NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Poltical texts

I was kind of annoyed seeing them pushing for voting during NFL games this week. They weren’t pushing a party or candidate just some kinda “ NFL Votes “ campaign. I could have just as well watched football without that.
I am not that invested in any commercials, so doesn't bother me. When I am stuck at home on a weekend I have games on, but am multitasking anyway so don't G2Fs.
One thing is never ever donate money using your regular email or you'll never hear the end of it. Get a spoof email.
I deleted and blocked for a while but have started to answer with “burn in hell” or “ I’m voting for you opponent because of this text” and it doesn’t matter who the candidate is though they are mostly in the left.

I also get a lot of calls and text from people wanting to buy my house…..the house I haven’t lived in since 2017. Now that’s annoying.

I must have calmed down a bit now that I’m getting older. I once ran out on my front lawn yelling “I am the spawn of Lucifer and I’m here to do his bidding!” To get the nice little old Jehovas laddies to stop coming by, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer.
I never got political spam emails or text until I started contacting politicians on issues. It seems they are trying to discourage me from involvement in the political process. I see it as harassment and need a good civil lawyer.
One thing is never ever donate money using your regular email or you'll never hear the end of it. Get a spoof email.
st judes calls quite a bit. I've donated for a long time. If listening to there radiothon in the machine all day doesn't move you somethings wrong. Every time they call asking to up it though, what are you supposed to do tell a sick kid no? Then you sit and think for a sec can I add another $20 per month or whatever it is more than I am now...yes I definitely can. Speaking of which how about all the money raised for politicians goes to St. Judes or something of the like then I'd have no problem with it being shoved in your face constantly.
You guys use your actual phone number online? I don’t get any political text messages, but my brother does! 😂
I've done the same thing several times. I even go out of the way to sign him up for things. Next time the jehova witnesses stop I gotta remember his address and phone number.

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