked to get off work a little early to go on a date and my manager called the other manager and was like
“Douglas has a shot of p-word lined up for tonight so we’re gonna cut out a little early”
These are relatively respected boomers in our community.
Im still in shock.
I don’t know what to do.

Fill this in and give it to him. lol

Old news. My guys have been using pronouns in the workplace for years. Sometimes people are referred to as someone who has relations with their mother,(although in less words) also sons of not so nice women. If they take it down they may call people not so smart rear ends. Again. I’m not so many words. My insurance made everyone take mandatory safety training. The guys almost made a 6’ 6” 300 pound former D-1 offensive lineman have a mental breakdown. So I’m not sure my opinion on this matter is what I’d call unbiased.

My last name has a couple spellings, mine isn't the most common spelling. No one gets it write unless I spell it... never bothered me.

I do get irritated when my wife says her name to someone and then they say it back to her wrong then she corrects them and then once again wrong....

per @brockel





Spelling of a name is such an arbitrary thing. Non applicable.

I can’t understand displaying any form of anger or annoyance towards strangers for not being able to pronounce the elvish word for
“Princess of the quacking aspen” but I’m not from Colorado.

Because we’ve briefly discussed this before, if your mother is mispronouncing your wife’s name that’s a completely different situation.
I can relate to people who have weirdly spelled names.

I have a pretty straightforward last name, it's just missing a letter so it changes the pronunciation in a subtle way.

I think it makes me special 🤗

As far as pronouns go, no big opinions here.
I can’t understand displaying any form of anger or annoyance towards strangers

You over here acting like you don't know me... chiiiiiit.
To be clear the question is about asking everyone pronouns. Some Brock Lesner looking alpha male to the most feminine of ladies. Seems insincere and virtue signally to me.
To your question, if I was a potential client of your company and introductions included clearing up pronouns for all, I would most likely move on to another provider. For me it would call into question your ability to make simple decisions and provide me, the client, with sound assistance/advice/counsel. It also sends me a signal about your leaderships ability to run a functional business and manage its diverse employees in a rational manner. Since I doubt your company is the sole provider in its field, I would find a more rational provider. My $0.02.
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